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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ B ] / Be careful with him

Be careful with him traduction Espagnol

146 traduction parallèle
Be careful with him.
- Be careful with him.
- Cuidado con él.
- Be careful with him, Steve.
- Ten cuidado con él, Steve.
Be careful with him, Gustav.
Ten cuidado con él, Gustav.
Be careful with him, Frank.
Cuidado con él, Frank.
- Be careful with him, Mirella.
Sí, pero ten cuidado Mirellina sujétalo para que no se caiga.
Be careful with him, Manuel.
Tenga cuidado con él, Manuel.
Be careful with him.
cuidado con él.
I'll be careful with him.
- Tendré cu ¡ dado con él.
Be careful with him, Jack.
Ojo con ese tipo, Jack.
- Be careful with him!
- ¡ Ten cuidado con él!
Be careful with him.
Ten cuidado con él.
Get Mr Limbani out first and be careful with him
Saquen al Sr. Limbani primero y con cuidado.
- Please be careful with him.
- Sé cuidadoso con él.
Please be careful with him!
¡ Sé cuidadoso con él, por favor!
Be careful with him on the stairs.
Cuidado con él en las escaleras.
Be careful with him.
- Ten cuidado con él.
Be careful with him.
Con cuidado.
- be careful with him.
- Estará bien, hombre.
Be careful with him.
se ciudadoso con él.
( man ) Be careful with him now.
Be careful with him, he's a priest.
Pues ten cuidado con ése que es cura.
Be careful with him!
Cuidado con el bebé.
Cas, be careful with him!
Cas, ten cuidado con él!
Be careful with him!
¡ Ten cuidado con él!
Be careful with him.
Tengan cuidado con él.
Be careful with him!
¡ Tengan cuidado con él!
You be careful with him, now.
Ten cuidado con él, ahora.
Be careful with him!
Tengan cuidado con el!
Be careful with him, Max.
Cuidado con el Max
Be careful with him.
Con cuidado, por favor.
Gotta be careful with him.
Hay que tener cuidado con él.
I must ask you to be very careful with him.
Tell him to be careful with it. It's got bullets in it now.
Dígale que tenga cuidado, ahora sí está cargada.
Still, he was careful to administer justice with discrimination. For it behoved him to keep on good terms with his pupils. Especially if their mothers happened to be good cooks.
Sin embargo, él era prudente... al administrar la justicia... porque le gustaba guardar buenas relaciones con sus alumnos... y en especial con los que poseían madres muy buenas cocineras.
But be careful with him ;
Pero tengas cuidado con el.
Be careful, there's a boy with him and the man's armed.
Tened cuidado, un crío va con él y el hombre está armado.
I must be careful, or I'll be falling in love with him myself.
Debo andar con cuidado, o voy a enamorarme de él.
Mary be careful with your talk, if he heard you he might think you never wanted him.
Mary ten cuidado con lo que dices, si te escucha puede pensar que nunca lo quisiste tener.
Let him be careful with me.
Que lo tenga él conmigo.
He should be careful with me, or I'II I'll shoot him full of holes.
Él que tenga cuidado conmigo, o le dejo como un colador a tiros.
His beak is insured with Lloyd's of London for $ 50,000 so we have to be very careful with him.
Su pico está asegurado con Lloyd de Londres por $ 50000 así que debemos tener mucho cuidado con él.
Yes, well tell him to be careful with his cargo.
Sí, dígale que tenga cuidado con la carga.
This is a man with half the world against him! He must be very careful!
Éste es un hombre que tiene a medio mundo en su contra y debe ser muy cuidadoso.
Be careful. He will want you to go with him.
Ten cuidado, el querrá que vayas con él.
This Strider, he says be more careful, I say, let's start with him.
Trancos dice que vayamos con cuidado. Pues averigüemos quién es.
Be more careful with him!
¡ Ten más cuidado con él!
Hey, be careful with him!
Oye, ten cuidado con él.
Be careful with Sandy Claws when you fetch him!
¡ Tengan cuidado con San Atroz!
Be careful with him.
Tenga cuidado con él.
- Be careful. - You do whatever you want with him.
- Haz lo que quieras con él.

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