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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He can't hear me

He can't hear me traduction Espagnol

150 traduction parallèle
He wouldn't hear me because I can't accept him in my heart.
No quiso escucharme porque no puedo aceptarlo en mi corazón.
I can't hear myself, but they say I make a hell of a noise!
Yo no me he escuchado, pero los demás dicen que hago mucho ruido!
I told you she was very tired She can't even hear me
Les he dicho que esta cansada. Ni siquiera puede oírme
If he can't even walk across the plaza to say goodbye to me I don't want to see him again or think of him or hear his name.
Si no puede ni cruzar la plaza para despedirse no quiero volver a verlo, ni pensar en él, ni oír su nombre.
I'm afraid he can't hear you, captain.
Me temo que no le oye, capitán.
ALL very fine, I dare say, but I can't hear a word.
Todo muy bonito, me imagino, pero no he oído ni una palabra.
No puede oírme.
He can't hear me at all, he's deaf as a bell.
Él no puede escucharme, porque está sordo como una tapia.
He can't hear me way out there...
Es muy sensible.
Can't you hear my guts rolling?
Ni me he podido abrigar.
I can still hear my old man yelling at me from the stands even though he wasn't there.
Todavía puedo escuchar a mi padre gritando desde las gradas aunque no estuviera allí.
My old Dad would turn in his grave if he could hear you say that. Yes, well he can't hear me, can he.
Mi padre se levantaría de su tumba si te oyera decir eso.
Damn, he can't hear.
No me oye nunca.
He can't hear me?
¿ Que no me oye?
I'm giving the orders. Can't you hear me?
Le he dado una orden. ¿ No me oyó?
Come with me, the wind is blowing strong, he certainly can't hear us, and what we'll do here
Ven conmigo, el viento está soplando fuerte, él ciertamente no puede oírnos, y qué haremos aquí
- He can't take it, boy. You hear?
- No puede tomarlo, chico. ¿ Me oyes?
Don't worry. He can hear.
Tranquila, me oye.
I don't wanna hear you calling Poole that. - He can't hear me.
- No consiento que hables así de Poole.
Worst that can happen is he starts to hear things that he don " t see... and rhyme his words just like me.
Lo peor que puede pasarle es que oiga cosas inexistentes y rime lo que diga como los dementes.
He can't hear me!
No me oye.
Of course he can't hear me coming because he has on his Walkman.
¡ Por supuesto, no me oye venir porque lleva puesto su "Walkman!"
El no puede escucharme.
He can't hear me.
No puede oirme.
I can see and hear him, and he can see and hear me, but we can't interact physically.
Yo puedo verlo y oírlo, y él puede verme y oírme pero no podemos interactuar físicamente.
He can't see me or hear me.
No puede verme ni oírme.
Who am I talking to if he can't hear me?
¿ A quién le estoy hablando si no me oye?
He's talking to me, but I can't hear him.
Me habla, pero yo no lo oigo.
He can't exactly have been expecting to hear from me.
Seguro que no esperaba oirme.
Now, I've fallen on my head 100 times and you don't hear me crying, " I can't think.
Ahora, he caído de cabeza 100 veces y usted no me oyen llorando, " No puedo pensar.
He can't hear me.
El no puede oírme.
What do you think, he can't hear me?
¿ Qué crees, que no me oye?
How can I believe that she really didn't hear me cry when he wouldn't leave?
¿ Cómo puedo creer que ella en realidad no me oyó llorar cuando él ya no se marcharía?
- He can't hear me.
- No puede oírme.
I don't think he can hear us.
No creo que me esten escuchando.
He can't hear me.
No me oye.
Can't he hear my voice?
¡ Déjale que siga! ¿ Pero es que no me oye?
He can't hear you, Sally. Trust me.
No pueden oírte, Sally.
I pray to god for forgiveness, but I can't hear his voice.
He rogado a Dios que me perdone. Pero no puedo oir su voz.
I already told you you can't go in there! Didn't you hear me?
¡ Os he dicho que no podéis pasar!
He can hear me, can't he?
- Él puede oírme, ¿ verdad?
It's bad, he can't hear
No, no me puede oir
"I call out to him, but wherever he is, he can't hear me."
"Yo lo sigo llamando, pero donde quiera que esté no puede oirme."
He can't hear me.
No puede oírme.
I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I've thought about it.
Hola. Ni siquiera sé si oirás esto, pero he reflexionado.
News that I want him to hear from me first, because maybe if I can just cushion the blow, he... he won't go back to the crack.
Noticias que quiero que escuche primero de mi parte, porque quizá, si puedo suavizarle el golpe, él... no volverá al crack.
Nah, he can't hear me.
Nada, no me puede oír.
It won't affect him He can't hear me
No le afectara. No puede oírme.
I keep talking to him. I don't know if he can hear me.
Le hablo, pero no sé si puede oírme.
You see, I know he can hear me. He just doesn't wanna come.
Ves, sé que puede oírme, es sólo que no quiere venir
I'm afraid he can't hear you.
Me temo que no puede oírte

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