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Awful traduction Espagnol

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No-one showed her how to be a mam, and she's awful at it.
Nadie le enseñó a ser mamá, y es terrible en ello.
We were calling each other awful names as well, like.
Nos dijimos cosas horribles.
Or are you the awful one?
¿ O tú eres la terrible?
You were awful to me.
Te portaste muy mal conmigo.
- Oh, my God. That is awful.
Dios, qué horror.
I think that you went through something awful, something that doesn't even make any sense, but that doesn't change the fact that Elias killed all those people.
Creo que has pasado por algo horroroso, algo que no tiene sentido... pero eso no cambia el hecho de que Elias matara a toda esa gente.
Ishbaal said something awful to my father.
Isbaal le dijo algo horrible a mí padre.
Oh, Randy. It must have been awful.
- Debió ser horrible.
- That's awful. Everyone thought he was smoking, but he wasn't a smoker.
Todo el mundo pensaba que estaba fumando, pero no fumaba.
Is awful high!
¡ Es horriblemente alto!
How awful!
¡ Pero eso es horrible!
It was awful.
Era malo.
Uh, that Mr. Laurentz, he's an awful good man.
El Sr. Laurentz es un hombre magnífico.
Thanks an awful bunch for coming to this picture with me.
Muchas gracias por venir a este estreno conmigo.
Hi. Listen, I feel awful bad that you guys don't have a place to live, so I bought you a tent.
Lamento mucho que ustedes no tengan dà ³ nde vivir, y les comprà © una carpa.
Well, she said that the buyers, you guys, seemed to be in an awful hurry.
Dijo que los compradores, ustedes, parecían tener prisa.
He's being polite. It's awful!
Está siendo amable. ¡ Es horrible!
That sounds awful, and you look stupid doing it.
Eso suena horrible y te ves estúpido haciéndolo.
Aren't they awful?
¿ No son horribles?
It's awful...
Es horrible...
It's awful.
Es horrible.
I mean, what's so awful she can't tell her daughters?
¿ Qué era tan terrible que no se lo contó a sus hijas?
God, that is so fucking awful!
¡ Dios, eso es tan horrible!
God, that was awful.
Dios, que era horrible.
Into this awful place.
En este horrible lugar.
That's awful.
Eso es horrible.
It's awful?
¿ Es horrible?
Even if it was awful, I'd rather do that than sit in there and wait for you to not come home when you said that you would.
Incluso si ha sido horrible, lo prefiero a esperarte ahí sentada a que no vengas a casa cuando dijiste que vendrías.
- That's awful.
- Es horrible.
- Awful.
- Horrible.
Yeah, it was awful.
- Sí, fue horrible.
- ¿ Horrible?
I can't explain how it felt, but it was awful.
No puedo explicar cómo me sentí, pero era horrible..
I just had an awful thought.
He tenido un mal pensamiento.
Awful thing, to lose a daughter.
Es algo espantoso, perder a una hija.
God! That was awful.
Dios, ha sido horrible.
Original air date : 2016, March 4 Sub by mielb It's awful!
1x07 The Charm Offensive
Oh, I know, the traffic was awful coming back from the store.
Ya sé, pero había un tránsito terrible para volver desde la tienda.
"Please don't let him do something too awful this time."
"No dejes que haga algo demasiado terrible".
I pay those Pinkerton boys an awful mess of money.
Les pago una enorme cantidad de dinero a esos chicos Pinkerton.
The bald boy with awful luck?
¿ El niño calvo con mala suerte?
Really, yeah, awful.
Muy, sí, muy mal.
It's just--it's awful.
Son terribles.
I feel awful.
Me siento terrible.
Oh, this is awful. Now everyone in town knows I'm a sex offender!
¡ Ahora todos en el pueblo saben que soy un criminal sexual!
Oh, that sounds awful. Eh, can't be any worse than our trip to Hawaii.
Eh, no puede ser peor que nuestro viaje a Hawaii.
Bikinis are awful. Everything exposed, breasts falling out!
Los bikinis son horribles Lo que exhiben, los pechos fuera.
Just we've realised, if we want to be together, then one of us is going have to give up an awful lot.
Sólo que... nos hemos dado cuenta, si queremos estar juntas, una de nosotras debe renunciar por desgracia a mucho.
This is awful, sir, listening to this.
Esto es horrible, señor, escuchar esto.
- It looks awful.
Se ve horrible.
It's just awful.
Es simplemente horrible.

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