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I called him traduction Espagnol

3,062 traduction parallèle
- I called him.
- Yo llamé.
I called him. We sorted it all out. Yeah.
Arreglamos las cosas.
I called him and told him that it you have robbed the money and to prove his innocence he'd have to shoot you in the face.
Lo llamé y le dije... que tú habías robado el dinero y que para probar su inocencia debía dispararte en la cara.
As soon as I called him up he dropped Margaret like a hot potato and started dating me.
Tan pronto como lo llamé, dejó a Margaret como a una papa caliente y comenzó a salir conmigo.
Jack was on the shed and when I called him, he flew straight at me.
Jack estaba en el cobertizo y cuando lo llamé, él voló directamente hacia mí.
- A friend, I called him.
- Un amigo, lo he llamado yo.
I called him as soon as I realized Tobey was missing.
Le llamé tan pronto como supe que Tobey había desaparecido.
I called him.
Lo llamé.
- That's what I called him, Senator O'Biden.
- Así lo llamé, Senador O'Biden.
- Look, I called him last week on his cell phone.
- Mira, lo llamé la semana pasada a su celular.
I called him.
Yo lo llamé.
So when I called him... Ugh... Just--go on.
Cuando lo llamé... Solo... continúa.
Would you mind terribly if I called him to ask him if he found her?
¿ Te importaría mucho si lo llamo para preguntarle si la encontró?
But I called him Narcissus, so divine was his face.
Pero lo llamaba Narciso, su cara era tan divina.
Anyways, so I went out there and I called him out on his shit.
En fin, entonces fui allá y le destapé toda su mierda.
- No, I called him.
- No, yo lo hice.
I called him yesterday, left a message with him to come in.
Lo llamé ayer, le dejé mensaje para que venga.
I called him.
Le llamé yo.
I called him on the way back.
Le llamé cuando volvía.
I was only about four and I called him Peter.
Yo sólo estaba cerca de cuatro y yo llamé a Pedro.
I called him Gabey, and then... oh, look.
Le llamé Gabey, y entonces... Anda, mirad.
I've called him 30 times.
Lo llamé 30 veces.
If only I'd have ran when he called out to me, the tree wouldn't have fallen on him.
Si tan sólo hubiera corrido cuando me grito, el árbol no hubiera caído sobre él.
Brad called it an accident, I can never forgive him for that.
Brad lo llama un accidente, Nunca lo podre perdonar.
I should have called him yesterday. Instead of listening to her.
Debería haberlo llamado ayer, en vez de hacerle caso.
Well, anyway, we're all systems go, and then I Google him and find out there's no such fucking pro ever worked the Asian circuits called Arthur Newman.
Bueno, de todos modos, todos los sistemas estaban funcionando y, entonces lo google y descubro que no hay un puto profesional que haya trabajado en los circuitos asiáticos, llamado Arthur Newman.
And I was asked to find him by a singer called Johnny Rotten,
Y me pidió que encontrarlo por un cantante llamado Johnny Rotten,
So, yeah, I just called up old Charlie Costello and I told him where we were and to come down and get his dog back and said if he had any trouble finding us, just look for a Buick on fire.
Sí, llamé al buen Charlie Costello y le dije que viniera a buscar su perro. Le dije que si no nos encontraba, buscara un Buick en llamas.
Nathan Williams, good student, good kid, maybe not an angel, but from what I hear, everybody loved him and the VP called hisdeat.
Nathan Williams, buen estudiante, buen chico, quizá no un ángel, pero por lo que he oído, todo el mundo le quería y el subdirector sintió su muerte.
That's why I called this morning and talked to my vice-principal, and told him that I'm gonna take a break for a while.
Por eso he llamado esta mañana para hablar con mi vicedirector, y le dije que me voy a tomar un descanso por un tiempo.
I called Riggs, told him to come by after closing.
Llamé a Riggs, y le dije que viniera después de cerrar.
When I woke up Jason was there and said that he had called and wanted a ride home, but Jason didn't want to wake me up, so told him he had to walk home.
Cuando desperté, Jason estaba ahí, y dijo que había llamado y quería un aventón a casa, pero Jason no quiso despertarme, así que le dijo que caminará a casa.
Charlie called me and I went to see him and I thought that I would wear this because I thought that maybe he would like it.
Charlie me llamó, fui a verlo y pensé que si usaba esto a él le gustaría.
When they called me to I.D. Bill's body, and I saw him lying there, first thing I thought was,
Cuando me llamaron para identificar el cuerpo de Bill, y lo vi allí acostado, lo primero que pensé fue,
The client called twice, and now I can't get him on the line.
El cliente llamó dos veces, y ahora no puedo ponerlo en línea.
I went to see him after he called me 400 times.
Después que me fui me llamó 400 veces.
He called me last night I told him to call you He didn't call me
me llamó anoche le dije que llamara él no llamo tiene miedo... y Karen
When I was a kid we called him the Ham-booger.
Cuando yo era niño le llamábamos el Ham-moco.
I did stop talking to him and then he called me out of the blue.
Lo hice y luego él me llamó repentinamente.
I called him?
Lo he llamado.
I picked him up there once when he called me for help.
Una vez lo recogí allí cuando me llamó por ayuda.
He's someone called Thurston, I met him somewhere.
Es alguien llamado Thurston. Lo vi una vez.
I mean that I called about a patient and she said that she would see him on her way in.
Quiero decir que llamé acerca de un paciente y ha dicho que lo vería antes de venir aquí.
I'll tell you the same thing I told him when he called :
Les diré lo mismo que le dije cuando llamó...
Yeah, I told him that I thought so, but I called Lloyd just to make sure.
Le dije que me lo parecía, pero llamé a Lloyd para estar segura.
I called Jacob and just told him, "Just quit your job ; we're starting a company."
Me llamó a Jacob y sólo le dijo : "Sólo dejar el trabajo, estamos empezando una empresa".
I think someone he knew and trusted called him outside.
Yo creo que alguien a quien él conocía y confiaba lo llamó afuera.
I was called to be a cook's President, him and nobody else.
Me llamaron para ser cocinera del Presidente, de él y de nadie más.
I gave him the name of a business called Porch Dog Auto- - that's the name of the place that bought all the truck parts- - and they arrested Wade Falk, the owner of the place.
Le di el nombre de un negocio llamado Porch Dog Auto... que es el nombre del sitio donde se hizo todo el equipamiento del camión... y detuvieron a Wade Falk, el dueño del sitio.
His daughter called and asked if I'd keep an eye on him till she gets here.
Su hija llamó y me pidió si podía vigilarlo hasta que ella llegue.
I never should have called him.
Nunca debí haberle llamado.

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