Door slams traduction Espagnol
583 traduction parallèle
What happens when that door slams shut behind you?
¿ Qué pasará cuando se vaya y esa puerta se cierre?
Leonora, don't leave this room! ( DOOR SLAMS )
¡ Leonora, no te vayas de esta habitación!
"Collusion." [Door slams]
- [Door Slams] - What the devil was that all about?
¿ Qué diablos le pasa?
I'll pray to the lady, and that will make me strong! [DOOR SLAMS]
Rezaré a la señora, eso me dará fuerzas.
Oh, God, what did I say? [DOOR SLAMS]
Por dios, ¿ qué dije?
( Door slams )
( Portazo )
[portazos de puerta]
[Los portazos de puerta]
When the door slams, I'm... my life is out of yours.
Saldré de sus vidas.
- ( Door slams ) - Cheeky monkey!
¡ Descarado!
- Oh, buzz off! - ( Door slams, man laughs )
¡ Qué te largues!
- [Door Slams] - How could she think a thing like that, Lieutenant?
¿ Cómo puede ella pensar una cosa como ésa, teniente?
[S ] Don't go on. [ S ] It's the way we're sure of having enough. [ Door slams shut]
- No estés tan nerviosa.
- Ah, put it by the bed. [Door slams shut]
Ponlo junto a la cama.
So you won't violate any fire laws, ya dumb - [Door Slams] Kolchak! Listen, Kolchak,
Para que no viole el reglamento del cuerpo de bomberos, estúpido Kolchak, debo hacer algo con la pequeña Monique.
[Door slams]
[Cierra la puerta]
- Margaret, she's gonna be okay. - [Vehicle Door Slams]
Margaret, se recuperará.
( door slams )
( puerta slams )
Right away, if you'd like. - [Cell Door Slams] - Very creative, Seymour.
Muy ingenioso, Seymour.
Cold, possibly hot. - Chances of showers or not. " - [Vehicle Door Slams]
Hará frío ; tal vez, calor... es posible que llueva o que no llueva ".
¿ Hola?
I'm busting my balls trying to fit in and every door slams in my face.
Me reviento tratando de adaptarme y me dan portazos a la cara.
[Door Slams ] [ Nick] Yeah? Well, maybe I'm pushing the wrong lady.
Quizá esté hablando con la mujer equivocada.
[Door Slams] I still don't like it, AuntJess.
Sigue sin gustarme, tía Jess.
- I'm so busy, l-I wouldn't know how to begin [Door Slams] - Sheriff!
Pero estoy tan ocupada que no sabría por dónde empezar.
[Door Slams]
[Puerta golpes]
[Golpe de la puerta] Uh-Oh.
[door slams ] [ raquel] okay, then i'm going in the bedroom!
¡ Está bien, entonces me iré al dormitorio!
[door slams] i'll give her half a point.
Le daré a ella medio punto.
( door slams shut )
( Puerta cerrada golpea )
But you don't come back unexpect... ( car door slams )
Pero tú no vuelves Unexpect... ( cierra la puerta del coche )
( car door slams )
( cierra la puerta del coche )
- ( Door slams )
! Espere!
When he sees Mrs Price is watching him, he gets up and slams the door and locks it.
Cuando vio que la Sra. Price lo observaba... se levantó, cerró la puerta y le echó llave.
He grips me, swipes me, swats me one in the breadbasket and slams the door in me face.
Me agarra, me ataca, me golpea en el estómago... y pega un portazo que casi me da.
[Door Slams] Terry!
- ¡ Terry!
When the wind slams the door or a shutter... we tremble in our shoes and hide ourselves like frightened rabbits.
Si el viento cierra de golpe una puerta, nos dan temblores y nos ocultamos como conejos asustados.
[Door Slams] Here he is.
Aquí está.
Well I guess that slams the door on Ms. Marlow.
Bueno eso pone fin a mi amistad con la señorita Marlow.
Somebody slams the door, you think it's a shot.
Piensan que cualquier ruido es un disparo.
Maybe this is one of the times that Granny used to talk about... when God slams a door in yourface... that he may guideyou to the one through which he wants you to pass.
Quizás ésta sea una de esas veces que mencionaba la abuelita... en las que Dios te cierra una puerta en la cara... para poder guiarte a aquélla que quiere que atravieses.
Things get a little rough, he goes back in his shell... and slams the door, and he's out to lunch.
Si las cosas se ponen duras, se mete a su caparazón... cierra la puerta, y adiós.
Come home, she slams the door in your face.
Y al llegar a casa, le cierra la puerta en la cara.
( thunder rumbling ) ( door slams ) Did she think I was gonna hit her with hit?
¿ Ha pensado que iba a golpearla con esto?
[Door Slams Shut] Herman's home.
Ya llegó Herman.
[Door Slams] Here, put this out someplace.
Tira esto donde quieras.
And she slams the door in my face.
Y me cerró la puerta en la cara.
He grabs his coat and hat and slams the door.
Luego se pone el abrigo y el sombrero y da un portazo.
[CAR DOOR SLAMS] Oh, my God, they're here.
Dos mío, ya están aquí.
( Door slams ) Oh, bloody hospital!
¡ Oh, maldito hospital!
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
door shuts 99
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door buzzes 59
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door buzzes 59