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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ E ] / Evacuate immediately

Evacuate immediately traduction Espagnol

283 traduction parallèle
'Evacuate immediately.
" Evacuen inmediatamente.
'Alarm areas sounding a continuous tone, evacuate immediately.'
"Áreas con alarmas suenan en tono intermitente, evacuen inmediatamente".
'Evacuate immediately.
"Evacuen inmediatamente".
'Alarm areas sounding a continuous tone, evacuate immediately.'
'Alarmas de zonas sonando continuamente, evacuar enseguida'
We've got to evacuate immediately!
Tenemos que evacuar inmediatamente.
Evacuate immediately.
Evacúen inmediatamente.
Evacuate immediately Building civilians.
Evacuar inmediatamente del edificio a los civiles.
All inhabitants must evacuate! All residents must evacuate immediately!
¡ Todos los habitantes deben evacuar!
To repeat, all residents of the Shinjuku district must evacuate immediately!
¡ Todos los habitantes del distrito Shinjuku deben evacuar inmediatamente!
All personnel must evacuate immediately.
Todo el personal debe evacuar inmediatamente.
You've got to evacuate immediately.
Tienes que evacuar de inmediato.
Evacuate immediately.
Evacuen inmediatamente.
All personnel, evacuate immediately :
Todo el personal, evacue inmediatamente.
... breach. Evacuate immediately.
Evacuación inmediata.
Godzilla is nearing the park. Please evacuate immediately.
hacia el Godzilla espacial.
If you fail to evacuate immediately, we will use force to remove you.
Si no os marcháis ahora mismo nos obligaréis a emplear la fuerza para expulsaros de aquí.
We must evacuate immediately!
¡ Debemos evacuar inmediatamente!
Prepare to evacuate immediately
Prepárense evacuar inmediatamente
Abandon this unit! Evacuate immediately!
¡ Este lugar será clausurado!
All residents within radius of 50km are to evacuate immediately.
La evacuación de todos los ciudadanos dentro de un radio de 50 kilómetros.
Evacuate immediately.
Evacuar inmediatamente.
Officials have toldpeople here to evacuate immediately.
La policía le ha dicho a la gente que hay que evacuarlos inmediatamente.
Prepare the men to evacuate the siege immediately.
Prepare a Ia gente para evacuar Ia plaza inmediatamente.
We have received orders to evacuate you immediately.
Hemos recibido órdenes de evacuarles inmediatamente.
Evacuate section 30 immediately.
¡ Evacuen sección 30 inmediatamente!
Advise the boiler room to evacuate all stations immediately.
Avise a la sala de calderas que evacuen todas las estaciones.
Evacuate the hospital immediately, but stay and continue with the operation.
Evacúen el hospital inmediatamente, y ustedes continúen con la operación.
Everyone must evacuate the area immediately.
Todo el mundo debe evacuar la zona inmediatamente.
Advise the boiler room to evacuate all stations immediately.
Que evacuen la caldera de inmediato.
Evacuate the area immediately below the dam.
Evacuen la zona próxima a la presa.
Evacuate the complex immediately.
Evacúen el complejo inmediatamente.
- Evacuate the complex immediately.
- Evacúen el complejo inmediatamente.
I am not given to wild unsupported statements and I tell you that we must evacuate this planet immediately.
Ni dado a afirmaciones insensatas sin fundamento... y os aseguro que debemos evacuar este planeta inmediatamente.
All inhabitants of the Shinjuku district are to evacuate the city immediately!
¡ Todos los habitantes del distrito Shinjuku deben evacuar inmediatamente!
Get the emergency crew right in and evacuate the plant immediately.
Consiga el equipo de emergencia, y evacue la planta. ¡ Inmediatamente!
Please evacuate your school immediately.
Evacuen la escuela immdiatamente.
Evacuate immediately.
Evacuen de inmediato.
Garrett, evacuate the area immediately.
Garrett, evacua el área inmediatamente.
All personnel evacuate the building immediately.
Que todos evacuen el edificio de inmediato.
All personnel evacuate the building immediately.
Que todos salgan del edificio de inmediato.
Evacuate this building immediately.
Evacuen el edificio inmediatamente.
Your attention please. Evacuate the festival grounds immediately, And go to the north reactor for an urgent announcement
Evacuen inmediatamente y acudan al reactor norte para mayor información
We have to evacuate the Union, immediately.
Tenemos que evacuar, inmediatamente.
All Cardassian personnel should evacuate the area immediately.
Que todo el personal cardassiano evacue la zona inmediatamente.
All residents must evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.
Por favor resguárdense en los refugios designados.
All residents must evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.
Por favor, diríjanse a los refugios designados.
All residents must evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.
Repito... Hoy a las 12 : 30,...
Evacuate immediately.
Contaminantes de aire en nivel crítico. Evacuar.
Simply notify the local authorities and evacuate the area immediately.
Simplemente notifique a las autoridades locales y evacue el área inmediatamente.
All citizens must evacuate to their designated shelters immediately.
Todos los civiles deben dirigirse de inmediato a los refugios designados.
All non-combat personnel must evacuate via route 87 immediately.
Todo personal no-bélico inmediatamente debe evacuar por ruta 67.

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