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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He belongs to me

He belongs to me traduction Espagnol

155 traduction parallèle
He belongs to me.
Su sitio es conmigo.
He belongs to me. I planned all this.
Él me pertenece, yo planeé todo esto.
- Well, I'll let him think that he belongs to me.
- Le haré creer que me pertenece.
And I'm his wife. He belongs to me.
La tortura de tenerle y no tenerle.
He belongs to me.
¡ Él es mío!
He belongs to me.
Me pertenece.
I think he belongs to me.
Pienso que me pertenece él a mí.
Are you trying to ride the flesh off that horse, or did you forget he belongs to me?
¿ Estás tratando de matar a mi caballo con esto? ¿ Se te olvidó que me pertenece?
- He belongs to me.
- Él me pertenece.
You know he belongs to me.
Sabes que me pertenece.
You can't kill him, he belongs to me! Go away!
Él me pertenece. ¡ Vete!
He belongs to me!
¡ El me pertenece!
- Gone? But he's my Hun. He belongs to me.
Pero es mi prisionero, me pertenece.
But now he belongs to me, my Franz,
Y por eso Franz es mío ahora.
He belongs to me ;
Es sólo mío.
But now he belongs to me, my Franz.
Y por eso Franz es mío ahora.
He belongs to me. "
Me pertenece. "
He belongs to me.
Eso lo hace mío.
It's okay! He belongs to me.
Està conmigo.
He is aryan property now. He belongs to me.
El es propiedad de los aryanes, me pertenece a mi...
- He belongs to me!
- ¡ Él me pertenece!
- No, he belongs to me!
- ¡ No, a mÍ me pertenece!
Anything he's got Belongs to me.
Todo lo que tiene es mío.
because a crown prince... belongs to the whole country he doesn't belong to me alone his royal father who has only one thing to worry about that the boy will turn out an honest man.
Porque un Príncipe Heredero... pertenece a todo el país y no a mí solo,... su Real padre. Éste sólo tiene una cosa de que preocuparse, que el niño se convierta en alguien justo.
He can't do that. It belongs to me.
No le dejaré, es mío.
He is flying into the rainbow, into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us.
Vuela hacia el arco iris, hacia la luz de la esperanza, hacia el futuro, el glorioso futuro que te pertenece, que me pertenece a mí, ¡ y a todos nosotros!
He promised he'd never sell him. Curly belongs to me.
Me prometió que jamás lo vendería. ¡ Gusanito me pertenece!
He's mine. He belongs to me. They shan't have him.
Es mío, solo a mi me pertenece y no se lo llevarán para quitarle la vida porque sea joven y fuerte ¡ nunca!
This house belongs to me because he said I was in the right.
Esta casa me pertenece, estoy en mi derecho.
Positive. it will give me pleasure to put him where he belongs.
Claro. Sera un honor para mi meterlo preso.
He is sensitive and romantic and returns to you, she belongs to my kind and returns to me.
Un hombre así volverá a ti, y ella volverá con los de su ralea, conmigo.
I don't like to interfere with mother love... but I'm taking the boy where he belongs.
No quiero interferir con el amor maternal pero me voy a llevar a mi hijo al lugar al que pertenece.
I bought it, don't you understand? The thing belongs to me.
La he comprado, ¿ lo entiende bien?
He knows he belongs to me.
- Me pertenece. - Sólo trato de ayudar.
I already told you I was your prisoner, but first let me take him to his house. Marius Pontmercy is one of their leaders. He belongs to the military justice.
Soy vuestro prisionero, pero... debo llevarlo a su casa.
You asked me to get him back where he belongs.
Dijiste que le devolviera a su sitio.
Since you did not ride Jahil to victory, he belongs not to you but to me.
Como Jahil no ganó contigo, no te pertenece a ti, sino a mí.
I know why, because you've always hated him because my mother liked him, because he belongs to me, because he's mine, which you'll never be because you're a whore, a dirty bloody whore!
¡ Yo sé por qué, porque siempre lo has odiado! ¡ porque le gustaba a mi madre, porque me pertenece! ,
But since I put all the pieces together I figure that money belongs to me.
Pero como yo he resuelto el rompecabezas supongo que el dinero es para mí.
Hunding may choose where he belongs : he is of no value to me in Valhalla.
Hunding vaya a quien pertenezca
He belongs to the lady who cut me.
Le pertenece a la señora que me apuñalo.
It's all over, I never want to see him again, ah, he could woo me, my heart belongs to him.
Se acabó, no quiero verlo más, ¡ ah! Él podría suplicarme, mi corazón le pertenece.
Now why won't you give the bear back? Because he belongs to me.
- Es mio.
No, he belongs to Rose.
Es de Rose. - Ella me Io dio.
He said : All that belongs to you and me
Todo esto es nuestro, me dijo.
Genan belongs to the Hojo Clan, so he's more important than me!
Genan pertenece al clan Hojo, ¡ por lo que es más importante que yo!
He belongs to 50 % of this relationship, do not forget.
Me pertenece el 50 % de esta relación, no lo olvides.
- I have taken something very intimate, that belongs to me.
- He tomado algo muy íntimo, que me pertenece.
Momo is dead, which means that everything he had now belongs to Jimmy Capp, including you, which also means that when I speak, I speak for Jimmy... e.g., from now on, you start showing me the proper fucking respect.
Momo está muerto y eso significa que todo lo que tenía ahora es de Jimmy Capp, incluso tú. También significa que cuando hablo, hablo por Jimmy. Verbigracia, de ahora en más, empiezas a respetarme.
This was stolen from me 200 years ago, and I've dedicated every moment since to putting it back... where it belongs.
Me lo arrebataron hace 200 años. Desde entonces he dedicado todos mis esfuerzos a recuperarlo.
In truth he belongs to my uncle, the Earl of Chester, but he gifted him to me for this journey.
Pertenece a mi tío, el Conde de Chester, pero me lo cedió para el viaje.

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