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Hali traduction Espagnol

109 traduction parallèle
- Bad breath, to you sir.
- Hali... ¿ qué?
"To the general of the Italian slaves called Spartacus... from Ibar M'hali, Cilician governor of the island of Delos."
"A Espartaco, general de los esclavos italianos... de Ibar M'hall, gobernador cilicio de la isla de Delos".
The toothpaste with miracle K-64 to fight hali- - "
La crea dental con milagrosa K-64 para combatir la to fight hall... "
Call me Hali Zumba.
Llámame Hali Zumba.
Hali Zumba.
Hali Zumba.
Hali, find Riker and Palmer.
Hali, busca a Riker y a Palmer.
We will wait for Hali to return.
Esperaremos a que vuelva Hali.
Hali, any sign of Palmer or Riker?
Hali, ¿ Hay señales de Palmer o de Riker?
He was killed by the bare hands of another Ogla, called only Hali.
Murió a manos de otro ogla que solo se llamaba Hali.
Hali Tosis.
After judging a Miss Hawaiian tropic beauty contest... at the Sheraton Hali'a Kalua Lea...
Después de ser juez en una competencia de belleza para Miss Trópico Hawaiano en el Sheraton Hali'a Kalua Le'a...
- Ali.
- Hali.
From the shining seas of Ga-Koro, the challengers, Hahli and Macku!
De los mares resplandecientes de Ga-Koro, los rivales, ¡ Hali y Maku!
Hahli scores!
¡ Hali mete un gol!
- Good shooting yourself, Hahli.
Tú también, Hali.
- Well said, Hahli.
Bien dicho, Hali.
- Hahli!
¡ Hali!
- Hahli! Summon the Matoran.
- Hali, llama a los Matoran.
Look for a man called Hali Salahuddin.
Busca a un hombre llamado Hali Salahuddin.
Hali B, GD.
Hali B, GD.
You got your hali-butt kicked.
Tú conseguistes tu hali-culo pateado.
Carolyn now has it for the white Carolyn now has it for the white collar. Collar.
¡ Hali, tomando parte de esto ahora!
Hali ripping through this now.
Sierra se mantiene muy tranquila para los Blue Collar.
Hali ripping through this now. Sierra remaining very calm for Sierra remaining very calm for the blue collar.
Carolyn tratando de recuperar algo de tiempo.
Here comes sierra for blue collar.
¡ Hali terminó!
Collar. Hali's up.
Dale, Hali, ¡ dale!
Hali's up.
¡ Vamos, No Collar!
Hali and jenn together a lot, and then i saw joe join that And then i saw joe join that twosome, and will and i kind of
Bien, al principio vi a Hali y Jenn muy unidas...
One tribe's paradise... Paradise... hali and i have been looking hall and i have been looking at these waves.
¿ Quieres ir a surfear?
Come back. Come back. jeff :
Hali y Jenn tienen el segundo objeto para No Collar.
Up. Up. hali, one more.
Hali, una más.
jeff : Hali, mike and jeff : Hali, mike and joaquin heading out first for
Hali, Mike y Joaquín liderando por cada tribu.
come on, hali. come on, hali.
¡ Lo tienes, Hali!
Hali's through. Mike is hung up. Mike is hung up.
Mike lo intenta.
We have tyler, kelly jeff : We have tyler, kelly and hali all working on that And hail all working on that third and final ball.
Tenemos a Tyler, Kelly y Hali trabajando por colocar esa tercera y última pelota.
Hali very close to winning Hali very close to winning immunity for no collar. Immunity for no collar.
Hali muy cerca de ganar la Inmunidad para los No Collar.
Four no collars stayed together, will, hali and jenn. Will, hali and jenn.
Will, Hali y Jenn.
Hali in for nagarote. Hali in for nagarote.
Dan ahora tira por Escameca.
Here we go. Here we go.
Hali por Nagarote.
i keep saying it, but i'm so i keep saying it, but i'm so glad that you're here, hali,
- Sigo diciéndolo, pero... - Sí. Estoy muy emocionada de tenerte ahora a ti, a Hali.
¡ Hali!
Hali Salahuddin...
Hali Salahuddin...
Earlier and you said no.
Sabes qué, Hali, no me toques.
Assumption to think that you, joe and haley are together based Joe and haley are together based on what i've heard? On what i've heard?
Jenn, ¿ es correcto afirmar que tú, Joe y Hali están juntos, basado en lo que he escuhado?
good play. jeff : Well, first vote, jeff :
Jenn, Hali y Will votaron por Vince.
Is another tribe's nightmare. Why not have some fun. jeff :
Hali y yo hemos estado con olas.
Hali and jenn have jeff : Hali and jenn have their first item.
White Collar vuelve con su primer objeto.
jeff : Joaquin is through. Hali's through.
Hali ha pasado.
you got this, hali. you got this, hali. Night.
Ahora Mike está abajo.
For immunity, survivors ready? Go! Go!
Son Joaquin y Tyler y Jenn y Hali.
It is joaquin and tyler, and jenn and hali.
Venga empujad, empujad. Eso es chico. Joaquin y Tyler salen.

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