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Didn't it traduction Espagnol

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It didn't work.
No funciona.
Well, it worked, didn't it?
Bueno, funcionó, ¿ verdad?
But if you didn't say it, who did?
Pero si tu no lo dijiste, ¿ quién lo dijo?
I missed it, didn't I?
Me lo he perdido, ¿ verdad?
I didn't think you'd make it.
Creí que no llegarías a tiempo.
No, the tattoo didn't point to Farrell, it points to Kat.
No, el tatuaje no apuntaba a Farrell, apunta a Kat.
And it would be suicidal to try to take one of these apart if you didn't know exactly what you were doing.
Sería un suicidio intentar desarmar uno de estos si no sabes exactamente lo que estás haciendo.
Didn't mean it like that.
No me refería a eso.
I didn't want to see it before and I definitely don't want to see it now.
No quería verlo antes y en definitiva no quiero verlo ahora.
It didn't make Hamlet sleep any easier.
Eso no hacía que Hamlet durmiera más fácilmente.
Oh. She didn't give it to me.
Ella no me las pegó.
It didn't ruin anything.
No arruinó nada.
Uh... Didn't that guy say it was $ 200 a month?
¿ No dijo el tío unos doscientos al mes?
Because I... I didn't want to because I had to do it now or else I was gonna chicken out.
Porque yo no quería, porque tenía que hacerlo ya o me iba a acojonar.
And he told me that he loves me and I didn't say it back.
Y me dijo que me quiere y yo no se lo devolví.
Why didn't I say it back?
¿ Por qué no se lo dije también?
A great guy finally tells me that he loves me, and I couldn't say it back because I didn't want it to be this big dramatic good-bye.
Un tío fantástico por fin me dice que me quiere y yo no se lo he dicho porque no quería que fuera una despedida dramática.
And yeah, it hurt that you didn't want to spend the day with me, and also I ran into your friend Duke, who's a real dick, by the way.
Y sí, duele que no quisieras pasar el día conmigo, y también he conocido a tu amigo Duke, que es un completo gilipollas, por cierto.
I tried, but it just... it didn't stick.
Lo intenté, pero... no funcionó.
I didn't say you could have it!
¡ No dije que podías quedártelo!
And it's not... I didn't... it's not like I...
Y no es... yo no... no es como si yo...
And it wasn't that she didn't recognize me.
Y no fue que no me reconociera
I was fine with it. You didn't want me to have a career.
No querías que tuviera una carrera.
I mean, between three brothers and no mom, I didn't exactly get the instruction manual on how to deal with it when the guy you love leaves you alone in a train station on your birthday, so...
Entre tres hermanos y sin madre, no me dieron exactamente el manual de instrucciones de cómo lidiar con el hecho de que el chico al que amas te deje sola en una estación de tren el día de tu cumpleaños, así que...
They didn't like it.
No les gustó.
I didn't... it was... it was her power, I think.
Yo no... era... era su poder, supongo.
I... it didn't feel like before, the other times...
No me había sentido así antes, las otras veces...
You just said that they didn't do it.
Acabas de decir que no lo hicieron.
If he says he didn't do it, he didn't do it.
Si dice que no lo hizo, no lo hizo.
Well, if I didn't, it doesn't matter now.
Bueno, si no lo tuviese, ya no importa ahora.
You know, I didn't eat anything from sunrise to sunset, so I'd say solid fast. And it must be very difficult to fast with all those tasty cupcakes at work.
Debe ser difícil ayunar con esos cupcakes sabrosos en el trabajo.
It didn't seem like routine.
No parecía rutinario.
Well, it didn't stop him interviewing me.
Bueno, esto no le ha impedido interrogarme.
It's a good job you didn't come in in your uniform.
Es bueno que no haya venido con su uniforme.
Erm, no. It was dark and I didn't really look, I'm sorry.
Estaba oscuro y no me fijé mucho.
I just didn't want to say it in front of Jamie just in case it sounded like I thought all cabbies had to be black.
No quería decirlo en frente de Jamie por si sonaba como que todos los taxistas tienen que ser negros.
I didn't do it.
Yo no lo hice.
It got late and..... I just didn't want to wake up the whole house.
Se hizo tarde y... no quería despertar a toda la casa.
Look, this is information you should have known earlier, DCI Huntley, far, far earlier, and in my view, the reason you didn't know it is because you were itching to charge this suspect, come what may.
Mire, esta información la debería haber sabido antes, inspectora Huntley, mucho mucho antes, y bajo mi punto de vista, el motivo por qué no lo sabía es porque estaba ansiosa para acusar al sospechoso, como fuera.
- I didn't do it.
- Yo no he sido.
- I didn't do it.
- No lo he hecho.
I didn't do it.
No lo he hecho.
And when he didn't arrive, it was at that moment that I realised that he must have gone to our old floor.
Y como no llegaba, fue cuando me di cuenta que debía haber ido por el antiguo edificio.
Yes, there was some question about the label being overwritten, but Steve and Kate didn't think it was significant.
Sí, hubo algunas dudas de que la etiqueta fuera corregida, pero Steve y Kate no pensaron que fuera importante.
I didn't lose it.
No la perdí.
I didn't make it to the chapel.
No pude llegar a la capilla.
Sorry it came to this, but you didn't give me a choice.
Lamento haber llegado a esto, pero no me diste otra alternativa.
I didn't take it seriously at first.
Al principio no me lo tomé en serio.
But it didn't.
- Pero no fue así.
- It kissed me, I didn't kiss it.
- Me besó, yo no besé.
Didn't work, did it?
No funcionó, ¿ sí?

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