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Hop to it traduction Espagnol

362 traduction parallèle
Hop to it, kid.
Venga, muchacha.
All right, hop to it.
Pues ponte con ello.
Hop to it.
Date prisa.
Hop to it.
Hop to it, Jim.
A por ello, Jim.
Right, I'll hop to it.
Vale, estoy en ello.
Go on, hop to it.
Vamos, vamos.
"Love Triumphant." Go on, hop to it.
"El amor triunfa". Vamos, a por ello.
All right now, honey-bunch, hop to it, and give.
Muy bien, preciosa, sube al escenario y muéstrales.
Hop to it and get the lowdown.
Pégate a él y estate alerta.
We'd better hop to it.
Hop to it.
Now hop to it, will you?
Ahora, a trabajar
Hop to it, you blokes.
¡ Ya es hora, idiotas! ¡ Vamos!
If you want to tell the board I'm obstructing justice and ask them to revoke my license, hop to it.
Si quiere acusarme de obstrucción a la justicia... y pedir que me retiren la licencia, hágalo.
Hop to it.
We'll do our act here instead of at the next gas station. Hop to it!
Haremos la actuación aquí y no en la próxima gasolinera. ¡ Vamos!
- Hop to it.
- Adelante.
- You're retained, so hop to it.
- Está contratado, así que comience.
All right, hop to it.
De acuerdo, allí estaremos.
Hop to it, you dirty squid.
Apúrate, tortuga lenta.
Hop to it!
¡ Rápido!
"Captain E.J. Smith." Deliver this to the bridge and hop to it!
"Capitán E. J. Smith". Lleve esto al puente, y no se entretenga.
- Hop to it.
- Apresúrate.
- Hop to it, go train.
Venga, a entrenar.
- Yeah, hop to it, now.
- Si, saltando, ahora.
Then hop to it, and lots of good luck, Casey.
Entonces, ánimo y buena suerte, Casey.
There was a continuity to the way he travelled - it's not the hop, skip and jump of the world travelling Cartier-Bresson.
Hubo una continuidad en la forma en que viajó, no es el salto tras salto de los viajes por el mundo de Cartier-Bresson.
It would be different if you had that shot of hop handy.. So you could pump yourself full of enough guts to shoot somebody in the back.
Ni tenéis a mano esa dosis que os da fuerza para disparar por la espalda.
You better hop right to it, Mr Corrigan.
Mejor se pone con ello, Sr. Corrigan.
It's only a short hop and a tussle to town.
- La ciudad queda muy cerca.
- We'll hop right to it.
- Enseguida.
Hop to it.
Bien, a trabajar.
I'm Russian, Your Majesty, it doesn't befit me to hop after Frederick. That's my cavalry on the battlefield! I've had enough of your impertinence!
es acaso mi caballería en el campo de batalla... tu impertinencia va más allá de toda medida!
That's the first time I ever heard your mother tell you to do something... and you didn't hop to do it.
Es la primera vez que oigo que tu madre te dice que hagas algo y no saltaste para hacerlo.
Hop it now, up to your room.
Ahora sube a tu cuarto.
Hop to it.
¡ Moved el culo!
- Thank you both. - Hop on it. You got a fast change to make.
Vamos, usted precisa cambiarse.
So I take you to dinner, buy you drinks, it gets late chewing the fat... you hop in your car and you're gone.
Cenaremos y te invitaré a un par de tragos. Luego se nos hará tarde charlando y te irás, ¿ no?
Tell her to hop it.
Dígale que se vaya.
I'm supposed to hop a plane with a letter of introduction from you to her, is that it?
Ya veo, tengo que subirme a un avión con una carta de presentación suya, ¿ es eso?
Well, you see, it's that hop I get on the ball - It's caused by some unique phenomenon, and I'm attempting to investigate it.
Resulta que el efecto de la pelota lo provoca un fenómeno único que estoy investigando.
Go to it, boys!
¡ Hop! ¡ La familia! Hop!
- You hop on your bicycle and run down there and give it to him.
Agarra tu bicicleta y ve a dárselo.
Time for "dear boy" to get dressed and hop it.
El "nene" debe ir a trabajar.
Well, take it on the hop to dressing room four.
Bueno, ve rápido al camerino número cuatro.
Well, take it on the hop to dressing room four.
Bueno, llévala rápido al camerino número cuatro.
That might be pretty hard to rig. But if you hop in the jeep with the colonel and go to the forward area as our observer I'm sure somebody will hand you a bayonet with a rifle attached to it.
Será un poco difícil colocarla, pero puede ir en el jeep con el Coronel al frente y será nuestro observador.
It's a short hop to Australia.
Esta a un paso de Australia.
Better hop it. And tell the captain we wants to put to sea, see?
Sería mejor avisar al capitán... para zarpar de aquí.
All right. All right. All I can do is get my supervisor to hop right on it.
Diré a mi supervisor que se ponga con ello inmediatamente.

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