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Harrisburg traduction Espagnol

162 traduction parallèle
How about that first national bank in Harrisburg? That was mannion.
¿ Qué hay del Primer Banco Nacional de Harrisburg?
Your next personal appearance at Harrisburg ends the tour.
Tu próxima presentación, en Harrisburg, finaliza la gira.
We'll be leaving for Harrisburg in an hour.
Saldremos a Harrisburg dentro de una hora.
But in two hours you'll be on your way to Harrisburg, going out of my life again.
Dentro de dos horas, irás de camino a Harrisburg y saldrás de mi vida.
Something seems to tell me I'll be going to Harrisburg.
Algo parece decirme que iré a Harrisburg.
I've got a little business in Harrisburg that I have to take care of.
Tengo un asunto en Harrisburg del que tengo que ocuparme.
How far is it to Harrisburg?
- ¿ A cuánto está Harrisburg?
You'd jump off a 10-story building into a bottle of ink... if you thought you could keep me from gettin'to Harrisburg tonight.
Habrías saltado de un edificio a un tintero... si hubieras creído que podías impedir que llegara a Harrisburg hoy.
Yes, Harrisburg's ready for you now.
Sí, Harrisburg está listo. Adelante, por favor.
Mavis Arden, beautiful motion picture actress, was reported kidnapped tonight while en route from Washington, D.C., to Harrisburg... on a personal appearance tour.
A Mavis Arden, la hermosa actriz... la secuestraron mientras iba de Washington a Harrisburg... en una gira de presentaciones.
Harrisburg, Pittsburgh,
Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Columbus,
The one I'd made for last new year's eve, and then Pitt had to go to Harrisburg.
Me lo hice para Año Nuevo, pero Pitt tuvo que ir a Harrisburg.
That state pen down at Harrisburg was a little too close.
La penitenciaría de Harrisburg estaba demasiado cerca.
She came here from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania... after Mom died... to live with me.
Vino aquí desde Harrisburg, Pennsylvania... después de que mamá muriese... para vivir conmigo.
If that means what it meant in Harrisburg, it's out.
Si eso significa lo mismo que en Harrisburg, mal vas.
And, darling, this is Cindy Fontaine from Harrisburg, PA.
Querido, ella es Cindy Fontaine, de Harrisburg, Pensilvania.
My brother used to have a garage in Harrisburg.
Mi hermano tenía un taller en Harrisburg.
¿ En Harrisburg?
- [All Arguing At Once] Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg, Pensilvania.
- Over Harisberg you?
- ¿ Harrisburg?
He's a legacy from Harrisburg.
Es pariente, de Harrisburg.
When's the next train to Harrisburg?
¿ Cuándo sale el próximo tren para Harrisburg?
Harrisburg Express...
Expreso de Harrisburg...
- Three Mile Island?
- ¿ Harrisburg?
Born, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1 967, son of a civil engineer, Ted Suiter, and his lovely wife, Sue Anne, a former Southern belle from South Carolina.
Nací en Harrisburg, Pensilvania, en 1967 hijo de Ted Suiter, ingeniero, y su adorable mujer, Sue Anne que era una belleza de Carolina del Sur.
To the right, please. Everybody to the right, please.
I have a contact at a TV station in Harrisburg.
Conozco a alguien en una televisión local.
From our sister station in Harrisburg, correspondent Rock Bork.
Desde nuestra emisora en Harrisburg, Rock Bork.
- I thought they were going to Harrisburg.
- Pensé que iban a Harrisburg.
He has a Jeep dealership in Harrisburg.
Tiene un concesionario de Jeep en Harrisburg.
I was on my way to the Harrisburg Coat Outlet to buy an irregular coat... but it required a stopover in New York City.
Estaba en camino a una tienda de abrigos para comprar una chaqueta de segunda pero requería una parada en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Gus Partenza, a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, joined the NASA space program shortly after completing his medical training at Duke University.
Gus Partenza, natural de Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, licenciado por la Universidad de Carnegie-Mellon, se unió al programa espacial de la NASA tras acabar sus estudios de medicina en la Universidad de Duke.
- We're in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Estamos en Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Closest you can get, Ma'am, is Harrisburg, if the Rebs ain't cut the line yet.
Sólo podrá llegar hasta Harrisburg, si los rebeldes no interceptaron la vía.
I've spoken to associates of mine in Harrisburg, Lancaster and Hershey.
He hablado con colegas míos en Harrisburg, Lancaster y Hershey.
Oh, I think the Roadshow is from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tonight- -
Creo que el programa de esta noche es desde Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
And now for some background information on the beautiful city of Harrisburg.
Y ahora para alguna información del pasado de la bella ciudad de Harrisburg.
I had it all - fame, fortune and my own parking space... at Harrisburg's trendiest bistro.
Lo tenia todo - fama, fortuna y mi propio estacionamiento... en el Bistro Harrisburg's.
I found you the ripest melon in Harrisburg.
Le encontre el melon mas dulce de Harrisburg.
[Announcer] Live from Harrisburg and News Center Six.
En vivo desde Harrisburg el centro de noticias seis.
Covering Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon, it's Newsat Five with Dan Shuff, Heidi Zimmer... and Russ Richards with the weather.
Cubriendo Harrisburg, York, Lancaster y El Libano, Esto es, Noticias a las Cinco, con Dan Shuff, Heidi Zimmer... y Russ Richards con el clima.
Is it always this sticky in Harrisburg in the winter?
Siempre es asi pegajoso en Harrisburg, por el invierno?
[MaleAnnouncer] Live from Harrisburg and News Center Six.
En vivo, Noticias desde Harrisburg y Central Seis.
Covering Harrisburg, New York, Lancaster and Lebanon, it's News at Five with Dan Shuff, Heidi Zimmer... and Russ Richards with the weather.
Cubriendo Harrisburg, Nueva York, Lancaster y El Libano, Es Noticias a las cinco, con Dan Shuff, Heidi Zimmer... y Russ Richards con el tiempo.
She's a waitress at a local Denny's right here in Harrisburg.
Es una camarera de un Denny's local, aqui en Harrisburg.
He now divides his time between Harrisburg and his estate in Monaco.
Ahora divide su tiempo entre Harrisburg y su propiedad en Monaco.
Oh, Harrisburg.
His hometown.
En su pueblo natal, Harrisburg.
Harrisburg. Oh, Christ.
- Dios...
Your son-in-law dealt with the dry cleaning franchise during the day.
AEROPUERTO DE HARRISBURG De día, su yerno se encargaba de las tintorerías.

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