I saw everything traduction Espagnol
673 traduction parallèle
- I saw everything! I saw you laughing at the hospital!
¡ Vi cómo se reía cuando encontraron a su esposa muerta!
I saw everything from above.
He visto todo desde arriba.
I saw everything. I was following.
Lo he visto todo, los seguía.
Yes, I saw everything. Down there, from the barge.
Sí, lo he visto todo, desde abajo, desde la barcaza.
I saw everything in a great flash!
Lo vi perfectamente.
- I saw everything, I know the score...
- Lo vi todo. Estoy al tanto de todo.
I was pretty drunk but then, suddenly, I saw everything with amazing clarity.
Estaba medio borracho y, de repente, me sobrevino una lucidez extraordinaria.
I saw everything in my time, I've lied, cheated and talked my way in and out of every jail in this country.
Yo, he vendido de todo, he estafado, mentido. Conozco todas las cárceles del país.
Hey, I saw everything.
Lo he visto.
And you can tell it to me from now until doomsday, but don't forget, I was there and I saw everything with me own eyes.
Y me lo puede repetir hasta el Día del Juicio Final, pero no lo olvide, yo estuve allí y lo vi todo con mis propios ojos.
- I saw everything!
- ¡ Yo lo he visto todo!
I saw everything.
Lo he visto todo.
I saw everything.
Lo he visto todo. Todo.
- Yes, I saw everything.
Sí, lo he visto todo.
- I saw everything.
- Lo he visto.
- Yes, I saw everything.
- Sí, lo he visto todo.
- I saw everything!
- ¡ Yo lo vi todo!
When I saw Her Highness... so young, so charming... so beautiful... I forgot everything, my rank, my duty.
Cuando vi a Su Alteza tan joven, tan encantadora, tan hermosa lo olvidé todo...
I knew everything about you the moment I saw you.
Supe todo de ti, desde que te vi.
I saw a picture once, where a chap snatched the table cloth off the table and left everything standing on it.
Yo vi en una película cómo un hombre tiraba de un mantel... sin volcar nada encima.
Gosh, I never saw you give in so completely. But everything's gone wrong.
Es que todo sale mal.
I'm sure that Bert saw to it everything went all right.
Seguro que Bert se ocupó de que todo saliera bien.
I saw a light, dropped in to see if everything's okay.
La mano helada de Jack Frost está fuera esta noche.
I saw a bar over there as big as that bookcase full of whiskey and stuff and things and everything.
Vi a un bar allí tan grande como la biblioteca lleno de whisky y otras cosas.
I saw and heard everything, I was hiding behind the palm tree.
He visto y oído todo, escondido detrás de una palmera.
Everything Mrs. Redi said, it fits in with what I saw.
Todo lo que dijo encaja con lo que vi.
I saw everything.
Vi todo.
- Yeah. I saw and heard everything.
- Sí. No me perdí nada.
Well, everything's the same, and yet everything's changed since I saw you last.
Bueno, todo es igual, y sin embargo todo ha cambiado desde la última vez que te vi.
Everything I saw in life I set down on canvas.
Todo lo que vi en vida lo plasmé en mis cuadros.
He went everywhere, saw everything and uncovered such coruption that even I was shocked.
Indagó por todas partes y descubrió tal corrupción que hasta yo me asombré.
No, I saw everything the scissors and the man
Las tijeras y al hombre.
Clay, it's only.. ─ Look! Since I saw you last, everything is different.
Dios mío, que solemnes estáis los dos, espero no haber interrumpido.
When I saw you with those three it felt like it ruined everything.
Cuando te vi con esos tres, pareció como si todo se viniera abajo.
Everything I saw and heard.
Todo lo que vi y oí.
I want to forget everything that I saw but I just can't.
¡ Nunca olvidaré este día! ¡ No puedo...!
I saw lshun and did everything I could for you.
Debes pensar en tu futuro, y ésa es la mejor solución. Te lo digo en serio, hija.
It was when I saw you in that pub that it happened. Suddenly everything became quite clear.
Cuando te vi en ese bar de pronto lo comprendí todo.
I did everything I saw she wanted, although she didn't actually ask for it...
Le he hecho todo lo que he leído en sus ojos.
As I said, Inspector, when he saw me, he did everything he could to get away.
Se lo repito, inspector. Al ver que lo seguía intentó despistarme, tenía miedo.
Everything I saw or felt or touched was Jenny, I wanted her so much.
Todo lo que veía o sentía era Jenny. ¡ La deseaba tanto!
I thought everything was fine until I saw you last night.
Creía que todo iba bien hasta que te vi ayer por la noche.
I saw it do everything.
La vi hacer todo.
Everything I saw, I wanted.
Todo lo que veía, lo quería.
I'll leave you alone when you tell me everything I want to know. - Who else saw you together?
Te dejaré en paz cuando me digas todo lo que quiero saber.
Through your good mood, your casualness.. I saw the heart of a man capable of feeling.. everything you told me, and I love you,..
Por tu buen humor, tu naturalidad... vi el corazón de un hombre capaz de sentir... todo lo que me has dicho, y te amo.
In fact, that's how everything always happens, and then I saw your advertisement.
De hecho, eso es lo que ocurre siempre, y fue entonces que vi su aviso.
I... i got you out of a bad movie i saw once, just like everything else in this corny dream.
Es culpa mía. Te saqué de una mala película que vi... igual que a los demás de este vulgar sueño.
Everything I saw was disgusting, especially the drunkards
¡ Las cosas que vi! Y lo peor por la mañana, todos borrachos.
He received a bottle of poison, and I happened to be nearby and saw everything.
Con veneno... ¡ Enseguida lo averigüé! Vi el escondite.
Today I saw my director and convinced me that oneself can find solutions for everything.
Hoy he visto a mi director y me ha convencido de que uno mismo puede buscarse soluciones para todo.
i saw you 563
i saw the video 17
i saw it first 27
i saw it 804
i saw the light 16
i saw it myself 35
i saw him yesterday 27
i saw the sign 17
i saw 499
i saw you last night 21
i saw the video 17
i saw it first 27
i saw it 804
i saw the light 16
i saw it myself 35
i saw him yesterday 27
i saw the sign 17
i saw 499
i saw you last night 21
i saw it on tv 28
i saw you on tv 44
i saw nothing 44
i saw that 307
i saw her 292
i saw them 162
i saw it on the news 30
i saw him first 18
i saw your face 30
i saw something 133
i saw you on tv 44
i saw nothing 44
i saw that 307
i saw her 292
i saw them 162
i saw it on the news 30
i saw him first 18
i saw your face 30
i saw something 133