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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I really appreciate that

I really appreciate that traduction Espagnol

652 traduction parallèle
I really appreciate that you worried about me.
Cuánto le agradezco que se haya preocupado por mí.
I really appreciate that!
Realmente lo aprecio.
- I really appreciate that.
- Muchas gracias.
I really appreciate that.
De veras, se lo agradezco.
I really appreciate that, Wilma.
Te lo agradezco, Wilma.
I really appreciate that.
Se lo agradezco.
I really appreciate that.
Realmente lo aprecio.
I really appreciate that.
Se lo agradezco mucho.
I really appreciate that.
¿ Qué menos iba a hacer?
I really appreciate that.
De verdad que te lo agradezco.
I really appreciate that.
Lo aprecio mucho.
I really appreciate that.
Te lo agradezco mucho.
But I really appreciate that thing with the worm.
Pero me divirtió mucho lo del gusano.
I really appreciate that.
Realmente me haces un favor.
I really appreciate that coming from you, Mr. Travalian.
Se lo agradezco viniendo de usted, Sr. Travalian.
Thanks. I really appreciate that.
Gracias. Te lo agradezco.
I really appreciate that.
Se lo agradezco de verdad.
I really appreciate that.
Realmente aprecio eso.
Well, I really appreciate that you gave it a try, Sam.
Bueno, te lo agradezco que lo intentó, Sam.
Look, Lori, I know you thought it was a hot idea coming here... and I really appreciate that you've gone to all this trouble- -
Mira, Lori, sé que crees que fue una linda idea venir... y te agradezco que lo hayas hecho...
Yeah, I really appreciate that.
Sí, realmente aprecio eso.
- I really appreciate that. I really do. But...
Te lo agradezco, de veras, pero...
- I really appreciate that, Bob.
- Te lo agradezco, Bob.
I really appreciate that.
De veras te lo agradezco.
Now, I appreciate your work, really, that is...
De verdad que aprecio tu trabajo...
Well, sometimes, old boy I have the feeling that you don't really appreciate Wendy.
Pues que a veces... me parece que no sabes apreciar a Wendy.
I say that in your interest, not for me, I really appreciate it.
Lo digo por su bien, no por mí, porque la aprecio mucho.
I really appreciate that a lot.
" No es por contemplar la cara de Emilia...
And I'd appreciate it... You know, it's something that you'll really love.
Entiendo, pero le va a encantar.
I really appreciate that. Yeah.
Really, that's very, very kind of you, and I appreciate that.
Es muy amable de su parte, se lo agradezco.
That really is the sort of wine I appreciate.
Es la clase de vino que yo aprecio.
Now, Edna, dear we know it's gonna take time and it's gonna take money... -... and that's why we're here. - And I really appreciate your coming.
Edna, querida sabemos que tomará tiempo y dinero y por eso estamos aquí.
I'd really appreciate that, Hester.
Te lo agradezco.
I really appreciate everything that you've done.
Le agradezco todo lo que ha hecho.
- Oh I'm sure the little bastard will really appreciate that.
Oh, estoy seguro que el pequeño bastardo lo va apreciar.
We really appreciate your comin', I want you to know that.
Apreciamos que hayas venido, quiero que lo sepas.
I really appreciate that.
Tom, I really appreciate everything that you did last night.
Tom, te agradezco mucho todo lo que hiciste anoche.
I'd really appreciate that.
Se Io agradezco.
Well, I really appreciate it That's a real compliment!
En verdad aprecio eso. Es un gran cumplido.
I really appreciate your trusting me like that.
Le agradezco que confíe en mí de esa manera.
I really appreciate this now that I'm on a budget.
De veras lo aprecio. Debo cuidar mis gastos.
It's very good of you and I want you to know that I really appreciate it.
Fue muy amable de tu parte, y quiero que sepas que estoy agradecida.
I would really appreciate it if this would be something that you and I could keep between us.
Realmente te agradecería... si esto fuera algo que tú y yo podamos mantener entre nosotros.
You really screwed things up. I hope you can appreciate that. Um...
Vino a estropear las cosas se lo agradesco.
Now, it's really important that I impress these people, so I'd appreciate it if you'd kind of leave me alone with the Brubakers.
Ahora, es muy importante que l impresionar a estas personas, así que l'd agradecería que tipo de me dejarías solo con los Brubakers.
I appreciate that. Really.
Te lo agradezco, de veras.
I would really appreciate that.
Realmente agradecería que.
I appreciate that, Mayor. I really do.
De veras se lo agradezco, alcalde.
I'd really appreciate that.
Te lo agradecería mucho.

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