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He wants to kill me traduction Espagnol

230 traduction parallèle
I think he wants to kill me in a magic experiment.
Creo que quiere matarme para algún experimento de magia.
You must catch him, Inspector. He wants to kill me!
Debe atraparlo, inspector.
Just as he wants to kill me.
Y quiere matarme a mí.
He wants to kill me. Don't you, Ficco?
Quiere matarme a mí, ¿ verdad Ficco?
- Here? - Yes, he wants to kill me.
- Quiere matarme.
I'm sure he wants to kill me.
Estoy segura que quiere matarme.
As fast as you can. He wants to kill me.
ven rápido, por favor, quiere matarme!
- Yes, maybe he wants to kill me too.
Sí, tal vez quiera matarme a mí también.
- He wants to kill me.
- ¡ Me quiere matar!
He wants to kill me!
Me va a matar. Me va a matar. ¡ Socorro!
- I'm sure he wants to kill me too.
- Estoy seguro de que quieren matarme también.
Pickles is so dangerous, he wants to kill me too, so comes back and gets shot with my gun.
Pickles es tan peligroso que quiere matarme, así que vuelve y le matan con mi pistola.
He wants to kill me!
¡ Quiere matarme!
I really believe that he wants to kill me,.. and at one time or another...
Realmente creo que él quiere matarme,..
He wants to kill me so bad, he can taste it.
¡ Qué ganas tiene de matarme ese!
He talked to me, he wants to kill me!
Me habló, ¡ quiere matarme!
I want to kill him... but he wants to kill me slow.
Yo quiero matarlo... pero él quiere matarme lentamente.
You know, he wants to kill me? . I'm scared!
Mato a la mujer, y ahora quiere matarme. ¡ Tengo miedo, Francesco!
He wants to kill me.
Él quiere matarme.
He wants to kill me, don't let him get away.
Quiere matarme, no dejeis que escape.
He wants to kill me today.
¡ Dice que va a venir ésta noche!
"He wants to kill me."
El desea matarme.
That's why he wants to kill me.
Por eso quiere matarme.
He wants to kill me!
¿ Dónde estás, Señor?
And then I find out that my dead boss is not only a thief, he wants to kill me.
Luego me entero de que mi difunto jefe no sólo es un ladrón : También quiere matarme.
He wants to kill me because I've seen him.
Me quiere matar porque lo he visto.
He wants to kill me!
Quieren matarme.
He wants to kill me!
¡ Él quiere matarme!
- He wants to kill me
- Quiere matarme.
- He wants to kill me!
- ¡ El quiere matarme!
- He wants to kill me! - Who?
- ¡ Quiere matarme!
- So that's why he wants to kill me.
- Me arrancará el corazón y lo pisará.
So now my client, he wants to kill me.
Y ahora mi cliente me quiere matar.
I'm the only witness, and he wants to kill me.
Soy el único testigo, y quiere matarme.
Right now he wants to kill me, but yes, there was a time he wanted to be like me.
En este momento me quiere matar, pero sí, hubo un tiempo que quería ser como yo.
But I've never seen him, never met him in my life! And wants to kill me?
Pero si no lo he visto nunca, ni me lo he encontrado. ¿ Y quiere matarme?
But the part I like best of all is where he wants to kill a deer.
Pero la parte que más me gusta es cuando quiere matar al ciervo.
He wants me to kill him to send me back there
Quiere que lo mate para que vuelva allí.
He wants to kill me.
Quiere matarme.
You tell me that he wants to kill himself?
Me dicen que se quiere matar?
I don't know who he is. I only know he wants to kill me.
Sólo sé que quiere matarme.
Someone here wants to kill me and he's tried once already.
Alguien aquí quiere matarme, y ya lo intentó una vez.
He wants to fuck me and kill you He actually said that?
lo sabes quiere acostarse conmigo y matarte a ti eso a dicho?
He wants me to kill him.
Quiere que le mate.
And now he wants me to kill you.
y ahora el quiere que yo la mate a usted.
That's why he wants me to kill him.
Por eso quiere que acabe con él.
He wants me to kill him.
- ¿ Que obtiene con eso?
What would you say, professionally speaking, if I told you a kid wrote a screenplay that was very autobiographical, and on page 37 he says he wants to kill his father?
No le prestes atención. Se vuelve loco con el perfume. No me puse perfume.
Threatened me nearly to death, now he wants to kill himself.
Amenazo con matarme, si no me daba un tiro yo mismo, antes de irse.
He says he wants to be me or he'll kill me.
Quiere ser yo o me matara
He wants you to kill me.
- El quiere que me mates.

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