Both of them traduction Espagnol
4,127 traduction parallèle
They look at him. The intensivist doctor, neurologist. And both of them said, "He may have MS."
Hablamos con el neurólogo y con el internista, podía ser esclerosis múltiple.
With both of them.
Con los dos.
I love my boys, both of them.
Quiero a mis chicos, a ambos.
Believe me. I had real feelings for both of them and I just couldn't choose.
Aprecio de verdad a las dos y no pude elegir.
Cece lied about knowing Wilden, and then we find a picture of both of them with Ali.
Cece mintió sobre conocer a Wilden, y entonces encontramos una foto de ambos con Ali.
And you're saying, that shana knows Jenna. And that the both of them are meeting up with Melissa?
¿ Y dices que Shana conoce a Jenna y que ambas van a reunirse con Melissa?
Both of them?
¿ Ambos?
Both of them killed in the exact same way that they killed someone else.
Las dos asesinadas exactamente del mismo modo... en que ellos mataron a otra persona.
Both of them.
Los dos.
Both of them were a danger
Ambos eran un peligro
So... I took a shotgun to both of them.
Así que, les disparé a los dos con una escopeta.
Both of them have to suck dick.
- Ambos tienen que hacer mamadas.
They're lying, both of them.
Están mintiendo, tanto de ellos.
I made friends with a lady in the factory office where both of them work.
Me hice amiga de una señora de la oficina de la fábrica donde ambos trabajan.
I've been taking the girls on some walks, spending a little quality time with the both of them.
Saqué a las chicas a pasear... pasé un rato con las dos.
And so both of them stayed back.
Así que ambos se quedaban atrás.
Both of them.
Las dos.
Both of them.
- Las dos.
And at its worst point with both of them, I blamed Kieren.
Y en el peor momento de ambos, culpé a Kieren.
Both of them.
Both of them did, when they were kids.
Los dos, cuando eran niñas.
I mean, you would never sell any viagra or cialis Or any of that shit. I mean, what are the odds of both of them
No venderían viagra o cialis O ninguna de esas mierdas. ¿ Cuáles son las probabilidades de que ambos fallen al mismo tiempo? Sería como los motores aeronáuticos.
Both of them together.
los dos juntos.
Both of them had their arms broken.
Ambos tenían sus brazos quebrados.
There was this 2-for-1 sausage dealio and I wanted to know if you wanted one but you didn't pick up so I ate both of them and life was good.
Había un dos por uno en salchichas y quería saber si querías una pero no lo cogiste. Así que me comí las dos y estaban de muerte.
I think we should play it safe and tell him to kill both of them.
Creo que deberíamos optar por lo seguro y decirle que asesine a los dos.
You, bronchial spray for both of them.
Tú, un espray bronquial para los dos.
Both of them, actually. You remember the whole switched at birth thing.
A las dos, en realidad. ¿ Recuerda que las intercambiaron al nacer?
- Have to learn both of them.
- Hay que aprender los dos.
I was shot at by both of them.
Ambos me han disparado.
Yeah, I would just put both of them in that file.
Sí, los pondría a ambos en ese archivo.
I have flashes of feelings all the time about both of them.
Tengo flashes de sensaciones de los dos todo el tiempo.
You fired, what, two shots from close range and both of them missed?
¿ Cuánto disparó...? ¿ Dos tiros a corta distancia y falló en ambos?
The boom knocked both of them overboard.
De repente, ambos fueron arrojados al mar.
'Cause I was actually drinking out of both of them.
Porque en realidad yo estaba bebiendo de lo dos. Perdón.
How much for the both of them?
¿ Cuánto por los dos?
- For both of them?
- ¿ Por los dos?
This would cost both of them dearly In their runs for president.
Esto les costaría caro a ambos en sus candidaturas a la presidencia.
The girl that's in love with both of them.
La chica que está en love con ambos.
Both of them!
Es una obra maestra.
I say we bring them both in and see if one of them rolls.
Digo que traigamos a ambos y veamos si alguno se pisa.
We've talked to two Parisian police officers since we arrived, neither of them had nametags, yet you called them both by name.
Hemos hablado con dos agentes de policía parisinos desde que hemos llegado, ninguno de ellos llevaba placa, y así y todo les llamó a ambos por su nombre.
We set up roadblocks at both ends of the road, but he never reached them.
Hemos creado obstáculos en ambos extremos de la carretera, pero nunca los alcanzamos.
Popped in the chest... both of them.
Están en el pecho...
Since the cases of Mrs. Palachova and Mr. Travnicek are similar, I suggest that we go over them both together.
Como los casos de la señora Palachova y el señor Travnicek son similares, sugiero que los abordemos juntos.
We gonna bring you back in and then you can look them both right in the eye and explain to them why you're going back to prison for the rest of your life. And you can tell them how you killed Quinlan.
Los hemos traído de regreso para que puedas mirarlos directo a los ojos y explicarles por qué vas a volver a prisión por el resto de tu vida, y puedes decirles como asesinaste a Quinlan.
I figured with both of us working them, we could get her an amazing job with the rangers, which I think we did.
Pensé que con los dos trabajándolos, podríamos conseguirle un increíble trabajo con los rangers, lo cual creo que hicimos.
It's unclear how both principles could be true, but all he has to do is tarnish one of them to make it work.
Es improbable que los las dos afirmaciones puedan ser verdad, pero todo lo que tiene que hacer es manchar a uno de ellos para que funcione.
We had them run background checks on both of you.
Les estaban investigando discretamente a ustedes dos.
And then he'd forget them both and spend the whole rest of the summer stealing candy and trading it for cigarettes.
Luego se olvidó de las dos cosas y se pasó el resto del verano robando dulces para cambiarlos por cigarrillos.
and then pick up Max and go get one of those rotisserie chickens that they have on special this week, the herbed lemon, not the barbecue, and then pick up Abby from piano, take them both home with the chicken... herbed, not barbecue.
y luego recogieses a Max y lo llevases a uno de esos asaderos de pollos que tienen un especial esta semana, al limón sazonado con hierbas, no a la barbacoa, y luego recogieses a Abby del piano, los trajeses a los dos a casa con el pollo... con hierbas, no a la a barbacoa.
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both of' em 29
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
both of you 1783
both of' em 29
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
both laugh 381
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
both laugh 381
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23
both panting 22
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23
both panting 22