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Annie oakley traduction Espagnol

138 traduction parallèle
If Annie Oakley likes him, he stays up.
Si a Annie Oakley le gusta, se queda.
- Your opponent, Miss Annie Oakley.
Su contrincante, la Srta. Oakley.
Just think of it, Annie Oakley in the greatest shooting act in the country, billed right next to Toby Walker.
Actuaría en el mejor espectáculo del país... con Toby Walker.
Calm yourself, Bill. Annie Oakley's as good a shot as any man I ever saw.
Tranquilo, Annie Oakley dispara mejor que muchos.
Colonel Cody, meet Miss Annie Oakley.
Coronel Cody, te presento a la Srta. Oakley.
"Buffalo Bill's blood-curdling Wild West show " with the dainty Annie Oakley. "
"Buffalo Bill y su espectáculo del salvaje oeste... con la atractiva Annie Oakley."
Here she is, boys. The newest member of our happy family, Miss Annie Oakley.
El nuevo miembro de nuestra familia feliz.
Now, let me tell you something, someday you're gonna be darn proud to say you knew Annie Oakley.
Os enorgulleceréis de haberla conocido.
Miss Annie Oakley.
¡ La Srta. Annie Oakley!
"Annie Oakley."
Annie Oakley. "
" Toby Walker versus Annie Oakley.
" Toby Walker contra Annie Oakley.
Two holes, and clean as Annie might have shot them herself.
Parecen dos disparos de Annie Oakley.
Miss Annie Oakley, the winner.
¡ La Srta. Oakley! ¡ La ganadora!
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show with the one and only Annie Oakley is breaking camp for a tour of Europe.
La compañía de Buffalo Bill, con la incomparable Annie Oakley, se va de gira por Europa.
Champagne for the boys, but for Annie Oakley, a big bottle of sarsaparilla.
Para usted, zarzaparrilla.
Annie Oakley.
¡ Annie Oakley!
Hey, mister, do you know Annie Oakley?
¿ Conoce a Annie Oakley?
Sure, he knew them all. Annie Oakley, Sarah Bernhardt, Mrs. Astor's horse, Bessie...
A Annie, a Sarah Bernhardt, al caballo de la Astor...
Gee, Toby, did you honestly know Annie Oakley? Did I know her?
¿ De verdad conoció a Annie Oakley?
Did I know Annie Oakley?
¿ La conocía o no?
- Annie Oakley.
- Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley.
I'm Annie Oakley.
Soy Annie Oakley.
I declare Miss Annie Oakley winner of this contest!
¡ Declaro a la Srta. Annie Oakley ganadora de este concurso!
The great Annie Oakley's on the inside.
La gran Annie Oakley está dentro.
Annie Oakley. I'm anxious to see her.
Annie Oakley. Estoy ansioso por verla.
Annie Oakley shot them out.
Annie Oakley disparó.
We've got Annie Oakleys.
Tenemos a Annie Oakley.
Ladies and gentleman, we proudly present Miss Annie Oakley.
Señoras y caballeros, tenemos el orgullo de presentar... a la Srta. Annie Oakley.
Miss Annie Oakley, may I present Chief Sitting Bull.
Srta. Annie Oakley, le presento al Jefe Toro Sentado.
Miss Annie Oakley.
La Srta. Annie Oakley.
You are about to witness a contest of marksmanship for the championship of the world between Miss Annie Oakley and Mr. Frank Butler!
Están a punto de atestiguar una competición de puntería... para el campeonato del mundo... entre la Srta. Oackley... y el Sr. Frank Butler.
I wouldn't know if Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley were in the bridal suite.
No lo sabría aunque Bufallo Bill y Annie Oakley estuvieran en la suite nupcial
Say here Annie Oakley. Run out and shoot us a filet mignon, medium rare huh?
Toma David Crocket, ve a traernos un filet mignón Ya voy.
Come on, Annie Oakley.
Vamos, Annie Oakley.
It isn't Annie Oakley, Dorothy Lamour or Madame Chiang Kai-Shek.
No es Annie Oakley, Dorothy Lamour o Madame Chiang Kai-Shek.
- l'm not referring to Annie Oakley...
- No me estoy refiriendo a Annie Oakley...
Oh, Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley on the end! Here we are.
La pistolera del fondo, ¿ eh?
- Annie Oakley wants to see you.
- Annie Oakley te quiere ver.
She drives like Richard Petty, shoots like Annie Oakley... and knows the words to all of Dolly Parton's songs.
Conduce autos como una campeona, tiene magnífica puntería... y se sabe la letra de todas las canciones de la región.
I got to find a woman who can shoot like Annie Oakley ride like Belle Starr, and who ain't afraid of nothing.
Voy a buscar a una mujer que dispare como Annie Oakley, monte como Belle Starr y no tenga miedo de nada.
Annie Oakley!
Annie Oakley.
In Annie Get Your Gun, Betty Hutton was a big hit as Annie Oakley.
En Annie Get Your Gun, Betty Hutton fue un gran éxito... como Annie Oakley.
Sure. I got Annie Oakley, cowboys, Indians.
Tengo a Annie Oakley, vaqueros, indios...
Annie Oakley?
? Annie Oakley?
You must be Annie Oakley.
Usted debe de ser Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley, the famous markswoman.
Annie Oakley, la famosa tiradora.
I'm looking to make a small bet on a shooting match tomorrow between Annie Oakley and this duke fella y'all got shooting for your side.
Querría organizar una apuesta para un concurso de tiro al blanco entre Annie Oakley y ese duque al que ustedes parecen apoyar.
What would the odds be if I bet Annie Oakley beat this guy by ten shots?
? Qué tal si apuesto que Annie Oakley gana a este tipo por diez disparos?

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