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I meant it traduction Espagnol

4,637 traduction parallèle
When I told you to fuck off, I meant it.
Cuando te dije que te fueras a la mierda, te lo dije en serio.
No, I--I meant it's great news that it's going so well.
No, yo me refería a que es genial noticia de que va tan bien.
I meant it in a good way.
Lo dije con buena intención.
I meant it...
Era un...
I meant it as a compliment.
Era un cumplido.
I meant it as I said it.
Hable en serio como lo dije.
I told you I liked you, and I meant it.
Te dije que me gustabas, y lo dije en serio.
I meant that it is extremely difficult to write a cogent novel that mixes fact with fiction in a way that captures a reader's attention.
Quise decir que es muy difícil escribir una novela convincente que mezcla los hechos con la ficción de una manera que capture la atención de los lectores.
Matty was waiting for an opening from me, which meant I had to do my best to give him one and be as subtle as possible about it.
Matty estaba esperando una oportunidad de mí, lo que significaba que tenía que dar lo mejor de mí para darle una y ser tan sutil como fuera posible con el tema.
When I mentioned Thanatos, I got the feeling that it meant something to you.
Cuando mencioné Thanato, sentí que significaba algo para ti.
I would eat everything on this table if it meant that you would forgive me.
Comería lo que sea en esta mesa si significara que me perdonaras.
I was meant to give it to Lestrade.
Debo dárselo a Lestrade.
I told you, it's meant to be white tie.
Le dije, corbatas blancas. Necesitamos corbatas blancas.
No, I meant I don't know how you can put up with it. I put up with you, the public humiliation, because at least, in private,
quiero decir que no sé cómo lo puedes aguantar. porque al menos en privado no tengo que tenerlo encima de mí.
I meant to go to reunions, but it wasn't easy getting my practice going.
Me refería a ir a reuniones, pero no fue fácil comenzar mi práctica.
And I truly meant it, Penelope.
Lo digo en serio, Penelope.
If I leave without seeing her, that means that it was not meant to be.
Si me voy sin verla, eso significa que así tenía que ser.
Whether I want to or not... If it's meant to happen, then it's going to happen.
Aunque quiera o no... si se supone que tiene que ocurrir, sucederá.
I mean, it looks like it's meant to be here!
Quiero decir, parece que está destinado a estar aquí!
I'm sure it meant a lot to you.
Seguro te importó mucho.
I'm not sure what it all meant. Everything he went through. Everything we did.
No sé qué sentido tuvo todo todo lo que vivimos todo lo que hicimos.
I meant to do it!
Me refería a que lo haga!
I want to say that again so people know I meant to say it.
Quiero repetirlo para que sepan que quería decirlo.
I meant, are you going to hand it over to the government?
Quise decir, ¿ vas a entregar eso al gobierno?
I thought that it meant that you would marry me.
Creí que significaba que tú te casarías conmigo.
Look, I know what happened was weird and illegal and shit, but it really meant something to me.
Mira, yo sé que lo que pasó fue raro, ilegal y todo eso, pero realmente significó algo para mí.
I know that meant stay away, but you didn't say it.
Entendí que quieres que me aleje, pero no lo dijiste.
I slept with someone and - it actually meant something.
Me acosté con alguien y en verdad significó algo.
I think it was meant for you.
Creo que era para ti.
- I thought that it meant you loved me.
- ¿ No en alguien que me ama?
I really don't think that there is one in 1,000 who can do this job the way it's meant to be done.
Sólo hay uno entre 2000 que puedan hacer este trabajo.
But as I was saying earlier, it wasn't meant to be.
Pero como decía antes, que no estaba destinado a ser.
You can't imagine what a relief it is to finally know my purpose... where I'm really meant to be.
No te puedes imaginar el alivio que es saber finalmente mi propósito... donde realmente estoy destinado a ser.
No, I meant to exchange it but he does not understand
No, me refiero a comercio, pero que no entendía
I believe it's meant to be, darling
? Yo Creo Que Está Destinado A Ser, Querida
But I suppose it was not meant to happen.
Pero supongo que no era mi destino.
A sail is born. I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Supongo que no tenía que ocurrir.
But I'm not meant to have a problem with it, cos Sherlock Holmes thinks it's a perfectly OK thing to do!
¡ Pero no puede parecerme mal, porque Sherlock Holmes cree que es algo completamente normal!
And I heard that Elizabeth already got married, so I guess it's just not meant to be.
Y me enteré de que Elizabeth Ya se casó, así que supongo que no es sólo destinado a ser
- You think I meant to do it? Shut up!
- No fue a propósito. ¡ Cállate!
I mean, it meant nothing to me at the time.
Quiero decir, que no significaba nada para mí en ese momento.
My wife always had a feeling that Arianna was meant for greater things then the crown but I always passed it off as nonsense.
Mi mujer siempre tuvo la sensación de que Arianna estaba destinada a algo más importante que la corona, pero siempre lo descarté como un sinsentido.
When I look back now, it seems that I was like an innocent prisoner, condemned not to death but to life, and as yet unconscious of what the sentence meant.
Cuando miro hacia atrás ahora, me parece que era como... una prisionera inocente, condenada no a la muerte, sino a la no vida, y aún inconsciente de lo que significaba esa frase.
But I got the feeling he meant it as an insult.
Pero tengo la sensación de que lo dijo como un insulto.
I thought it was meant to be a party!
Pensé que iba a ser una fiesta!
"I lost it at the movies," Pauline Kael said, and we all knew just what she meant.
"Lo perdí en las películas", dijo Pauline Kael, y todos sabíamos exactamente lo que quería decir.
Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. Come on, let's get out of here.
I had a lot of fun with you the day before I left going to all the graduation parties with you and um... it really meant a lot to me, and... um...
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Al ir a todas esas fiestas de graduación contigo...
I think he only meant it in the sense that nuns are married to Jesus, sir.
Creo que él sólo quería decir que en el sentido de que las monjas son casada con Jesús, señor.
I probably would have done a retreat on the moon if it meant getting space from the record company.
Me hubiera ido a la luna si eso significaba alejarme del sello.
I don't know why you're so dead-set on making this play say the opposite of what it was meant to say.
No sé porqué estás tan empeñada en querer hacer que esta obra diga lo opuesto a lo que se supone.

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