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Audience applauding traduction Espagnol

82 traduction parallèle
( audience applauding ) BRAVO!
¡ Bravo! ¡ Bravo!
[TV Audience Applauding]
Oh, Dios mío, Beryl.
[Audience Applauding]
[Audience Applauding]
Mississippi Dream? ( audience applauding )
Muy bien, aquí vamos.
- [Clattering Continues ] Nobody may be admitted until the start of the next show! [ Audience Applauding]
Nadie puede entrar hasta el inicio de la siguiente función.
Praise the Lord, I saw the light [audience applauding]
Alabado sea el Señor, vi la luz
That`s right. [audience applauding]
Así es.
That was great. [audience applauding]
Eso fue genial.
MOCHRlE : Ohh.... [audience applauding]
[audience applauding] Guess that proves l`m a better one.
Supongo que eso prueba que soy mejor.
A man we greatly admire. [AUDIENCE APPLAUDING]
Un hombre que realmente admiramos.
( audience applauding ) ROZ :
( Aplaudiendo audiencia ) ROZ :
[Audience applauding]
[Audiencia aplaudiendo]
¿ Segundo lugar?
And out there, the audience was applauding.
Y en el teatro, la gente aplaudía a rabiar.
Lillian Roth, who has been captivating audiences throughout the country had a standing-room audience last night cheering and applauding. "
Lillian Roth, que ha estado cautivando al público de todo el país puso en pie a los espectadores anoche que la aplaudieron y vitorearon. "
( audience applauding )
( Cantan en alemán )
The audience is applauding.
El público aplaude.
¡ Buster y Babs Bunny!
[Audience laughing, applauding]
¿ Se van a unir a mí?
¡ Oye!
No me importa si cantas en sol Juntos haremos una melodía
Million points for the audience. [AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING]
Recuerden : sólo ustedes pueden moverlos.
[AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING] What we need from the audience is a suggestion of a group of people... -... you would not try to raise money for.
Voy a sacarme Ia pistola fuera de Ia nariz.
He was sitting in the audience, applauding me and he said : "Finally you're wearing a georgeous dress!"
ÉI estaba presente en la sala y me aplaudió. Me dijo : "Por fin llevas un vestido precioso." Eso estuvo muy bien.
Wives live longer than husbands because they`re not married to women. [audience AND CAREY laughing AND applauding] And please join me in welcoming our newest co-anchor.
Esposas viven mas que los esposos porque no están casados con mujeres. Y por favor únanse y denle la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo co-presentador.
Perhaps you`d like to make love to my mistress before I fondue the world. [audience laughing AND applauding] Minky doesn`t like the anchor, do you, Minky?
Quizás quieras hacer el amor con mi ama de casa antes de que funda el mundo. A Minky no le gusta el presentador no es así Minky? Usted lo pone muy molesto.
[BUZZER SOUNDS ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
Hey, solo un momento.
Ow! [audience cheering AND applauding] - Hey, I tell you, those songs are one bad- -
SHERWOOD : lt`s ugly, isn`t it? [audience cheering AND applauding]
Es feo, no es así? Me encargare de eso.
Oh, Snarky The mouse with PMS [audience cheering AND applauding] Boy, they don`t make music like that anymore.
Oh, Snarky El ratón con PMS Hey, ya no hacen mas música como esa.
Tramp, I gave you everything, you tramp. [audience cheering AND applauding] That`s our news for this evening.
Tramp, te di todo.
They`ll rap throughout the scene with the help of rap master Laura Hall at the piano. [audience cheering AND applauding] CAREY :
Ellos van a rapear toda la escena con la ayuda de la maestra del rap Laura Hall en el piano.
On it now. [BUZZER SOUNDS ] [ ALL laughing ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
Por ahora. 50 puntos extra para Colin por la caminata de gallina.
Whoo [audience cheering AND applauding ] [ BUZZER SOUNDS]
Whoo Hey, sabes que Ryan?
This is for Wayne with Laura Hall on the piano. How about Laura Hall. [audience cheering AND applauding]
Esto es para Wayne con la ayuda de Laura Hall en el piano.
We love you. [audience cheering AND applauding] Thank you, Dennis.
Te amamos.
[audience laughing ] [ BUZZER sounding ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
Siempre es divertido hasta que alguien se lastima.
Hello. [MOCHRlE GRUNTlNG ] [ audience laughing AND applauding]
They`re gonna be rapping through the whole scene with the help of rap master Laura Hall. [audience cheering AND applauding]
Van a estar rapeando durante toda la escena con la ayuda de la maestra del rap Laura Hall.
[audience cheering AND applauding] That was great. Hey, listen.
Hey, escuchen
[audience laughing AND applauding] It`s not bad.
No esta mal.
[BUZZER sounding ] [ audience cheering AND applauding] Now you ruined their cake.
Ahora arruinaste la torta.
I`m Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs. [BUZZER sounding ] [ music playing ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
Soy Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs.
[BUZZER SOUNDS ] [ audience cheering AND applauding] Hey, hey.
Ya volvemos.
[BUZZER sounding ] [ audience cheering AND applauding] I`d give points for that one, but why bother?
Te daré puntos por esa, pero por que molestarse?
[audience laughing ] [ BUZZER sounding ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
[BUZZER sounding ] [ audience cheering AND applauding] Thanks for watching.
Gracias por vernos.
[Audience cheering and applauding]
[Audiencia vitorear y aplaudir]
( Audience applauding )
Señor, realmente me deprime la ciudad demoníaca.

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