Choose life traduction Espagnol
769 traduction parallèle
Between art and life, he said he'd choose life.
Entre el arte y la vida, elegiría la vida.
For myself, for my daughter and for another I choose life.
Por mí, por mi hija y por otro escojo la vida.
Therefore choose life, that thou mayest live thou and thy seed. "
Por ello, escoge la vida, para que puedas vivirla tú y tu posteridad ".
In life, you have to choose
En la vida hay que elegir.
If it's the life you choose, you have to like it.
Sería tonto por otra parte Desde luego que soy feliz
I can't put her out of my life just because you choose to walk back into it.
No puedo sacarla de mi vida sólo porque decidiste volver.
- And that our life together, if you should choose me, will be as happy as it's in my power to make it.
- Y que nuestra vida juntos, si me escoges a mí, será tan feliz como esté en mi mano.
But in real life, it's even more important that you choose the right side.
Pero en la vida real, es aún más importante elegir el lado correcto.
But you must choose between an operatic career and what is usually called "a normal life." Though why it is so-called is beyond me.
Debe escoger entre su carrera y lo que llaman una vida normal... aunque no sé realmente por qué han dado en llamarla así.
To the last hour of my life she cannot choose but to remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil.
Hasta la última hora de mi vida seguirá siendo parte de mí, del bien que hay en mí, y del mal.
I didn't choose to lead a lonely life.
No elegí llevar una vida solitaria.
Richard, I didn't choose this kind of life. But now that it's happened, Don't you think we should make the best of it?
No he elegido esta vida pero llevemos las cosas a un buen lugar.
You choose to say so, but it so happens it is my business, my job, to save the life of your former mistress.
Eso es Io que Vd. dice, pero mi deber... es salvar Ia vida de su antigua patrona.
If you choose to disobey these orders you will answer with your life.
Si elige desobedecer estas órdenes, lo pagará con su vida.
Choose right now you can be the envy of the German Foreign Service or you can go through life as a diplomatic valet.
Elija usted ahora podrá ser la envidia del Servicio Secreto Alemán o continuar como diplomático subalterno.
- You'll choose once again to share my life rather than...
- Volverías a elegir compartir tu vida conmigo pese a...
You not only choose a way of life, you choose a way of eternity.
Elegís no solo una forma de vida sino una forma de eternidad.
Can you see now why I choose this sort of life?
¿ Ves ahora claro por qué me metí en esta vida?
If you're old enough to vote, you're old enough to choose your own way of life.
Si se tiene edad para votar, se tiene edad para elegir tu estilo de vida.
A woman who uses racing as a way, to choose a man... who will share his life with her, is at least...
¿ Cómo puedes juzgarla?
Maybe for my next birth I choose a spring day where everything takes life too.
Quizá la próxima vez que nazca lo haré en primavera, cuando todo alrededor también esté naciendo.
How could you choose such a life?
¿ Por qué eligió esa vida?
thinking not only of this life but of her immortal soul helping to give her strength to endure the trials of this life so that she may choose the right path, the path of duty.
para que esta pequeña niña se convierta en una mujer pensando no solamente en esta vida sino en su alma inmortal ayudando a darle la fuerza para afrontar las pruebas de esta vida a fin de que pueda elegir la buena vida, la del deber.
You cannot choose the life of a beast.
No puedes elegir la vida de una bestia.
If I had to choose my life over again... I think I would choose to be an artist.
Si tuviera que elegir mi vida de nuevo... creo que elegiría ser artista.
Someone once said... If a man had a chance to spend his life fishing, making love... watching things grow and didn't choose to do it, he was mad.
Alguien dijo una vez... es porque no está cuerdo.
Today, many coeds choose to devote themselves entirely to their career, without relinquishing the demands of their personal life.
Son numerosas las universitarias que se dedican a su profesión por entero, sin renunciar por ello a las exigencias de su vida personal.
I choose and take the life you want
Elegiré la vida que quiero
Provided that the way of life they choose harms no one else and is contrary to neither law nor public decency.
Lo importante es que la forma de vivir de uno no perjudique a los demás, no altere el orden público y no pueda considerarse un atentado contra la moral.
