Because i did traduction Espagnol
5,348 traduction parallèle
Because I did not need to be woken up by that call in the middle of the night.
Porque no necesitaba que esa llamada me despertara en el medio de la noche.
Also.. it was more fun because I did it together with your dad.
Yo... fui aún más feliz porque tu padre estaba conmigo.
I think it's because I did such terrible things to them.
Creo... que es porque les hice una cosa horrible.
Because I did not want to hear the sound of your belly.
Porque yo no quiero oír el sonido de tu vientre.
I really don't care, because I did the deal and the deal's done.
¿ Y sabes algo, Wayne? No me importa. Porque yo hice el trato y el trato está cerrado.
Because I did not go to the pyramids?
¿ Porque no fui a las pirámides?
Because I did.
Porque yo lo compré.
But what I did not count, because I did not know, I did not know it, is two months later I made another will.
Pero lo que no contó, porque no lo sabía, es que dos meses después hice otro testamento.
And the reason I chose this was because I've had occasion in the last couple of years to work with students, which I never did before, and I find that, unhappily, they may be very well-trained in their craft,
Y la razón por la que escogí esto es porque he tenido la ocasión en el último par de años, de trabajar con estudiantes. Lo cual nunca hice antes, y veo que tristemente, podrán estar bien entrenados en su habilidad, pero que no tienen ni la más mínima idea del mundo exterior.
I'm really ashamed of what I did, and I--you know, I tell people this a lot and I--you know, I tell people this a lot because it's still hard for me because of what I did to a lot of people.
Me avergüenza mucho haber hecho eso y... le dijo esto mucho a la gente porque sigue siendo difícil para mí por lo que le hice a mucha gente.
And although I will never get over the pain of what you did to my son, I forgive you, because I believe you are sick and in need of help.
Y aunque nunca me sobreponga del dolor de lo que le hiciste a mi hijo, te perdono porque creo que estas enfermo y necesitas ayuda.
I did so because I came to realise that I was fighting for the wrong side.
Lo hice porque me di cuenta de que peleaba para el lado equivocado.
I know. Doesn't it feel good because you did the right thing?
Lo sé. ¿ Acaso no te sientes bien de haber hecho lo correcto?
Because of how comfortable we are with you, i did find the
Es como una madre para mí.
But thank me also, because I'm the one that did it.
Pero a mí también, porque esto lo he hecho yo.
I did it because you didn't love me.
Lo hice porque no me amabas.
And if you say, "To help people," that's gonna blow my mind because that's why I did it.
Y si dices que fue para ayudar a la gente, me estallará la cabeza porque fue por eso que lo hice yo.
I did it because of the debt I owed... to your mother.
Lo hice por la deuda que tengo... con tu madre.
So what I did was I named it YAR, because that's RAY spelled backwards.
Necesitaba ponerle título. Y lo llamé Yar, que es "Ray" al revés.
Because of what I did to save you!
¡ Por lo que hice para salvarlos!
Because I heard you scream, and then I called the... Why did you think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
Oh, honey, you taught me how to lie to get what I want because you did it to me.
Oh, cariño, que me enseñó a mentir para conseguir lo que quiero, porque me lo hicieron a mí.
And what I did that really drove them all crazy, which is always the big controversy on Scarface, is that I put everything back in. Because I said if I'm going to get an X on version three, I'm going with the original version.
Y lo que hice que los enojó muchísimo, y que siempre es la gran controversia con Caracortada, es que volví a agregarle todo, porque si iban a darme una X en la tercera versión, iba a usar la versión original, ya que será X de todos modos.
You know, and I was kind of very disappointed, because I remember when I went to Berlin and I was watching it in Berlin after it opened and did okay in the United States,
Estaba en Berlin, donde la vi luego de que se estrenara y funcionara bien en Estados Unidos.
I never did have to ask questions, because I'd never had no money.
Yo nunca tuvo a hacer preguntas, porque nunca había tenido nada de dinero.
I came to Mexico because you had a successful revolution five years before we did.
He venido a México porque hicieron con éxito la revolución 5 años antes que nosotros.
Did I really come home early tonight because I wanted to or did you make me?
¿ Llegué a casa temprano porque realmente quería o tú me obligaste?
