Forget all that traduction Espagnol
1,058 traduction parallèle
Forget all that.
Oh, but we can forget all that.
Oh, pero podemos olvidar todo eso.
Well, you've gotta forget all that now... and think of the future...
Bueno, tiene que olvidarse de todo eso. Piense en eI futuro...
Don't forget all that I took off of her.
No olvides todo lo que he aguantado por ella.
Forget all that stuff.
Déjate de locuras.
Come with me! You must forget all that!
- ¡ Ven conmigo y olvídalo todo!
She told me you're to forget all that.
Ella dijo que te olvidarías de todo.
So couldn't you forget all that "sir" and "master" stuff?
¿ No deberías dejar ya eso de "señor" y "maestro"?
And don't forget all that bunk about export or die.
Y no olvides la pelotudez de, "exportar o morir".
I would like you to forget all that makes you unhappy. Thank you, Licos.
El problema de con quién vas a compartir el trono hay que afrontarlo pronto.
Forget all that, will you?
Olvídate de eso, ¿ de acuerdo?
However, I'm willing to forget all that.
Sin embargo, estoy dispuesto a olvidarlo todo.
Myrtle Mae, please try to forget all about that dreadful Mr. Wilson.
Vamos, Myrtle Mae, intenta olvidar a ese odioso Sr. Wilson.
Paul, uh, I took the liberty of suggesting to Inspector Weber here that we forget all about that $ 3,400 you mentioned and that he get you this card instead.
Paul, emm... me tomé la libertad de sugerirle al Inspector Weber que nos olvidáramos de los 3.400 dólares que mencionaste si me daba la ficha a cambio.
When you're back we'll forget about all that has happened.
Cuando esté de vuelta olvidaremos todo lo que ha sucedido.
Don't forget, miss, that your uniform obligates you to respect all the rules of this hospital.
En cuanto a Vd, señorita, no se olvide de que su uniforme le obliga a respetar todos las reglas de nuestro hospital.
Now, is it likely that I would forget the man who married my best girl? Oh, i s all right.
¿ Me olvidaría del hombre que se casó con la chica de mis sueños?
I've always felt The best way to stay young Is to forget your youth, but That's all Charles remembers.
Siempre he pensado que la mejor manera para permanecer joven es olvidar la juventud, pero eso es todo lo que Charles recuerda.
He does not share my interests But I'm lucky that you all come and visit me I enjoy it so much that I forget about everything else in my life
Supongo que me considera una mujer aburrida, pero recibir visitas con frecuencia, como la de ustedes, es para mí un gran consuelo.
- All right, forget that.
- Bueno, olvídelo.
Remember our good times and forget all the rest so that at least you will never hate me.
Recuerda nuestros buenos tiempos y olvídate de todo lo demás para que al menos nunca me odies.
That's all right, forget it.
No se preocupe.
Forget all that.
Olviden todo eso.
All right, forget it. If you don't own or operate any of these places, you bring me the Joe Gray that does and I'll apologise.
Si no eres el dueño ni operas en ninguno de estos lugares,... tráeme al Joe Gray que lo hace y me disculparé.
But the eyes that saw it shall forget that name and all they read.
Pero los ojos que vieron esto olvidarán el nombre y lo que leyeron.
But do not forget that in each of us lies the seed... that can conquer all this.
Pero no olvide que en cada uno de nosotros reside la semilla... que puede conquistar todo esto.
For, while to us, the words from Mars seem the very essence of the Christian doctrine, let us not forget that they are also the essence of all other religions. Christian,
Todas llaman a la oración, arrodillándose humildemente en busca de orientación divina.
He's a good person and I think he even loves you in his way. But you mustn't forget the life you lead, your commitments, all that you've surrounded yourself with, which you need to feel strong.
Es buena gente y hasta creo que te quiere a su modo, pero tú no debes olvidar la vida que llevas, tus compromisos, todo eso de que te has rodeado y que necesitas para sentirte fuerte.
