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Fitzpatrick traduction Espagnol

576 traduction parallèle
Can't stand the sight of who, Mr. Fitzpatrick?
No se puede parar el de vista que, el Sr. Fitzpatrick?
This is Richard Fitzpatrick.
Este es Richard Fitzpatrick.
This time, it's freshman candidate Richard Fitzpatrick dropping out of today's debate
Esta vez, es estudiante de primer año candidato Richard Fitzpatrick el abandono del debate de hoy
Richard Fitzpatrick owes the people of Coverton one debate.
Richard Fitzpatrick debe al pueblo de Coverton un debate
Fitzpatrick's popularity is going to skyrocket.
Fitzpatrick popularidad se va a disparar.
Richard Fitzpatrick, get ready... it's coming for you.
Richard Fitzpatrick, prepárate... Lo que viene para ti.
A Fitzpatrick never apologizes.
A Fitzpatrick nunca se disculpa.
So, if his sister killed herself, who's to say Fitzpatrick isn't just as unstable.
Por lo tanto, si su hermana se suicidó, ¿ quién puede decir Fitzpatrick no es tan inestable.
At the graveyard when we bury Meghan Fitzpatrick.
En el cementerio cuando enterramos Meghan Fitzpatrick.
What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Fitzpatrick?
¿ Qué tienes que decir por ti mismo, el Sr. Fitzpatrick?
I blackmailed Elaine Fitzpatrick for her shares in this dealership.
I chantajeado Elaine Fitzpatrick por sus acciones en este concesionario.
Fitzpatrick Motors, currently run by the far superior cousins Ruptal.
Fitzpatrick Motors, actualmente a cargo de los primos lejanos superiores Ruptal.
It's the infirm Fitzpatrick!
Es enfermos Fitzpatrick!
Ken Fitzpatrick.
Ken Fitzpatrick.
Chester Vince has been appointed vacated seat of disgraced councillor and felon at large, Richard Fitzpatrick.
Chester Vince ha sido nombrado asiento vacante de consejero deshonrado y criminal en general, Richard Fitzpatrick.
No, it's Fitzpatrick!
No, es Fitzpatrick!
A new partnership, and a new Fitzpatrick.
Una sociedad nueva, y un nuevo Fitzpatrick.
Fighting Jim Fitzpatrick and his happiness squad. Just a smile and a blessing for everyone.
El combativo Fitzpatrick y su alegre brigada, una sonrisa y una bendición para todos.
Look here Fitzpatrick.. you'll have to prove these claims.
Necesitarás pruebas, Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick come yet?
- Sí, jefe. - ¿ Y Fitzpatrick?
Hold on there, Fitzpatrick
Un momento.
─ Now listen here, Jim Fitzpatrick. Everybody knows that you have more brains than anybody else on the force.
Escucha, Jim Fitzpatrick, todos saben que eres el más listo del departamento.
Will you tell Captain Fitzpatrick a pair of "burglars" would like to see him.
¿ Puede decirle a Fitzpatrick que dos manguis quieren verle?
Now that I've unnecessarily reviewed the brilliant career of Captain Fitzpatrick. I feel sure we shall all be very happy to hear him take the oath of office.
Ahora que les he recordado, innecesariamente, la brillante carrera del capitán Fitzpatrick, tendrán el gusto de oírle prestar juramento.
Say, you boys know Ed Fitzpatrick don't you?
¿ Conocéis a Ed Fitzpatrick?
Tell Detective Fitzpatrick I want to see him.
Llame al detective Fitzpatrick.
Arrest Detective Fitzpatrick. Charge with murder.
Arresten al detective Fitzpatrick por asesinato.
Chief Fitzpatrick's brother arrested in bank robbery slaying. Extra!
¡ El hermano de Fitzpatrick arrestado por un atraco!
Let them fly together with that Fitzpatrick cop.
Que vayan a la silla junto a Ed Fitzpatrick.
Well if we get off Abe and Joe, we get off Fitzpatrick too, that's right?
Si sacamos a Abe y a Joe, sacamos al otro, ¿ no?
From the time you were hit on the head, Mr Fitzpatrick..
Desde que lo golpearon en la cabeza, Sr. Fitzpatrick,
"Fighting Jim Fitzpatrick."
¡ El combativo Jim Fitzpatrick!
Mr Fitzpatrick, the distinguished street-car conductor.
El Sr. Fitzpatrick, el distinguido conductor de tranvías.
Tell me.. I want to see that Mr Fitzpatrick.
Sammy, quiero ver al Sr. Fitzpatrick.
Oh, that's not my Fitzpatrick.
¡ Este no es mi Fitzpatrick!
Where is my Fitzpatrick?
¿ Dónde está mi Fitzpatrick?
Paging mister Ed Fitzpatrick.. ha!
Llamen al Sr. Ed Fitzpatrick.
My friends.. Detective Fitzpatrick.
Mi amigo, el detective Fitzpatrick.
I know just what you've got up your sleeve, Fitzpatrick.
Escondes un as en la manga.
I, James Fitzpatrick. Do solemnly swear to uphold the constitution of The United States And the constitution of this State.
Yo, James Fitzpatrick, juro solemnemente hacer respetar la Constitución de Estados Unidos y la de este estado, y desempeñar mis funciones de jefe de policía tan bien como me sea posible.
Would you mind stepping forward a little bit, Mrs. Fitzpatrick?
¿ Quiere adelantarse, Sra. Fitzpatrick?
I'll ask Maj. Fitzpatrick of the Burma Rifles to tell you more.
El comandante Fitzpatrick de Fusileros de Birmania os informará.
There was Hughie Fitzpatrick - he wanted to marry me.
Uno, Hughie Fitzpatrick. Quería casarse conmigo y lo hizo.
And you say this will be a costume ball, Mrs. Fitzpatrick?
Nos encontramos en la sexta entrada...
Well, tell me, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, where will the public be able to buy tickets for this charity ball given for the benefit of Saint Stephen's Hospital Guild?
Dígame, ¿ dónde puede el público comprar entradas para el baile que será en beneficio del Hospital de San Esteban?
- Warren Fitzpatrick.
Morgan Six Patric.
It was Mrs. Fitzpatrick that was killed.
Fue a su esposa a la que mataron.
Warren Fitzpatrick?
Six Patric.
Oh fuck... [baby fussing] He's a Fitzpatrick.
Es un Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick, Chief.
- Fitzpatrick, jefe.
─ Fitzpatrick.

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