I did him because he disgusted me in a sexy way.
Me acosté con él porque me repugnaba de un modo sexy.
I wish being gay was a choice because I always did like that shorts and boots look.
Ojalá ser gay fuera una elección. Me gustan las botas y los pantalones cortos.
I'm actually more concerned about tetanus because the machete had a bit of rust on it, and I did not see the doctor give me a shot.
En realidad, me preocupa más el tétanos porque el machete tenía un poco de óxido en él, y yo no vi que el doctor me pusiera una vacuna.
Just because I'm not behind bars doesn't mean I'm not paying for what I did, Michael.
Que no esté tras las rejas, no significa que no esté pagando, Michael.
Did you get it, because I'm gonna be dead?
¿ Captas? Porque yo ya estaré muerta.
You did the mistakes and because I wouldn't cooperate you have punished me!
Ustedes cometieron los errores, porque yo no quise cooperar... Ustedes me castigaron
And why should I trust you? Because my father did?
¿ Y tengo que confiar en ti porque lo hiciera mi padre?
I did these things because I wanted information. And I got my information.
Lo hice porque quería información y obtuve mi información.
I think my daddy was frightened of what I just did because no one had ever done that.
Creo a que mi papá le dio miedo lo que hice porque nunca nadie lo había hecho.
You know, I-I-I don't really know wh-what Mr. Henderson did outside of work, because we weren't really friends.
La verdad, Yo-Yo-Yo no sé que hacía el Sr. Henderson despues del trabajo, La verdad no eramos amigos.
That's not gonna happen, James, because I'm gonna put my investigators on this twenty-four-seven until we find out who really did this.
Eso no pasará, James, porque pondré a mis investigadores... en esto las 24 horas, toda la semana hasta que descubramos quién lo hizo.
No, you did, but It's ok, really, because I needed to fucking hear IT.
No, lo hiciste, pero no está mal, realmente, porque yo necesitaba al puto oírlo.
I did snow white, but they picked me to be dopey, Because i had two speech impediments
Fue de la Blancanieves, pero me eligieron para ser Tontín, porque tenía dos impedimentos del habla.
I did that because I don't have time to stand around and argue semantics with you.
Lo hice porque no tengo tiempo para quedarme parado... y discutir sobre semántica contigo.
- It was and it did almost a billion dollars in those days, because we had a line where- - when he comes up he says, "I'm Batman,"
- Lo fue. Hizo casi un billón de dólares en esos días, porque teníamos una línea donde se acerca y dice : "Soy Batman."
What I'm trying to say is I really appreciate you and all you've done for me, so if you're not letting me write in you because of something I did or I said, I-I...
Y trajo vergüenza al apellido. Ya, ya. No siempre podemos controlar el camino que nuestros hijos eligen tomar.
- I think they did it because they wanted him to become what he always was, a beautiful, delicate flower.
Creo que lo hicieron porque querían que se convirtiera en lo que siempre fue, Una hermosa y delicada flor.
She was upset with me because of something I did.
Ella estaba molesta conmigo por algo que hice.
I was kept at a very high dose because that's what people did at that time, and I did feel somewhat dead, and I resisted it.
Me daban una dosis muy alta... porque es lo que se hacía en ese momento, de algún modo me sentía muerta, pero aguanté.
And although at the time I did not know... I refuse access... because only Mr. Burgin allowed.
Y aunque en ese momento no lo sabía... le negué el acceso... porque sólo el Sr. Turgin está autorizado.
Your dad, he... He convinced me, making all these promises. So, I did it for him because he wanted you, and I loved him, okay?
él- - haciendo todas estas promesas. ¿ de acuerdo?
Because they think I did.
Porque creen que si hice algo.
Okay, well, A, I'm from Brookston, Indiana, and B, I did not grow up making out with goats, and C, I'm here because I'm actually going
Bueno, para empezar, soy de Brookston, Indiana, y no crecí besando cabras, y estoy aquí porque en realidad iré
That's on me, because I heard you sniffle a while ago... and I did nothing with that information.
No, es mi culpa. Te oí moquear hace rato... y no hice nada con esa información.
because i didn't 37
because i didn't do it 21
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i didn't do it 21
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431