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Business partners traduction Espagnol

376 traduction parallèle
I guess I should tell my business partners.
Supongo que debo decirle a mis socios comerciales.
We've just been business partners - Leave to terminate our contract whenever we choose.
Hemos sido socios, pero el trato... puede concluir cuando deseemos.
But we certainly can't choose our business partners by their looks.
Pero... no podemos elegir nuestros socios comerciales por su aspecto.
Look, from now on, we're business partners.
Mira, a partir de ahora, somos socios de negocios.
─ Say, thanks. Now that's the kind of business partners I like.
Gracias, sois la clase de socios que quiero.
You can tell your business partners.
Puede decirles a sus socios.
That depends on how many business partners you have
Eso depende de cuantos socios tengas
- Good, so we're business partners?
- No, no. - Bravo, entonces, ¿ te decides a asociarte conmigo?
Tell the receptionist that it's for some business partners I'm expecting.
Dígale al recepcionista que es para unos compañeros de negocios que espero.
Now that we are business partners, as it were, I was wondering whether you would mind letting me win.
Ahora que somos socios de negocios, prácticamente me preguntaba si le importaría dejarme ganar.
Your father and my husband were business partners.
Su padre y mi marido eran socios en algunos negocios.
Let's become business partners.
Seremos socios en el negocio.
People can't afford business partners that cheat on them.
La gente no puede confiar en socios que mienten.
We're business partners, he and I.
Somos socios de negocios, él y yo.
We think Garthe and Tsombe have become business partners.
Creemos que Garthe y Tsombe se hicieron socios.
And I don't like to see private visits... to our business partners.
Y no me gusta ver visitas privadas a nuestros socios comerciales.
Business partners, rivals Iovers.
Socios, rivales amantes.
We were to become business partners, all six of us.
Se suponía que íbamos a ser socios, nosotros seis.
He says they're just business partners.
dice que son solo compañeros de trabajo
His father lives next door, and they are business partners.
Su padre vive al lado, y es su socio.
I don't know if she told you, but we were business partners.
No sé si se lo mencionó, pero fuimos socios comerciales.
And when I recommend somebody to my business partners that stands for something!
Y cuando recomiendo alguien a los socios de mi empresa eso representa algo!
Her father Goswami and Vicky's father are business partners.
Su padre Goswami y el padre de Vicky son socios en negocios.
It comes in very handy with jealous husbands, business partners, et cetera.
Es conveniente para maridos celosos, socios, etc.
- Do you know his business partners?
- ¿ Conoce a sus socios?
Eckhardt and I were business partners.
Eckhardt y yo éramos socios.
In life, the MarIeys had been business partners with a shrewd moneyIender named Ebenezer Scrooge.
En vida, los Marley habían sido socios de un astuto prestamista, Ebenezer Scrooge.
Scrooge lived in chambers which had once belonged to his old business partners, Jacob and Robert marley.
Scrooge vivía en un edificio que le había pertenecido a sus antiguos socios, Jacob y Robert Marley.
Dayton and I are like... business partners.
Dayton y yo somos... socios.
We've been business partners for nearly three years.
Lo hemos sido durante casi tres años.
When we were learning the business in the same factory, I fought him. When we became partners, I fought him.
Ya cuando trabajábamos en la misma fábrica, después cuando nos asociamos.
I'm a natural worrier... especially when I'm ready to close a business deal... and one of my partners remains silent and invisible.
Me preocupo por naturaleza especialmente cuando estoy listo para cerrar un negocio y uno de mis socios se mantiene en silencio e invisible.
I'll bet it was the first firm in the history of show business to have two senior partners.
Fuimos los primeros en la historia del teatro en tener dos socios mayores.
As soon as you enter in a business as that then it is easy to get rid of the partners.
En cuanto te metes en un negocio como ese después es fácil librarte de los socios.
It's none of your business, but since we're what you call "partners in crime" I'll tell you that the firm of Bannister Grisby is insured against the death of either partner.
No es cosa suya, pero como somos lo que se llama "compinches en un delito", le diré que la firma Bannister y Grisby está asegurada... contra la muerte de los socios.
Anybody who runs a gambling business has got to have plenty of partners.
Cualquiera que dirija un negocio de estos, tiene que tener un montón de socios. Una gran cantidad de buenos ciudadanos apuestan.
It's a dream I always had, Elias. You and me in business, partners.
Siempre he soñado con que fuéramos socios, Elias.
- Business trip like partners. - All right.
- Viaje de negocios, como colegas.
John Barleycorn and Hinchley. They're the partners in this business.
John "Cebada" y Hinchley son los socios de este negocio.
But business is bad and his partners pull out.
Desgraciadamente los negocios no le van bien. Los socios, tienen miedo, y abandonan.
His father and my father are partners in the plumbing business.
Su padre y mi padre son socios en el negocio de la plomería.
Well, still, you must've gotten along pretty good. I mean, you were partners in business.
Bueno, pero no se llavarían tan mal del todo pues al cabo eran socios
Anyway, the partners went into business immediately, in the food preservation line.
Como sea, los socios se metieron inmediatamente en el negocio, en la línea de conservación de comida.
These guys set her up in business and became her partners, right?
Estos dos le montaron el negocio y se convirtieron en sus socios.
Here we are, partners in a business.
Aquí estamos... ... socios en un negocio...
He and Burt Johnson used to be partners in business.
Él y Burt Johnson eran socios en los negocios.
You have committed a great sin by making them partners in our business.
Usted ha cometido un pecado grave, haciéndolos socios en su negocio.
I believe you cannot run... business without partners.
Yo creo que no hay negocios sin socios.
You have no business telling me how partners should treat each other.
No vengas tú a contarme cómo han de tratarse los compañeros.
But what my partners and I do want is for you to stay out of our business.
Pero, con mis socios, queremos que no te metas en nuestros asuntos.
'We have arrived and are talking to one of Quark's business partners'in an effort to contact the Founders of the Dominion.'
Solo dígame Io que necesito saber y esto acabará.

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