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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Don't believe them

Don't believe them traduction Espagnol

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I don't believe in them newspaper stories.
No creo en esas historias del periódico.
Count them if you don't believe me. All right.
Contad, si no os lo creéis.
You don't believe in them any more than I do.
Usted no cree en ellas más de lo que yo creo.
- I don't believe I shall ever see them again.
- Creo que no volveré a verlos.
If you don't believe me, go in and ask them.
Si no me cree, entre y pregunte.
Don't believe them, we're kidding.
No os creáis una palabra, nos está tomando el pelo.
Because I don't believe it'd be good policy to publish them.
- No es recomendable publicarlas.
I don't believe in them.
No creo en ellos.
I don't believe I've ever seen them so far from home.
No creo que nunca los haya visto tan lejos de casa.
I'm afraid I don't believe in them.
Lo siento, pero no creo en ellos. ¿ Y usted?
I can't sell them anything I don't believe in.
No puedo venderles algo en lo que no creo.
You don't believe them, do you?
¿ Puedes creerlo?
Well, I don't always believe them.
Pues, no siempre les creo.
Don't believe in them.
No creo en ellos.
I don't believe in them, really... and I'd be interested, not scared, wouldn't you?
Claro que no. No creo en ellos. Estaría interesada, no asustada. ¿ Tú no?
I know there are people who say this is just another war to protect the great fortunes or for some other economic reason, but don't believe them.
Ya sé que algunos dicen que esta es otra guerra para proteger las grandes fortunas, o que la mueve la economía. Pero no les crean.
You mean you don't want to believe them. Come, come Mr Povey, is that kind or is that fair?
Por favor, no es el momento apropiado para hablar de eso.
- I don't believe them.
- No me lo creo.
Don't you believe in them, Rusty?
¿ No confías en ellas, Rusty?
I don't believe them either.
Tampoco les creo.
I don't have to believe everything I see in them.
Sí, pero no creo todo lo que dicen.
Mommy told me if things don't turn out the way you want them to you still got to believe.
Mami dijo que si las cosas no salían bien al comienzo... aún tienes que tener fe.
- You don't believe them?
- ¿ No lo cree en esos informes?
Scientists don't believe in visions and I don't wanna hear about them. Wouldn't it be sensible even doubting me to... keep an open mind?
Como científico, no creo en visiones y no quiero oír hablar de ellas.
Mary, you won't believe this, but I don't know how those glasses got in here, but I'm glad you found them.
Mary, no creerás esto, pero no sé cómo esas gafas entraron aquí, pero me alegra que las hayas encontrado.
I am afraid that many of them don't believe you, your Majesty.
Le dije al Parlamento que la reina no tuvo nada que ver.
Well I don't believe, sir, that the Home Guard nor anybody else can stop them.
No se puede hacer nada.
- But.. I'm afraid I don't believe in cigarettes. Much less a machine for making them.
Nunca he creído en los cigarrillos ni en las máquinas.
- You mean you don't believe them. - Well, frankly, I don't.
¿ Quiere decir que no los cree?
I don't believe you mean a word of them.
- No creo que lo diga en serio.
I don't believe in coddling them.
No creo en los mimos.
Many of them don't believe you appear to us.
Muchos no nos creen que apareces.
You promised to tell me why you don't believe in them. - Me? - Yes.
Prometió decirme porqué no cree en ellos.
When you hear them day after day, you don't know what to believe.
Cuando las oyes día tras día, ya no sabes que creer.
They want us to trust them, to believe that Frank and George... are in no danger as long as we don't interfere with them, to give them time, time!
Querían que confiáramos. Frank y George no peligran... mientras no interfiramos con ellos. ¡ Quieren tiempo!
- But you don't believe in them.
- Pero Ud. No cree en ellos.
Miracles exist... these kind of miracles don't exist... and I'm sure that you believe in them.
Sólamente existen milagros, no existe un tipo de milagros, y no estoy seguro de que usted crea.
I don't know why, but I do believe in them.
No lo sé, pero creo.
Mrs. Crawford don't believe in them, sir.
La Sra. Crawford no cree en ellos, señor.
Don't believe them.
No les crea.
Don't believe them, King!
¡ No les creáis, majestad!
"But I don't believe them, because I no longer understand anything."
Pero no les creo, porque ya no entiendo nada.
- Professor, don't believe them!
No les crea, profesor.
Oh, yeah, and you don't believe them.
Yang, no te las crees.
I don't... I believe that destiny put them together.
No bebo mucho. En mi opinión, es el destino el que los ha reunido.
Don't tell me you have found them on the ground because This time I do not believe!
Esta vez no te creo.
You don't believe in them and I no longer fear them.
Jamás has creído en ellos y yo ya no les tengo ningún miedo
Oh! And if any of the girls try and tell you how wonderful you are, don't believe them.
Si alguna de las chicas le dice Io maravilloso que es, ni caso.
Don't believe them.
No las creas.
Don't believe them!
¡ No les creas!
I'lI get them back, I swear. Don't you believe me?
Pero te los desempeñare, te lo juro, ¿ no me crees?

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