Dead wife traduction Espagnol
1,460 traduction parallèle
What with the dead wife and all.
Todavía más con su mujer muerta.
Your dead wife and stillborn child are today the subject of my prayers.
Hoy rezaré por tu difunta esposa y por tu hijo nacido muerto.
But stop blaming it on your dead wife.
Para de culpar a tu fallecida esposa.
He actually talked to his dead wife.
No, fue increíble.
No, it was amazing. He actually talked to his dead wife.
De verdad habló con su esposa difunta.
Not to mention my dead wife.
Sin mencionar a mi esposa muerta.
Need I remind you that I found your business card on your dead wife's body?
¿ Necesito recordarle que hallé su tarjeta de negocios en el cuerpo muerto de su esposa?
You gave her your dead wife's ring?
¿ Le das el anillo de tu difunta esposa?
Zach is the only connection that paul has with his dead wife.
Zach es la única conexión que Paul tiene con su esposa muerta.
My memories, my tribute to my dead wife.
Mis recuerdos, el tributo a mi esposa muerta.
Would you stop going on about your fucking dead wife?
¿ Quieres parar con lo de tu maldita esposa muerta?
Obviously, they didn't do it. It turns out to be the dead guy's wife... who poisoned him with laced cocaine.
Resulta ser la esposa del tipo muerto... que lo envenenó con cocaína adulterada.
Do we know for sure this is the dead guy's wife?
¿ Sabemos a ciencia cierta esta es la esposa del hombre muerto?
My wife is dead.
Por favor, mi esposa está muerta.
You just happen to buy a tribal artifact like the one worn by the dead boy's sister, your wife buys a candle like the one that was right next to his body.
Usted casualmente compró un artefacto tribal como el del niño muerto su esposa compró una vela como la que estaba junto al cuerpo.
Tell him the second he transfers that money, his wife is dead.
Dile que apenas transfiera el dinero, matarán a su esposa.
What would your friends and family say if they knew you were banging your dead cousin's wife? Hey, don't poke me, man.
- No me des.
I'm a funeral director and my wife is freshly dead. Who's more qualified than me?
Soy director de funerales y mi esposa acaba de morir ¿ quién está más calificado que yo?
His wife's dead.
Su esposa murió.
The guy's wife is dead.
Su mujer se murió.
My wife's dead.
Mi esposa está muerta.
What I am is his dead son's wife.
Sólo soy la mujer de su hijo muerto.
Jonathan... your wife is dead.
Jonathan su esposa está muerta.
Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years.
Después descubrí que mi esposa murió hace seis años.
- My wife is dead!
- ¡ Mi esposa está muerta!
I Know What Really Happened to Your Dead Stripper Wife.
"Yo sé lo que le pasó realmente a tu esposa desnudista muerta".
The guy's wife is dead, and it hurts bad, like a knife in the gut that rips a little bit more every time you move.
La esposa de él está muerta y eso duele mucho, como... un cuchillo que te desgarra un poco más cada vez que te mueves.
If he's alive, and my wife says he's dead...
Si está vivo, y mi esposa dice que está muerto...
your wife is dead?
¿ Quién murió? - Si.
My wife is dead, She was 23.
Mi esposa murió a los 23 años.
A guy out in California's turned up dead, and his wife's disappeared.
Un tipo en California apareció muerto, y su esposa desapareció.
There in the grave was the decaying body of the young Mae Nak. Mak's wife and true love... and next to her their dead child.
los que la trataron de separar de Mak... ahi en la tumba se encontraba el cuerpo de la joven Mae Nak.... la esposa de Mak y su verdadero amor... y junto a ella su pequeño hijo muerto.
My wife is dead The baby was born.
Mi esposa muere! Y el Bebé nace!
The witness and his wife, they are dead
El testigo y su esposa han muerto.
My wife and son will be dead by the end of this day.
Mi esposa y mi hijo morirán antes de que el día termine.
My wife and son will be dead by the end of this day.
Mi esposa e hijo estarán muertos al final del día.
I know it's not what you and your wife want to hear and it's hard, but you've got to keep your memories of Carly when she was alive, and let the dead Carly go.
Sé que no es lo que usted y su esposa quieren oír, y que es difícil pero tienen que mantener los recuerdos de Carly cuando estaba viva y dejar que se vaya.
And for 25 years, he allowed his wife and his kid to think that he's been dead?
Y durante 25 años, ¿ permitió que su mujer y su hijo pensaran que había muerto?
Okay, the husband says he fell asleep, he woke up his wife was dead.
Bueno el esposo dice que se durmió, se despertó y la esposa estaba muerta.
With his wife dead, he is the beneficiary of a $ 250,000 policy.
Con su esposa muerta, es el beneficiario de una póliza de 250.000.
Wife comes home from canasta at the club, finds hubby dead in the driveway, calls 911.
La mujer viene del club de jugar a la canasta, encuentra al muerto en la calzada y llama al 911.
How does a man allow his wife and son to believe he's dead, Raymond?
¿ Por qué le hiciste creer a tu familia que estabas muerto?
Oh, and by the way, being on a boat when your wife drops dead, that's just not very original, Mr. Kingsley, even by hollywood standards.
Y por cierto estar en un barco cuando muere su esposa no es muy original, Sr. Kingsley, aun para Hollywood.
Mr. Barnes, it seems that your first wife Lisa, she's dead.
Sr. Barnes, al parecer, Lisa, su primera esposa, está muerta.
Look, my wife Lisa was declared dead, ok?
Mire. Me aseguraron que Lisa, mi esposa, estaba muerta, ¿ sabe?
I know your wife's dead but it's been six months.
Es un chiste, Paul. Sé que tu esposa está muerta, pero ¡ ya pasaron seis meses!
My wife and my best friend were dead.
Mi esposa, y mi mejor amigo, estaban muertos.
She would never... your wife has been dead for 2 years.
Ella nunca... Su esposa ha estado muerta por 2 años.
Maybe if his wife knows that he's dead, you know, she'll have a change of heart.
Tal vez si su esposa supiera que está muerto sus sentimientos cambiarían.
My wife is dead.
Mi esposa está muerta.
But his wife is dead, and he is staring at a potful of money.
Pero su esposa está muerta, y él se está por quedar con todo su dinero.
wife 1732
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wife and kids 16
dead girl 16
dead end 102
dead or alive 151
dead ahead 30
dead man walking 43
dead meat 35
dead man 40
dead people 32
dead hands 25
dead body 39
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dead serious 25
dead and 19
dead clade walking 20
dead guy 19
dead is dead 27
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dead body 39
dead on 16
dead serious 25
dead and 19
dead clade walking 20
dead guy 19
dead is dead 27
dead bodies 32