Now, Major, what made you choose the military way of life?
A usted, mayor, ¿ qué le impulsó a escoger la vida militar?
It is up to you to choose a better life for yourself.
Está a vuestro alcance elegir una vida mejor.
Culture, in an underdeveloped country, is the sometimes painful and costly operation by which people become conscious of their ability to change their social life, to write their own history, and to choose the best of their traditions to make them bear fruit
La cultura en un país subdesarrollado no puede ser otra cosa que la operación a veces costosa, dolorosa, mediante la cual un pueblo toma conciencia de su capacidad de transformar su vida social, de escribir su propia historia
I'd have thrown away my life. So I must choose B to justify my life and actions.
He echado a perder mi vida y debo elegir la B, porque es la única que justifica mi vida.
What about you, did you choose your life?
¿ Y usted, Por qué elegiste tu vida?
" Our bodies are exploited... because we are not allowed to choose whether to have a child... because of the ban on abortion... and the moral pressures on our sex life.
Es explotada en su cuerpo... por la imposibilidad de decidir si quiere o no un niño... por la prohibición de abortar legalmente... por la prohibición moral de disponer de sí misma sexualmente.
Why with your leg broken and your life at stake did you choose the perils of the ancient road instead of the easy one that lay open?
¿ Por qué con la pierna rota y tu vida en peligro elegiste los peligros de un camino antiguo en lugar de un camino fácil?
I felt that it was a death that let Shino choose me and begin a new life.
Sentí que esta muerte liberó a Shino para elegirme y comenzar una nueva vida.
A tiny dingle is Milk Wood, by golden grove'neath Grongar, but let me choose, and, oh, I should love all my life and longer.
Bosque Lácteo es una hondonada junto a Golden Grove, cerca de Grongar.
If men would contend with you seek not their death but choose your own life.
Si los hombres pelearan contigo no busques su muerte pero escoge tu propia vida.
In a choice of my life or my horse, I choose my life.
Entre mi vida y mi caballo, escojo mi vida.
Wasn't the sort of life I'd choose for myself, but it was good for him.
No es la vida que habría escogido para mí pero fue buena para él.
Which road will I choose for my life
Cual camino, escogeré para mi vida
Don't you think that people have a right to choose what kind of life they want?
¿ No crees que las personas tengan derecho a elegir qué tipo de vida quieren?
If they'd offered you a planet with any kind of life you choose, - what would you choose?
Si te ofrecieran un planeta con cualquier tipo de vida ¿ cuál escogerías?
Or rather, what I want now, is to choose a very different life with somebody I respect.
Ahora lo que quiero es llevar otro tipo de vida. con alguien que esté a mi lado.
Eventually, he'll need to choose his studies, his craft.... he'll need to know how to choose a wife, what he wants from life... for all of that he'll need to be independent.
Tarde o temprano tendrá que elegir... Estudios, oficio... Deberá elegir una esposa, lo que quiere en la vida...
From all my life, I choose this minute.
De toda mi vida, elijo este minuto.
If necessity dictated that I become my own provider, I think I'd choose the life of a vegetarian.
Creo que me convertiría en un total vegetariano.
So, Wilson's photograph made it infinitely easier to produce a modern invention that helps us to cure one of the most deadly diseases known to mankind ; or if we choose, to wipe out all life on the face of the Earth.
Así que la fotografía de Wilson hizo infinitamente más fácil producir una invención moderna que nos ayuda a curar una de las enfermedades más mortíferas conocidas o si lo prefieren, eliminar toda la vida de la faz de la Tierra.
I choose this life. Not because I don't know no better, but because I believe it is better.
Escogí esta vida... no porque no he conocido otras, sino porque, para mí, es la mejor.
So let's choose f sub-I the fraction of suitable worlds in which life does arise, as a half.
Así pues, consideremos que f sub I la fracción de mundos aptos donde surge la vida, es la mitad.
life 1101
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
life's a bitch 23
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life is great 19
life's not fair 17
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life is great 19
life's not fair 17
life and death 48
life in prison 19
life insurance 30
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
choose 174
choose your weapon 17
choose one 35
life in prison 19
life insurance 30
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
choose 174
choose your weapon 17
choose one 35