If it was traduction Espagnol
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"Talking about the past as if it was a myth"
# Hablando sobre el pasado Como si fuera un mito #
Even if it was, I was at work.
Aun si lo fuera, estaba en el trabajo.
I mean, if it was busy and nobody noticed, that could happen.
O sea, si yo estaba ocupado y nadie lo notó, hubiera podido pasar.
You wouldn't have brought it up to me if it was nothing.
No me habrías dicho nada si no hubiese pasado nada.
All right, if it wasn't you, then who would want to make it look like it was?
De acuerdo, si no fuiste tú, ¿ entonces quién querría hacer parecer que fuiste?
- What if it was our fault?
- ¿ Y si ha sido nuestra culpa?
Although ideology was sold to me as if it was the religion of islam and that's what I adopted.
Aunque la ideología me la vendieron como si fuera la religión del Islam, y eso es lo que adopté.
I was out of moves, and then it occurred to me, what if it wasn't my company?
Me quedé sin jugadas, y luego se me ocurrió, ¿ Qué tal si no fuese mi compañía?
Can you identify if it was him?
- No, no era él. - Véalo bien, debe ser él.
Well, you know, if it was up to me - But it's not up to you, Hank, and I understand that.
Bueno, ya sabes, si dependiera de mí... pero no depende de ti, Hank, y lo entiendo.
Look, we'd just prefer if it was you coming out, even for one night.
Mira, preferiríamos que fueses tu el que saliera, incluso por una noche.
If it was up to me, we'd just get them out of a vending machine like everything else in Japan.
Si por mí fuese, los conseguiríamos de una máquina de vending como cualquier otra cosa en Japón.
But, even if it was legal, it's a bullshit way to kill an animal like that.
Y aun si fuera legal, es una idiotez matar a un animal así.
I wasn't sure if it was tied to your investigion, especially with the upcoming presidential visit.
No sabía si estaba vinculado a su investigación, en especial con la visita presidencial.
And then he filled it with the stash he'd purloined from the hall, like he was goading John Walker to come and fetch it if he dared.
Y la llenó con el botín que había rapiñado del Hall, como si estuviera retando a John Walker a que fuera a cogerlo si se atrevía.
I'm sorry. I was just wondering if it's that you don't want to be here or if you're never really anywhere.
Simplemente me preguntaba si es que no quiere estar aquí o si en realidad nunca está en ningún sitio.
Look, what if I was gonna eat it later?
Mira, lo que si me iba a comer más tarde?
It was actually the nightmares that tipped me off. It's a symptom. It's an electrical problem in your heart that could cause sudden cardiac death if not treated.
Por eso es que el no abandona el rancho, y es la razón de que estés en la oficina hasta la 1 : 00 a.m.
If I remember right, it was overbilled by 13 %.
Si no me equivoco, un 13 % de sobrefacturación.
But if I spread the rumor that it was you, you're finished.
Pero si lanzo el rumor de que fuiste tú, estás acabado.
Well, if he can get Gabe's record expunged, it's like he was never on the list and then we did nothing wrong.
Pues, si borra a Gabe del registro, es como si nunca hubiera estado ahí y así no hicimos nada malo.
I mean, like, if we somehow got some DNA, tested it and it was a match.
O sea, y sí, de alguna manera conseguimos su ADN, le hacemos pruebas y coinciden.
I was wondering if you'd like to see it with me.
Me preguntaba si te gustaría verla conmigo.
So, then, if you had the chance to prove it was all real or fake, would you do it?
Entonces, si tuvieras la oportunidad de probar que todo era una mentira, ¿ lo harías?
If I said where I really was, it would sound even worse.
- ¿ Por qué mentirías? Si dijese dónde estuve de verdad, sonaría incluso peor.
What the Aztecs believed was that if they stopped doing sacrifices, it would be the end of the world.
Lo que creían los aztecas era que si dejaban de hacer sacrificios, sería el fin del mundo.
But if I was better at it, then I'd sell more work and be able to afford the rent all by myself, right?
Pero si fuera mejor fotógrafa vendería más y podría pagarme yo misma la renta, ¿ no?
You know, if you had a car that was long-range, but it didn't look good and it wasn't fun and it didn't handle properly and it didn't have great electronics, and all these important attributes that people value...
Exacto. Si tienes un auto que da mucho kilometraje... pero que no es bonito, divertido, fácil de manejar... ni con excelente electrónica, todos esos aspectos que se valoran.
At the time, I was thinking of it more from the standpoint of we'll run out of oil to dig out of the ground, and if we don't find a replacement, then... civilization would collapse.
Entonces pensaba que se nos acabaría el petróleo... y que si no hallábamos un sustituto, la civilización colapsaría.
That when you told her it was fine if I fired them, she told me that I had to keep them on?
