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I knew you had it in you traduction Espagnol

141 traduction parallèle
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que podría.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo llevabas dentro.
I knew you had it in you.
Ves, tienes madera.
I knew you had it in you, MacGyver.
Sabía que lo tenías en ti, MacGyver.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo tenías en tu interior.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que podías.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo tenías en ti.
I knew you had it in you to be the best, and... Well...
Sabía que podías ser el mejor de todos y... yo...
I knew you had it in you, Mr. Bill.
Sabía que podía hacerlo, Sr. Bill.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo tenías.
- Sé que lo llevas dentro.
I knew you had it in you, cowboy.
Sabía que podías, vaquero.
- I knew you had it in you.
- Sabía que lo llevabas dentro.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo lograrías.
I knew you had it in you, dude.
Sabía que eso querías, amigo.
I knew you had it in you,
Sabía que podías.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo harías.
You know, I always knew Theodora had it in her.
Siempre supe que Theodora tenía algo.
I always knew you had it in your tongue.
Siempre supe que lo lograrías.
I had to come to a pigeon house in Shangri-La to find the only other person who knew it. May I congratulate you?
Tuve que venir a un palomar en Shangri-La para encontrar a la única persona... que lo entendía. ¿ Puedo felicitarle?
When I found that you had locked yourself in, I assumed you knew about it.
Cuando vi que te habías encerrado, pensé que lo sabrías.
Sheriff I knew in Kansas years ago had it bad like you.
Conocí a un sheriff en Kansas que pensaba como tú.
Well, boy, I always knew you had it in you.
Sabía que lo lograría.
You know, when I saw this book in your office... and I realized that you'd spent that much time in San Quentin... I knew I had to go out and buy it.
Cuando vi este libro sobre San Quintín en su estudio decidí ir a comprarlo.
I knew you had it in ya. You woke up this morning with a smile on your face. I said, "Something special's gonna happen today."
Sabia que lo habias logrado te despertaste esta mañana con una sonrisa algo especial va a pasar hoy pero sabia que iba a ser diferente
I knew someone in the building had him, but I didn't think it was you.
Yo sabía que alguien en el edificio estaba con él, pero no pensé que fueses tú.
When you see movies about the 50's everybody thinks it was about Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens and stuff like that, but people that I knew in the 50's, I mean, they had a record collection.
Cuando ves películas de los 50's todos piensan que es sobre Buddy Holly o Ritchie Valens y cosas así, pero la gente que conocí en los años 50, tenían una colección de discos.
I knew you had that anger in you, Matt but... But I thought it would be the dealers and the junkies and the human garbage that you'd be cleaning the city of. Not all them poor people just minding their business.
Sabía que estabas furioso... pero pensé que acabarías con los camellos, los yonquis y la escoria, no que matarías a gente corriente.
- I always knew ya had it in you.
- Sabía que lo llevabas dentro.
Well, you had it in for me too You knew I was Wong Fei Hung
Tú también me estás menospreciando.
The Continuum didn't think you had it in you, Jean-Luc, but I knew you did.
El Continuum no creía en usted, Jean-Luc, pero yo sí.
Oh, Billy, I knew you had it in ya.
¡ Billy, sabía que eras capaz de hacerlo!
I always knew you had it in you.
Siempre supe que lo llevabas adentro.
Now, come on, Mr. Young why did you kill Rufus McCain? I knew you had it in you.
¡ Bien!
I always knew you had it in you.
Siempre supe que era lo tuyo.
and I thought, where of so big it lies if appeared in Ohio for him is not going in any part outside of. I About time knew that I had you to find.
Entonces pensé : ¿ Como alguien tan brillante puede aparecer de la nada en medio de ohio?
Vámonos de aquí.
I knew you had no hand in it.
Yo ya sabía que ud. no tenía nada que ver.
I always knew you had it in you. But really....
Sabía que lo llevabas dentro, pero...
Oh, Gord, I knew you had it in ya.
¡ Yo sabía que podías!
I always knew you had it in you, Jamal.
Siempre supe que tenías el potencial, Jamal.
I always knew you had it in you.
Siempre supe que tendrias exito.
Then you showed up acting all interested in my search for Gabrielle and I knew you had to have something to do with it.
Entonces tú apareciste actuando muy interesado en mi búsqueda por Gabrielle, y sabía que tenías algo que ver con eso.
Anyhoo, I knew that I had to get the meat soon...'cause if you get it in too late, the greens turn slimy... before any of the flavor gets in.
Sabia que tenia que conseguir la carne enseguida si se la pone tarde, las verduras se ponen babosas antes de que entre la sazón.
I knew it either had to be you or a thousand wild gardenias nestled in a mossy bank of money
Sabía que sólo podías ser tú, o mil gardenias salvajes en un lecho de dinero.
Who knew you had it in you? - Well, I...
- Quién iba a creer que aún estás aquí.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are so good, if I told you they had crack in it, you'd go, " I knew something was up.
Krispy Kreme son tan buenas, que si les dijera que tienen crack... ustedes dirían :
I knew it wasn't easy for you, but had I known what it was really like, I would have tried to be less of a pain in the ass.
Sabía que no fue fácil para usted pero de haber sabido cómo era realmente podría haber intentado no ser un grano en el culo.
He had it in his mind, he knew what he wanted it to say and I think that, you know, in everything he did as an artist, it had something to say, you know.
Lo tenía en la cabeza, sabía lo que quería decir y creo que, ya sabes, en todo lo que hizo como artista había algún mensaje.
I think you're right. If Mac knew that toaster had been broken for a week, he'd double-check that Maintenance hadn't been in to fix it before he stuck his hand in it.
Si Mac supiese que la tostadora llevara rota una semana, comprobaría dos veces que Mantenimiento no la hubiera arreglado antes de meter la mano.
But in my heart, I knew it. I knew you wouldn't have sex with her! Oh, no, I had sex with her.
Ahora sé cómo te sentiste al ver todos esos arbustos de rosas porque la idea de que estuvieras con alguien más me estaba volviendo loca!

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