I plundered from the wreck many chests with all manner of clothes, tallow, gunpowder, the carpenter tools and scores of useful articles, not to forget that fellow survivor, Sam.
Conseguí entre los restos del naufragio varios arcones con toda clase de ropas, sebo, pólvora, herramientas de carpintero y decenas de útiles objetos, sin olvidar al único superviviente. Sam.
And I hope they forget All newspaper articles and news that have been read, since reality is quite different.
Y espero que olviden todos los artículos de periódico y noticias que hayan podido leer, ya que la realidad es bastante diferente.
We'll forget all about that.
Lo olvidaremos.
I shall give you something that will make you forget all your petty dreams- - your miserable kingdom, your wife who grows old.
Te daré algo que te hará olvidar tus mezquinos sueños..... y tu mísero reino, tu mujer que envejece.
Those of you who are young women, fiancées, brides and especially those of you who are mothers, I mean women of every social background, and of all ages at times like these you must forget that you were born just to provide sweetness and love, you must forget...
Vosotras, chiquillas, novias, esposas... y, sobre todo, madres, en definitiva, mujeres... de todas las condiciones sociales y edad. Tenéis que olvidar haber nacido para la dulzura y el amor... olvidar vuestra frágil naturaleza femenina y gritar "¡ No!"... a los fabricantes de armas.
Whenever you sit in that second row seat in our show, I forget all my lyrics.
Cuando se sienta en la segunda fila, olvido todas las letras.
You forget that we come from that family :..... to a cert'oraAt a certain hour, all were at home, even Uncle Angelino,..... more than forty years old, a piece of man so, at 18 : 30 at home.
Te olvidas de que venimos de una familia en que a ciertas horas, todos en casa, hasta el tío Angelino, un cuarentón, un pedazo de hombre así, a las 18,30 en casa.
Compared to that little oaf, your sinuous body... will make me forget all about her.
Una idiotez. Pero he pensado en ti, en tus caderas, tus piernas. No se dice que no a una chica tan guapa.
That's all right. Forget it.
Está bien.Olvídalo
And, if at such a moment, a man does not forget to do the proper thing, that is not a bad thing at all.
Pero si en una hora así, uno olvida hacer lo que debe, me parece que no es una persona tan mala.
That settles it. Forget all about Mart Daylor.
Se acabó, olvídate de Mart Daylor.
All right, forget about yourself. I know that ´ s your privilege.
De acuerdo, olvídese de Vd.
Now, just forget him, that's all.
Olvídalo y ya está.
All that you've seen, you forget.
Todo Io que has visto, olvídalo.
Okay. Now we`re gonna forget about that, all right?
Ahora nos olvidaremos de eso, ¿ sí?
You must forget about all that.
Debes olvidar todo eso.
Look, let's forget about dogs and cats and all that pseudo-literary junk.
Dejemos a los perros, gatos y demás basura pseudoliteraria.
Marek would still have stayed with us. You seem to forget that Maria was my sister, after all.
No olvides que después de todo Maria era mi hermana.
Okay, Dave, I'm not going into this latest disgrace of yours. Of course, it's in all the papers, but never mind, we'll forget about that.
Bien, Dave, no discutiré tu última aventura, aunque haya salido en los periódicos,
Oh, don't forget that once I'm gone, you'll have to climb those stairs alone. Oh, I'm all right.
Cuando yo salga tendrá que subir sola las escaleras.
Remind your son that from now he must forget all whores.
Recuérdale a tu hijo que desde ahora debe olvidarse de las putas.
Knowing you is the first in all that time I've ever been able to forget, even for a little while.
Al conocerla, por primera vez en todo este tiempo he sido capaz de olvidar. Aunque fuese por breves momentos.
Kill or be killed, that's all you have to remember. Just don't forget it.
Matar o morir, eso es todo lo que tienes que recordar, no lo olvides.
all that matters 18
all that shit 30
all that 276
all that stuff 77
all that money 36
all that time 39
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
all that shit 30
all that 276
all that stuff 77
all that money 36
all that time 39
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that's for sure 889
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20