¿ Qué cuando le dijiste que estaba bien despedirlos, ella me dijo que tu le dijiste que debíamos conservarlos?
Believe me, if I was gonna drop dead, it would have happened long ago, Doc.
Créeme, si fuera a morirme, ya hubiese pasado.
I think it was mostly, if I recall, it was mostly a catch-up.
Creo que fue sobre todo, si lo recuerdo, fue sobre todo para ponernos al día.
You know, I always thought it was some sort of drug-induced nightmare, but now with the belt and the cops, I-I mean... what if it's some sort of repressed memory?
, siempre creí que era algún tipo de pesadilla inducida por las drogas, pero ahora con el cinturón y la policía, es que... ¿ Sabes? ¿ Y si es algún tipo de recuerdo reprimido?
I mean, if it really was future Barry that pissed him off and locked him up somewhere, then maybe he knows what happens to future us.
Si de verdad fue el futuro Barry el que le cabreó y le encerró en algún lugar, entonces quizás sepa lo que pasa a los futuros nosotros.
Well, Daria was sleeping with her husband, so if anyone had a bone to pick, it would be her.
Bueno, Daria estaba acostándose con su marido, así que si alguien tuviera algo que discutir, sería ella.
It was as if the wall was watching me.
"Era como si la pared me mirara."
If I tell Merche that it was all a mistake, I love her and...
Yo creo que si le digo a Merche que todo ha sido un error, que la quiero y que es la mujer...
If you knew how hard it was to get on the train...
Sole, por Dios que tú no sabes lo que me ha costado subirme a este tren.
If it's about the other night, I-I was following orders.
Si es por lo de la otra noche, estaba siguiendo órdenes.
And if a lamp goes missing from the White House, and they make a list of everyone who was in the White House when it happened, the president is gonna be on that list.
Y si se perdiera una bombilla de la Casa Blanca, e hicieran una lista de todos los que estaban en la Casa Blanca cuando ocurrió, el presidente estaría en esa lista.
If a synthetic was beyond repair, they would pass around iron bars to see who could hit it the hardest.
Si un sintético no podía ser reparado, se pasaban barras de hierro para ver quien golpeaba más fuerte.
If you set out to make it about people... if common human values are your measuring stick... and not profit, the only thing that could undo us is succumbing to the same misguided values that this country was built on.
Si pretendes hacer que sea sobre las personas... si los valores humanos comunes son tu vara de medida... y no los beneficios, la única cosa que podría destruirnos es sucumbir a los mismos valores equivocados sobre los que este país se ha construido.
Whatever... if there was ever a time for me and Diane, it's passed.
Lo que sea... Si alguna vez hubo un tiempo para mí y Diane, es pasado.
I'll talk to whoever however I want, if you got a problem with it, we can settle it, but my car was not involved, man.
Yo hablo a quien sea como yo quiero, si tienes un problema con eso, podemos resolverlo, pero mi coche no estaba involucrado, hombre.
No, it'd be gross if I was trying to smash.
No, sería grave si yo la estuviera tratando de follar.
If this is about anything, it's about my need to disprove the notion that at the core I'm just shit, which all started when I was a kid and...
Sí esto tiene que ver con algo, es con mi necesidad de refutar la noción de que en mi núcleo solo soy una mierda, todo comenzó cuando era un niño y...
If I was going to do it, I wouldn't have done it that way.
Si fuera a hacerlo, no lo habría hecho así.
Nadine, if it got out that the FBI was helping a Russian spy...
Nadine, si salió a la luz que el FBI ayudaba a un espía ruso,
Even if you don't dance, which, you know, I gave it up when I was 19, but you'll never regret it.
Aunque no bailes, cosa que, ya sabes, dejé cuando tenía 19 años, pero nunca te arrepentirás.
Okay, I've been kind of annoyed ever since you moved in. And I think it's because when it was just Josh and me, I didn't care if I was a good person or not.
He estado algo molesto desde que te mudaste, porque cuando estaba solo con Josh no me importaba si yo era buena persona pero ahora que te mudaste he notado lo mucho que me he descuidado.
If that was the way to get it, then I would have got it by now.
Si esa fuera la manera de conseguirla, entonces yo la tendría ahora.
if it wasn't for you 99
if it wasn't 30
if it wasn't you 47
if it was me 109
if it was up to me 91
if it wasn't me 16
if it wasn't for him 46
if it wasn't for me 91
if it wasn't for her 21
if it was him 22
if it wasn't 30
if it wasn't you 47
if it was me 109
if it was up to me 91
if it wasn't me 16
if it wasn't for him 46
if it wasn't for me 91
if it wasn't for her 21
if it was him 22
if it's meant to be 16
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a boy 49
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a boy 49