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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He wouldn't tell me

He wouldn't tell me traduction Espagnol

444 traduction parallèle
Who is it? Said his name is Brady, but he wouldn't tell me his business.
- Dijo que se llama Brady, pero no me dijo a qué vino.
He wouldn't let me tell the truth because of the scandal.
No me dejaba contar la verdad para evitar un escándalo.
He wouldn't even let me tell you.
No quería que te lo dijera.
He made me promise we wouldn't tell her.
Me hizo prometerle que no se lo diríamos.
I went down to ask her where he was, and she wouldn't tell me, so I shot her.
Fui a preguntarle dónde estaba y como no me lo dijo, le disparé.
I've had my cry, and I swore I wouldn't, but you can just tell Bob that, well, I-I went home to see my family.
He llorado, y juré que no lo haría. Pero puede decirle a Bob sólo que... Bueno, que me fui a casa a ver a mi familia.
He wouldn't tell me.
No quiso decírmelo.
He wouldn't tell me.
No me lo dijo.
He wouldn't tell me where.
No podía decirme dónde.
He wouldn't tell me where Corinne was.
No quiso decirme dónde estaba Corinne.
If Paul had done it, he wouldn't have waited till now to tell me.
De haberlo hecho, me lo hubiera dicho antes.
He wouldn't tell me to who.
No quiso decirme a qué.
He wouldn't tell me, but he said that if anything should happen to him
- No me lo dijo. Pero me dijo que si le ocurría algo... le entregara esto.
He wouldn't tell me who she was.
No me dijo quién era.
I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't let me.
Lo intenté, pero no me dejó.
I tried to tell him that, but he - he wouldn't listen.
Intenté decírselo, pero no me hizo caso.
- He brought a note from Dad. Well, I tried to tell her but she wouldn't give me a chance.
Intenté decírselo, pero no me dejó.
I'd like to know why you had gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry much longer about David and me.
¿ Por qué le dijiste a Kenneth que lo mío con David ya no era un obstáculo?
No, he wouldn't tell me where he was going.
No me dijo adónde iba.
Well, he wouldn't want me to tell you, sir, but he's having kittens.
No quería que yo se Io diga, pero está alterado.
I'll tell him he was right to say the day was coming when money wouldn't mean a thing to me.
Le diré que tenía razón en decirme que llegará un día en que no me importe el dinero.
I don't know, he wouldn't tell me, that's one of the reasons I didn't believe him.
No lo sé, no quiso decírmelo, esa fue una de las razones por las que no le creí.
Now tell me that Jorge, loving Rosario as he does, wouldn't forgive?
Ahora dígame usted si Jorge, queriendo a Rosario como la quiere, no estaba obligado a perdonar.
Er, well, he wouldn't know my name, just tell him...
Eh, bueno, él no me conoce. Sólo dígale...
You got me, the kid here's got something so important that he can't tell anybody but you, on account of, "I wouldn't believe him".
Ahí está... El chico tiene algo tan importante, que tiene que hablar con usted. Piensa que no le creeré.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
Escucha, le iba a decir a Sims que confronté a Steve y que no me dijo nada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.
Well, I didn't tell Mr Lowry, hoping he wouldn't miss it.
Yo no me atreví a decir nada al señor, esperaba que no lo notase.
He wouldn't tell me where they were but I know every hiding spot in this country.
No quiso decirme dónde estaban, pero conozco todos los escondrijos de esta región.
No, he wouldn't tell me.
No, no me ha dicho nada.
I wouldn't have hit him anymore. Only he kept saying he was going to tell on me.
No le iba a pegar más ¡ pero insistía en repetir que iba a decir que fui yo!
I had to tell my uncle that I'm getting married tomorrow,... otherwise he wouldn't let me off.
Le tuve que contar a mi tío que me caso mañana... si no él no me hubiese dejado salir.
I asked, but she wouldn't tell me.
Le he preguntado pero no me lo ha dicho.
And he wouldn't tell me, his own mother?
- ¿ Y no me dice nada a mí, que soy su madre?
I did tell him the truth, and he wouldn't believe me.
Le he dicho la verdad y no ha querido creerme.
I told him I thought I ought to tell you what was going on, but he wouldn't let me.
Le dije que debía advertírselo a usted pero no me dejó.
He wouldn't tell me.
No me dijo.
I think you could cut his arm off, and he still wouldn't tell.
Creo que podría cortarle un brazo y aún así no me diría.
I bet Ocean knew it, but he wouldn't tell me.
Seguro que Ocean lo sabía.
- He wouldn't be able to tell me, sir.
No podrá decírmelo, señor.
- Don't tell me, he wouldn't object to you getting a free swimming pool?
¿ No le parecerá mal que usted consiga una piscina gratis?
If I ask, he wouldn't tell me.
Si le pregunto, no me lo dirá.
Frank wanted me to tell you that even though we've been together for 10 years I wouldn't care a bit if he leaves me for you.
Frank quería que le dijese que aunque llevamos diez años casados me daría igual si me dejara por usted. - Adiós. - Espere.
- I thought of Marcus. But I won't hesitate between friendship and freedom. He wouldn't tell anyone.
Sí he pensado en Marco, pero entre la amistad y la libertad no me temblará la mano.
I tried to tell Gaston, he wouldn't listen to me.
Traté de explicarle a Gaston, no me escuchaba.
Tell me, that joker in the backroom wouldn't be a guy about 5'10 " tall, 150 lbs, black hair, green eyes, a black mustache and carrying an attache case with the seal of a foreign government on its flap, would he?
Dime, ese comodín de la habitación trasera no será un tipo de 1,78 metros de altura 68 kilogramos, cabello oscuro, ojos verdes, bigote negro y con un portafolios con el sello de un gobierno extranjero en su solapa, ¿ no?
Yes, I did, but he wouldn't tell me!
Sí, pero no quiso decírmelo.
He wouldn't tell me her name, a charming girl, but her father was impossible.
No quiso decirme quién es, pero es encantadora. - El padre es un bestia.
Go back, tell them I was not interested, I wouldn ´ t even listen. What ´ s the point?
Dígales que eso no me interesa, que no he querido saber nada.
Go back, tell them I was not interested, I wouldn't even listen. What's the point?
Dígales que eso no me interesa, que no he querido saber nada.
Why wouldn't he tell me?
¿ Por qué no me lo dijo?
He wouldn't tell me.
Él no me lo diría.

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