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I've seen you traduction Espagnol

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I suppose you aren't going to tell us about these things you've seen, Oliver.
Supongo que no vas a hablarnos sobre esas cosas que has visto, Oliver
I know, I've seen you hug people.
Lo sé ; he visto cómo abrazas a la gente.
I've seen you in church since you were knee-high.
Te he visto en la iglesia desde que eras una cría.
Well, you can count the number of Broadway shows I've seen on one hand, but if the rest of the songs are that good, you've got a massive hit on your hands.
Bueno, no he visto muchos espectáculos de Broadway, pero si el resto de las canciones son tan buenas tienes un gran éxito en tus manos.
I've never even seen you drive.
Jamás te he visto conducir.
Come on, Walter, I've seen you diffuse bombs faster than this.
Vamos, Walter. Te he visto desactivar bombas más rápido.
I've seen you hack a thermometer, Ralph.
Te he visto piratear un termómetro, Ralph.
I've seen you pocket your take from them.
He visto como te embolsas lo que te dan.
How do you know they are Dickens's? I'm not saying that Nancy's easy, it's just, I've seen her go in and out of a lot of windows. [police sirens blaring in the distance]
¿ Cómo sabes que son de Dickens? pero la he visto entrar y salir de muchas ventanas. ¿ Acaba de tirar un arma?
How come I've never seen you at the Dog Star before?
¿ Cómo es que nunca te he visto antes por el Dog Star?
I've never seen you there either.
Tampoco yo te he visto allí.
I've seen your face. You have to kill me.
Tienes que matarme, sé cómo funciona esto.
That's funny, just'cause I've known you for a very long time and never seen you even close to an instrument, let alone playing one.
Es gracioso, porque te conozco desde hace bastante tiempo y nunca te he visto ni remotamente cerca de un instrumento, así que no hablemos de tocar uno.
I've seen you at the market.
Te he visto en el mercado.
You have no idea what I've seen.
No tienes ni idea de las cosas que he visto.
I've seen enough romantic comedies to know you're probably gonna fall for me.
He visto suficientes comedias románticas para saber - que probablemente te enamores de mí.
You know, in my whole life, I don't think I've ever seen your back teeth.
Sabes, no creo haber visto tus dientes de atrás en toda mi vida.
I've seen you angry, sad, lonely, happy.
Te he visto enfadada, triste, sola, feliz.
And now that you've seen them, I have to kill you.
Y ahora que los has visto, he de matarte.
Considering everything that I've seen and done for you here, Chanel...
Considerando todo lo que he visto y hecho por ti, Chanel...
Oh... you're so rich and hot. ♪ ♪ These are the nicest secret tunnels I've ever seen.
Eres tan rico y atractivo.
Look, I'm gonna be honest with you- - you're the worst Dickie Dollar Scholar pledge candidate I've ever seen.
- Mira, voy a ser sincero contigo... eres el peor aspirante a Pijo Magnífico que he visto jamás.
- Did I tell you I've seen her again? - Uh-uh.
¿ Te conté que la volví a ver?
I've never seen a woman as sharp as you.
Nunca había visto una mujer tan aguda como vos.
Yes, in fact, I think I've seen you before.
Sí, el caso es que yo diría también que os he visto antes.
Yes, in fact, I think I've seen you before.
El caso es que yo diría también que os he visto antes.
You've seen how I deal with my enemies.
Tu has visto como trato a mis enemigos.
I know you've seen things in this war that you cannot explain.
Sé que ha visto cosas en esta guerra que no puede explicar.
I've seen you prepare this for patients who are bearing children.
He visto que preparas esto para pacientes que han de cargar con niños.
I mean, you've seen how she looks at me.
Quiero decir, has visto cómo me mira.
And I'm-I'm sure you've seen his helicopter dance, where he uses his penis as the propeller.
Y estoy seguro de que ha visto su baile del helicóptero, donde usa su pene como la hélice.
I know you've seen many foreigners arriving in your country.
Sé que han visto muchos extranjeros llegando a su país.
I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
¿ Qué coño quieres decir con eso?
- If you had seen what I've seen, you would want him to have protection, too, okay?
- Si hubieras visto lo que yo he visto, también querrías que tuviera protección, ¿ vale?
I've seen Loki lie about everything! But you not being worthy?
¿ Pero no siendo digno?
I've seen how she looks at you.
He visto cómo os mira.
And now that I've come here today and I've seen you,
Y ahora que vengo aqui hoy y te veo
You know, I've seen this before.
Sabes, he visto esto antes.
This is the first time I've ever seen you sleeping at the office like this.
Esta es la primera vez que te he visto durmiendo así en la oficina.
I've never seen you smile so brightly before.
Es mi primera vez viéndote sonreír tan brillantemente como lo estás haciendo ahora.
I've seen you shoot.
Te he visto tirar.
I've seen you in all the magazines.
Te conozco de las revistas.
I've never seen you look at a girl like that before.
Nunca antes te he visto mirar así a una chica.
You've seen what I looked like when I was younger, right?
Has visto como lucía cuando era joven, ¿ verdad?
I don't understand why you think I should've seen them.
No logro comprender por qué cree que debería haberlos visto.
You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen.
Eres la novia más hermosa que he visto.
I know that's the first time you've ever seen a programme start that way, but bear with me, because if we now look...
Sé que es la primera vez que veis un programa empezar de esta manera, pero tened paciencia, porque si ahora miramos...
No, I've seen the women you pursue.
No, he visto a las mujeres que persigues.
You know, I'm pretty sure I've seen Carol Larabee feeding a big orange cat.
Estoy segura que vi a Carol Larabee alimentando a un gran gato anaranjado.
I've never seen you at meetings.
Nunca la he visto en las reuniones.
- And you've seen our instructions from the President, the Secretary of the Navy? I've seen them.
- ¿ Has visto nuestras instrucciones... del presidente, el secretario de la Marina?

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