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Audience cheering traduction Espagnol

215 traduction parallèle
For the first time in my life the audience cheering me.
Por primera vez en mi vida el publico me aclamaba.
[Audience Cheering]
[Audience Cheering On TV]
[Publico aplaude en TV]
- [Audience Cheering]
- [Aplausos]
- [Audience Cheering]
- [Publico gritando]
[Audience Cheering]
[Audience Cheering]
- [Audience Cheering]
- [Audience Cheering]
¡ Buster y Babs Bunny!
- [Audience Cheering] - Congratulations.
- [Audience Cheering]
Soy hippie.
- [Audience Cheering]
¡ Sí! ¡ Sí!
Necesito dos voluntarios del público que muevan a Ryan y Colin.
Million points for the audience. [AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING]
Recuerden : sólo ustedes pueden moverlos.
[AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING] What we need from the audience is a suggestion of a group of people... -... you would not try to raise money for.
Voy a sacarme Ia pistola fuera de Ia nariz.
Quiero que el público me diga un sitio donde Ia gente trabaja.
Of course I am. [audience cheering]
Por supuesto que soy.
[BUZZER SOUNDS ] [ audience cheering AND applauding]
Hey, solo un momento.
Tell me something, can you design Pants to fit on my big behind? [audience cheering AND laughing ] [ SCATTlNG]
Dime algo, puedes diseñar un pantalón para mi gran trasero? Puedes decirme esto?
PROOPS : lt`s the trouser-drop. [audience cheering]
Es el jala pantalones.
Ow! [audience cheering AND applauding] - Hey, I tell you, those songs are one bad- -
And that`s why my favorite song in this entire collection is Snoop Doggy Dogg`s all-time favorite "l`m Gonna Lube You Whether You Like It Or Not." [audience cheering ] [ music playing]
Y así es por que mi canción favorita de toda la colección es la favorita de todos los tiempos de Snoop Doggy Dogg ´ s..... "voy a lubricarte te guste o no." Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Así es.
Might have to lube you, girl Word up, dog [audience cheering] What`s up?
Podría tener que lubricarte, nena, Palabra, dog Que pasa?
Because let me tell you, brother They hurt like sons of guns [audience cheering] Throughout my life I used to laugh like this :
Porque déjame decirte algo hermano Duelen como balas de pistola Toda mi vida solía reírme así :
They get to do something special with me at the end of the show. [audience cheering] Yeah.
Y tendrá que hacer algo especial conmigo al final del programa.
[audience cheering] What`s going on?
Que esta pasando?
Thank God, you`re here, Captain Breakdance. [audience cheering]
Gracias a Dios estas aquí, Capitán Breakdance.
Right this way, Ms. Lewinsky. [audience cheering ] [ BUZZER SOUNDS] "Famous last words."
Por aquí, Sra. Lewinsky. "Famosas ultimas palabras."
"People who shouldn`t rap." Oh, boy. [audience cheering ] [ BUZZER sounding]
"Personas que no deberían rapear." Oh, muchacho.
Oh, Snarky The mouse with PMS [audience cheering AND applauding] Boy, they don`t make music like that anymore.
Oh, Snarky El ratón con PMS Hey, ya no hacen mas música como esa.
Oh, scuttling ` around Scuttlin trying to find a hole [BOTH SCATTlNG ] [ audience cheering]
Oh, corriendo alrededor Corriendo tratando de encontrar un agujero Gracias.
There we go. [audience cheering]
Aquí vamos.
[audience cheering] Sounds like a great game there, Skip.
Suena como un gran juego allí, Skip.
Tramp, I gave you everything, you tramp. [audience cheering AND applauding] That`s our news for this evening.
Tramp, te di todo.
[audience cheering] Let`s go on to a game called Scene to Rap.
Vamos a un juego llamado "Escenas a Rap."
They`ll rap throughout the scene with the help of rap master Laura Hall at the piano. [audience cheering AND applauding] CAREY :
Ellos van a rapear toda la escena con la ayuda de la maestra del rap Laura Hall en el piano.
It`s about an avalanche, and rap away whenever you`re ready. [RAP music playing ] [ audience cheering]
Es acerca de una avalancha, y empiecen a rapear cuando estén listos.
That Wichita audience was full of cheering union men.
Ese público de Wichita estaba lleno de hombres del sindicato
Lillian Roth, who has been captivating audiences throughout the country had a standing-room audience last night cheering and applauding. "
Lillian Roth, que ha estado cautivando al público de todo el país puso en pie a los espectadores anoche que la aplaudieron y vitorearon. "
( audience cheering )
[Applause and cheering] We have a tremendous audience here At global television studios,
Tenemos una tremenda audiencia aquí en los estudios de televisión "Global", aguardando la llegada de los mayores nombres del mundo del espectáculo...
( CROWD CHEERING ) Listen to that audience response!
¡ Escuchen la respuesta del público!
- Perdedor.
[Audience Cheering, Booing]
¡ Bravo!
. - Síí!
ellos son buenos.
[AUDIENCE CHEERING] Wally, it's Dilbert and Alice.
Wally, somos Dilbert y Alice.
[audience cheering]
Ian no tiene una hija adolescente.
Body and Paint Man. [audience laughing AND cheering]
Hombre cuerpo y pintura.
SHERWOOD : lt`s ugly, isn`t it? [audience cheering AND applauding]
Es feo, no es así? Me encargare de eso.
Mommy. [audience laughing AND cheering] Well, that`s all the time we have for The Six O`Clock News.
We can `t avoid Peace [audience laughing AND cheering] Don `t stand here, go, go, go You`re gonna be hit by flowing ` snow
We can ´ t avoid Peace No te pares aquí, ve, ve, ve You ´ re gonna be hit by flowing snow

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