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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He knew what he was doing

He knew what he was doing traduction Espagnol

447 traduction parallèle
He knew what he was doing.
Él sabía lo que hacía.
He knew what he was doing.
Sabía lo que hacia.
He knew what he was doing.
Sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
He knew what he was doing.
Sabía lo que hacía.
He knew what he was doing when he turned them over to us.
Sabía lo que hacía dejándonoslas a nosotros.
He knew what he was doing.
Tenía todo previsto.
I don't think he knew what he was doing.
No creo que supiese lo que estaba haciendo.
He knew what he was doing, always.
ÉI sabía lo que hacía. Siempre.
He knew what he was doing, knew what Stumpy'd do, too.
Sabía lo que se hacía. Y cuál sería la respuesta de Stumpy.
- You think he knew what he was doing?
- ¿ Crees que sabía lo que hacía?
An excellent boat. Poor Giacomo Garris he knew what he was doing.
Un barco excelente, el pobre Giacomo Garris sabía lo que hacía.
He knew what he was doing.
Sabe lo que hace.
What about Pete in there? He knew what he was doing.
- Pete, por ejemplo.
He knew what he was doing. Hey, what you crying about?
¿ Por qué lloras?
As for Marshal Pétain, he knew what he was doing in Vichy.
Como para Mariscal Pétain, sabía lo que estaba haciendo en Vichy.
Sure, Dragon knows what he's doing, just like he knew what he was doing when he worked for the Nazis during World War II. - What?
Seguro que Dragón sabe lo que hace, como cuando trabajaba para los nazis.
He knew what he was doing, sir.
Sabía lo que hacía, señor.
Whoever he is, he knew what he was doing.
Sea quien sea, sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
He knew what he was doing, that's for sure.
Sabía lo qué hacía, eso está claro.
So you told your boss that Mr. Hastings knew what he was doing?
Y usted le dijo al Sr. Brandt que el Señor Hastings estaba enterado?
He tossed his hat on the peg in my room And I no longer knew what I was doing
colgó su sombrero en el perchero de mi habitación, y yo no sabía qué hacer.
If I got smashed up, it's my fault, nobody else's. I knew what I was doing.
Si me he perdido, es mi culpa.
Jackie was pretty wild at times... but I knew he was only doing what I'd wanted to do all my life - But I never had the courage to.
Jackie era bastante alocado a veces pero yo sabía que él sólo hacia lo que yo siempre había querido hacer pero que nunca tuve el valor de hacer.
I'm recommending clemency for the Indians, but the scout knew what he was doing.
Puedo interceder por los indios, pero él sabia lo que hacia.
I think Colonel Caldwell knew what he was doing.
El coronel Caldwell sabía lo que hacía.
When Mr. Artozoul bought this castle keep at Trencavel, he knew exactly what he was doing, you know.
Cuando el Sr. Artozoul compró este torreón de Trencavel, sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
- Steve knew what he was doing.
- Steve sabía lo que hacía.
I think he knew what she was capable of doing to people, and he didn't want it done to you.
Creo que sabía lo que era capaz de hacer y no quería que te pasara a ti.
He didn't know what he was doing, any more than he knew what he was saying.
No sabía lo que hacía, ni tampoco lo que decía.
Or I guess your pa knew what he was doing when he brought you Yankees down from New York, huh?
Tu padre hizo bien en traeros de Nueva York. Pittsbourgh.
I knew exactly what I was doing all this time.
He sabido lo que hacía todo el tiempo.
- Not if he knew what he was doing.
No, si sabe lo que hace.
Gilmore apparently thought, while Jim was admittedly taking a thorough shellacking... he still knew where he was and what he was doing. There's the 10-second buzzer.
Se ve que Gilmore pensó que aunque a Jim obviamente le daban una paliza él sabía donde estaba y que hacía.
I guess God knew what he was doing when he made man's best friend dumb.
Dios sabía lo que hacía al haceros mudos.
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Supongo que sabía que lo que él hacía era contrario a la ley de alguien. Mi abuelo lo había hecho antes que él... su papá antes que él y así retrocediendo hasta Irlanda.
What he was doing before he knew I was watching... wasn't for his act.
Lo estaba haciendo antes de saber que yo lo estaba mirando... no era para una actuación.
He knew perfectly well what he was doing.
Sabía muy bien qué hacía.
Is there in your mind the slightest shadow of a doubt that Anthony Aposto knew what he was doing when he stabbed Roberto Escalante?
¿ Le cabe a usted el mínimo resquicio de duda sobre el estado conciente de Aposto cuando apuñaló a Roberto Escalante?
Old ferguson knew what he was doing, all right, when he sold out. He got martin to take care of all those crazy dummies, and he's not even paying him for it. Pretty shrewd.
Oh... si sólo una de esas personas con las que ha estado hablando le prestará el dinero suficiente para abrir el museo, todo estaría bien.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo.
Hengstrom and I were talking on the boat about what I was doing with Gamma Five, and he knew the project was canceled.
Hengstrom y yo hemos hablado del "Gama 5".
Elliot knew what he was doing.
- Todo perfecto. Elliot sabía lo que hacía.
Vincent knew about me. I didn't know what he was doing, Martin.
No sé lo que hacía, Martin, pero no sea tan protector.
Jones knew what he was doing.
Jones sabía bien lo que hacía.
He certainly knew what he was doing.
Es muy posible. Desde luego sabía lo que hacía.
He really knew what he was doing.
Hans Meyer. Era un gran personaje.
Tom Turner knew what he was doing.
Tom Turner sabía lo que hacía.
You obviously have no idea of the complexity of excitonic circuitry. No, I haven't, but if somebody knew what he was doing.
Hay la costumbre, ya sabes, para un Presidente entrante, de perdonar a los presos políticos.
I knew what he was doing with his other hand.
Estaba claro lo que hacía con la otra mano.
I only wish I knew what he was doing.
Ojalá yo supiera lo que hace.
Norl knew what he was doing.
Norl sabía lo que hacía.

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