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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He's right outside

He's right outside traduction Espagnol

137 traduction parallèle
He's standing right outside the door.
Espera al otro lado de la puerta.
He's laying right outside of Room 15.
Está en el suelo frente a la habitación 15.
Well, I thought if you had a little time, I'd like you to meet Mr. Burkett. He's right outside. Well, have him come in.
Si tienes un momento... me gustaría presentarte al Sr. Burkett.
I'll get you the composer himself. He's right outside, right away.
Le traeré al propio compositor.
Why, he's waiting right outside.
Sí, sí, está afuera.
It goes past that to the death of Kris Barden's son. And it winds up right here. with Reardan waitin'outside to see if I go with you or he shoots me in the back.
Y más allá... llega hasta la muerte del hijo de Kris Barden y acaba aquí... con Reardan esperando fuera para ver si vuelvo contigo... o me dispara por la espalda.
Mark Dixon is on my neck! He's right outside the booth.
Estoy con Mark Dixon al otro lado de la cabina.
He's right outside.
Está afuera.
He's right outside.
Está fuera.
He's right outside.
Se ha quedado fuera.
He's right outside.
Está justo acá fuera.
That's right. Now, Kinch is going to be our outside man. He'll see that Alf gets through the window and back out after the job, got it?
- correcto, ah, Kinch será nuestro hombre afuera verá que Alf entre por la ventana y salga después de hacer el trabajo
He's outside right now, somewhere around the house.
Ahora esta afuera rondando la casa
He's right outside.
Está ahí fuera.
He's the one that's on the poster outside, ain't that right?
Es el del cartel que hay fuera, ¿ verdad?
What about the cop we nailed outside? No, he's all right.
- ¿ Qué hay del poli al que disparamos fuera?
He's got somebody on the outside who can sell you a boat if the price is right.
Tiene alguien afuera que puede venderte un bote... si le llegas al precio.
That's what you want to know... what outside agencies I've been to, right?
Eso es lo que quieres saber... a que agencias de afuera he ido, ¿ verdad?
Then March bought some properties, put'em in his daughter's name. And then he got an outside lawyer so it wouldn't be easy to trace, right?
Entonces March compró bienes inmuebles, los puso a nombre de su hija... y se buscó un abogado de fuera para que costara seguir el rastro, ¿ no?
I saw Daku light it. He's outside right now.
Está afuera amarrado.
Captain, you're right, sir. Hickok's coming here now. He's just outside.
Capitán, Hickok ya viene en camino, está afuera.
5.000 libras por una semana en una isla griega.
He's right outside Bay 17.
Esta afuera del Area 1 7.
He's probably waiting outside for me right now.
Quizás me espera afuera en este momento.
He's right outside the door.
Está justo fuera dela puerta.
- He's parked right outside City Hall.
- Estacionó frente a la Ciudadela.
I thought the "yourself" reference was too hokey for Lecter, so I figured he's from Baltimore and I looked in the phone book and there's a "Your Self" storage facility right outside of downtown Baltimore, sir.
Como es de Baltimore, miré en la guía telefónica y hay un almacén llamado "Su interior" en las afueras de Baltimore, señor.
Just a few seconds ago, right outside in the hallway this nut, some sick nut comes up to me and says he was supposed to watch this girl's cat while she was away out of town. Anyway, he forgets to feed the cat.
Hace un momento, aquí mismo, ahí en el pasillo un loco se me acercó y me dijo que tenía cuidar el gato de su novia mientras ella estaba de viaje.
He's right outside here, sir.
Está afuera, señor.
Santa's right outside. He's right above our head. Can't you hear it?
santa está afuera hacia la derecha.
They're outside, but Eric's got it under control. He's talking to them right now.
Ellos están afuera, pero Eric tiene todo bajo control.
- He's right outside, want to meet him?
- Está afuera. ¿ Quiere conocerle?
He's waiting outside right now. One second!
Está esperando ahí fuera, le haré entrar.
He's right outside, he's playing chess with Brighton, it's so cute the way he lets him win.
Está fuera, jugando al ajedrez con Brighton. Es enternecedora su manera de dejarse ganar.
He's probably right outside.
Debe de estar ahí fuera.
Oh, he's... he's right outside my office.
viene hacia mi despacho.
- He's right outside. Go on.
Él está ahí.
He's right outside.
Está acá afuera.
If you don't get outside right now, and tell those army guys you're not a religious fantastics, there... well, there's gonna be heck to pay!
Si no salen ahora mismo y le dicen a esos hombres armados que no son "fantásticos" religiosos, lo van a pagar caro. He dicho caro.
He's standing right outside the door.
¿ Sabes dónde estás? Está parado afuera.
He's back. All right, Cleaver. Outside.
Bueno, Cleaver, sal.
I'm sure he's right outside.
Estoy seguro de que esta afuera.
He's practically right outside the door.
Está al otro lado de la puerta.
By 1954 he's got a little hotdog cart on Hollywood Boulevard, right outside the Seven Seas restaurant.
En 1954, tenía un puesto de hot dogs en la calle Hollywood, enfrente del restaurante Seven Seas.
Well, we're outside right now. I'm standing outside... but we were were just inside and he's got tons of stuff I'm telling you, he's going to bowl people over.
bueno... estamos afuera ahora hemos salido un momento pero tiene toneladas de trabajo y va a matar..
He's gotta have places outside the States, too, right?
Debe tener sitios afuera de los EE. UU. También, ¿ no?
- He's right outside.
- Está justo afuera.
You think I don't know he's right outside right now?
¿ Cree que no sé que él está ahí fuera?
He's outside right now with his bat.
Ahorita está allá afuera con su bat.
He's at the Cranston Motel in Triangle, Virginia, right outside the main gate of Quantico.
Está en un motel en Triangle, Virginia afuera de la entrada principal de Quantico.
He's right, papi.You're the only one with a toilet open to the outside world.
Él está en lo cierto, papi. Eres el único con un agujero para salir de su celda.

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