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As an artist traduction Espagnol

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Klein came back to his native New York in 1954 after a six year sabbatical in Paris where he trained as an artist, but this was no prodigal's return in sackcloth and ashes.
Klein regresó a su nativa Nueva York en 1954 después de seis años sabáticos en París donde se formó como artista, pero no fue el regreso del hijo prodigo, arrepentido y penitente.
But then as I started seriously working as an artist, travelling was essential, so I was continuously driving back and forth on US 66 between here and Oklahoma when I would take all these gasoline stations.
Pero entonces, cuando empecé a trabajar seriamente como artista, viajar era esencial, siempre estaba conduciendo ida y vuelta por la U.S.66, entre acá y Oklahoma donde hice todas estas fotos de estaciones de gasolina.
as an artist...? "
¿ como un artista...? "
Well, you may question my taste, but as an artist, you'll understand my temptation.
Su indiferencia me sorprende. ¿ No era usted parte de la Compañía Druce en ese entonces?
In my life as an artist -
En mi vida como artista...
At the Baring trial these last few days, you made a strong impression as a man and as an artist.
Estos diás he asistido al juicio de Baring. Usted me causó una fuerte impresión como hombre y como artista,... en la forma de dar su testimonio.
My taste may surprise you. But as an artist, you'll understand what tempted me.
Mi gusto posiblemente le sorprenda,... pero como artista,
- No, I work here as an artist.
- No, aquí soy una artista.
You see it as an artist.
Tú lo ves como artista.
As an artist and as a human being, he insulted me.
Me ha insultado como artista y como ser humano.
I'm interested in you as an artist.
Me interesa como artista.
Only as an artist.
Sólo como artista.
You can put it down... that I got the greatest respect for Miss Etting as an artist.
Puede citarlo así, tengo el mayor respeto por la Srta. Etting como artista.
As an artist I have a strategic program to conquer the world.
Y como artista tengo un plan muy serio para conquistar el mundo.
- Look, I'm not here as an artist.
No he venido en calidad de artista.
You, half-impotent as a man and as an artist when I turn off the light, be brave, make the leap!
Tú, medio impotente como hombre y como artista. Cuando apague la luz, pega el salto.
You're talking as an artist... That's all well and good...
Eres un esteta, hablas de películas que te gustaría hacer...
Did Mr Toine admire Stella as an artist... before he got to know her personally? - Later.
¿ Y es cierto que Tonio admiraba a Stella como artista antes de conocerla personalmente?
The three things I need most as an artist :
Estas son las tres cosas que un artista necesita :
As an artist, you know the human heart.
Como artista, conoce el corazón humano.
You could have made a living as an artist.
Como dibujante podría haber hecho carrera.
You see, to create a hybrid, the breeder combines the various races as an artist does with the colors of his palette.
- Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle -
Every detail of the effect, but I'm speaking as an artist.
Todo el detalle de la impresión, le estoy hablando como artista.
You can treat me how you like, because what you do as an artist has quality.
Puedes tratarme así... porque lo que haces... como artista tiene calidad.
Edvard Munch receives his first serious recognition as an artist 500 miles from his own homeland.
Edvard Munch recibe sus primeros reconocimientos serios como artista a 500 millas de su tierra natal.
You impressed me both as an artist and as a man.
Qué es que...
Shiraito, as an established artist, was a woman ofpride and impulse.
Shiraito, como toda artista reconocida, era una mujer orgullosa e impulsiva.
answer me next to you, she would at best have been a baroness but now she'll be what destiny has chosen her for an artist she'll become what she had always been deep down you speak of her as if... as if you love her!
contéstame al lado suyo, ella hubiera sido a lo mejor una baronesa pero ahora será lo que el destino ha escogido para ella una artista ella se transformará en lo que siempre ha sido profundamente usted habla de ella como si... ¡ como si usted la amara!
I ask you, can such an artist as you play second fiddle in a Ziegfeld orchestra?
Te pregunto, ¿ puede un artista como tú tocar 2 ° violín en una orquesta Ziegfeld?
For an artist, work is as vital as breathing.
Para un artista, trabajar es tan vital como respirar.
This isn't a place of an artist of a poor struggling musician who could earn more as a maid.
