His wallet traduction Espagnol
1,315 traduction parallèle
- Why was your picture in his wallet?
- Tenía tu foto en su billetera.
He produced his wallet.
Sacó su billetera.
He took out his wallet and paid for lunch!
Tomó la billetera para pagar el almuerzo.
He left his wallet.
Dejó su billetera.
Preferably his wallet.
Preferiblemente en su billetera.
- No, I couldn't get his wallet.
No pude conseguir su cartera.
I got his wallet, credit card and keys.
Tengo su billetera, tarjeta de crédito y llaves.
- and cough up some dough... cause this is for our kids! - in his wallet dough...
- En el grueso de su cartera
Sólo quiero que se ofresca al menos una vez- - Sólo para que abra su billetera
- His wallet's missing.
No aparece su billetera.
Not to mention his wallet.
Para no mencionar su billetera.
We only found four in his wallet, right?
Sólo hallamos cuatro en su billetera, ¿ no?
He has some of my money in his wallet.
Su padre y yo tenemos que hablar de negocios.
- They found his wallet.
Encontraron su billetera.
His wallet was emptied.
Su billetera se vació.
- I didn't touch his wallet!
¡ No toqué su billetera!
Get his wallet.
Agarra su billetera.
- Why would he have this in his wallet? - I don't follow.
No entiendo.
I didn't tell Kelso you took five bucks from his wallet.
No le dije que Kelso se cinco dólares de su billetera.
"Puja! Yes, Ranvir showed me your picture in his wallet!"
¡ Sí, Ranvir me enseñó tu foto!
He left his wallet.
Dejó la cartera.
Whoever, if show his shoulders I can see his wallet... his idea... his life...
A quién sea que le analizo sus hombros... le puedo ver su billetera... sus ideas... su vida.
You emptied his wallet.
Sí, bueno, le vaciaste la cartera.
Yes, he's aware. The allergy card was in his wallet.
Sí, está al tanto La tarjeta de alergia estaba en su cartera.
Karpachev's body was found without his wallet.
El cuerpo de Karpachev fue encontrado sin su cartera.
Found his wallet in the glove compartment.
Encontré su billetera en la guantera.
I sneak it... out of his wallet when he's sleeping.
Se lo saco de su cartera cuando duerme.
See, I can tell everything about a man by looking at his wallet.
Puedo decir todo sobre un hombre con sólo mirar su billetera.
Cop's got his wallet.
El policía tiene su cartera.
I found his wallet.
Encontré su billetera.
His wallet's still here.
Su billetera todavía está aquí.
When he opened his wallet, I noticed a small indentation in the leather where he keeps it.
Cuando abrió su billetera, vi un desgaste en las orillas del anillo.
I found a condom hidden in his wallet.
Encontré un preservativo escondido en su billetera.
- What were you doing in his wallet?
- ¿ Qué hacias con la billetera de Michael?
There's still cash and credit cards in his wallet.
Hay dinero y tarjetas en su cartera.
It's'cause he's good. Coach Durham thinks he deserves to, and maybe you want to tell your sons that so next time they steal his wallet, or ruin his clothes, or whatever else they have planned for him.
El entrenador Durham cree que se lo merece así que díganselo a sus hijos para que la próxima vez cuando le roben la billetera o le mojen la ropa o lo que sea que le tengan preparado.
- I give Super Hans the pizza, pepper-spray him, kick him in the nuts and grab his wallet
- le doy la pizza a Super Hans le tiro gas pimienta, lo pateo en las bolas y le robo la billetera
Él dice que te lo has inventado porque te pilló robándole dinero de su cartera.
Yeah, I was like, "Aah! Jeff forgot his wallet."
Si, estaba como, "Jeff olvido su billetera."
We found his wallet at the scene. He couldn't provide an alibi.
Hallamos su billetera en la escena.
We found his wallet at the scene of the crime.
Hallamos su billetera en la escena del crimen.
His wallet?
¿ "Su billetera"?
He dropped his wallet and we found it.
A él se le cayó su billetera y nosotros la hallamos.
But he rather stupidly dropped his wallet.
Pero, sin embargo, muy tontamente dejó caer su billetera.
We had his wallet.
Encontramos su billetera.
- He left his wallet?
- ¿ Dejó la cartera?
And put a stamp on his travel wallet?
- Que se las arregla que se adapta...
Let Elizabeth Nash know that the wallet is either in his pants or the jacket on the bed.
Díganle a Elizabeth Nash que la billetera está en sus pantalones o en la chaqueta sobre la cama.
His fucking wallet isn't tied to the goddamned Esplanade, god damn it!
¡ El contenido de su maldita billetera no depende de la Explanada!
Hey, get his wallet.
Quítale la cartera.
He hadn't bathed, no wallet, watch or keys, and he has scars on his lower legs.
No se había bañado, no tenía billetera, reloj o llaves, y tenía escaras en la parte inferior de sus piernas.
wallet 107
wallets 27
his wife 438
his watch 21
his words 65
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76
wallets 27
his wife 438
his watch 21
his words 65
his wife died 20
his work 33
his wife left him 23
his whole life 20
his what 76