No es la casa de un artista... ... de una estudiante de música que ganaría más haciendo de criada.
Once when I was studying medicine in Europe I had a friend, an artist. He drew portrait's of people and made them... resemble the animals they reminded him of. He would have drawn this man as a coiled cobra.
Una vez, cuando estudiaba medicina en Europa, tuve un amigo pintor, caricaturizaba a Ias personas como si fueran animales, a éste Ie dibujaría como una cobra enroscada.
Maybe that's why Rick went on to be a success as a human being first and an artist second.
Quizá por eso Rick siguió adelante para ser un éxito como ser humano primero y un artista después.
He is an artist. He would not even be a good artist if he was not first a man.
No puede ser as, es artista.
We, in the audience, never think of an artist as being lonely.
El público nunca piensa que un artista pueda estar solo.
Ud. debe ser un artista y además es ayudante de camarero.
It's indecent for me to pose for an artist who sees me as an arrangement of lines and color but it's perfectly ok for you to kiss me all over and lie for an hour just looking at me.
Es indecente posar para un pintor, que me ve como una composición, pero es decente que me mires y me beses durante una hora.
I've always wanted to be considered as an artist of some taste!
Verás, siempre he querido ser considerado como un artista de cierto gusto.
# Today I'm a screever And as you can see # A screever's an artist... # Of highest degree
Si hoy me contemplan ustedes aquí, se debe a que el arte... más alto es así.
Perhaps I should've been an artist... then He would've listened to me as He appears to have listened to you.
Quizá debí de haber sido artista... y Él me habría escuchado como parece haberte escuchado a ti.
I fear that I shall be known not as a pope that drove the invaders out of Italy... but one who forced an unwilling artist to complete his work... which is so much greater than both of us.
Temo que no me conocerán como el papa que sacó a los invasores de Italia... sino el que obligó a un artista que no estaba dispuesto, a completar su obra... que es mucho más grandiosa que tú y que yo.
You said you wanted to be an artist. So, I went with the art school bit just as long as you did.
Dijiste que querías pintar, y acepté pagar tus estudios... hasta que tú te cansaste.
I've always wanted to be considered as an artist of some taste!
Verás, yo siempre he querido ser considerado como un artista de cierto gusto.
But I know an artist such as you, whether a believer or not, will understand that structuralist cinema can recapture sublime poetry through primal images that are spare, eloquent in their poverty - syntagmatic, as my friend Roland Barthes would say.
Pero sé que, mejor que un artista como usted, nadie, sea creyente o no podrá comprender que un cierto cine, digamos estructuralista puede recuperar una poesía sublime a través de imágenes primarias desnudas, elocuentes en su pobreza sintagmática, como decía mi amigo Roland Barthes.
Gudrun pretends she's an artist as well.
Gudrun también pretende ser artista.
Gudrun is an artist as well, you know?
Gudrun también es artista, ¿ sabes?
But the chief peculiarity of this horrible thing... was the representation of a death's head... which covered nearly the whole surface of its breast... and which was as accurately traced in glaring white... upon the dark ground of the body... as if it had been carefully designed by an artist.
Pero la principal peculiaridad de esta horrible cosa, era la representación de una calavera, que cubría casi toda la superficie de su pecho, y trazada tan precisamente en blanco deslumbrador, sobre el oscuro fondo del cuerpo, como si hubiese sido diseñada cuidadosamente por un artista.
The map is really beautiful almost as if an artist had painted it.
El mapa es muy bonito es casi como el cuadro de un artista.
What an artist leaves behind are not his weaknesses for as shocking as they can be, but his work.
Lo que queda de un artista no son sus debilidades, sino su trabajo.
an old ace in the hole. a real artist.
Un viejo as en el agujero. Un verdadero artista.
But this canvas and his work known as Despair with the artist's featureless and blank profile its large disconnected strokes of heavy colour running over each other are heavily attacked by the Norwegian press as "an awe-inspiring gibberish of futuristic art."
Pero este lienzo, y su obra conocida como "Desesperación"... con el retrato en blanco y sin rasgos distintivos del artista... sus grandes pinceladas inconexas de color intenso que se superponen unas a otras... son duramente atacados por la prensa noruega... como "una jerga imponente de arte futurista".

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