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If it was him traduction Espagnol

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I-I don't know if it was him or not, but a man with a strange sword and clothes said he was going to I-Ikitsuki Island...
No sé si es él, pero un hombre con kimono y una espada extraña dijo que iba a la Isla de Ikitsuki.
Not him you... not you if it was him, not you.
No lo se... no se si fue él, no se.
It would just take some of the pressure off if it was him.
Creo que me ahorraría mucha presión si fuera con él
I mean, maybe if it was unde r different circumstances, he could learn something, but Julian wants him just to sell drugs.
Quizá si estuviera en otras circunstancias, podría aprender algo, pero Julian quiere que venda drogas.
If he was a cop, how did it take him all these years to track you down?
Si era policía, ¿ por qué le tomó tantos años encontrarte?
Yeah, but why bury him like that if it was just an accident?
Sí, pero, ¿ por qué enterrarlo así, si sólo fue un accidente?
Clay here is my good friend. And it'll be a problem if someone around here was to cause him problems.
Clay es un buen amigo y sería un problema si alguien quisiera causarle problemas por aquí
I had to, Linda. If there was even the slightest chance it would bring him back!
Tuve que, Linda. ¡ Si hubiera la minima posibilidad de traerlo de vuelta!
I guess I was just feeling that if I gave in to him, he'd see it as a sign of weakness.
Creo que sentía que si se lo daba,... él lo vería como una señal de debilidad.
It sometimes felt as if the runway was going backwards below him.
A veces se sentía como si el camino estuviera debajo.
If it was up to me I wouldn`t have gone to all that trouble I would have strangled him in the ditch and be done with it.
Si de mi dependía, no hubiera pasado por tanta dificultad. Lo hubiera estrangulado en la zanja y hubiera terminado con todo.
Well, if it's true and she was sent by him, and she's waiting in your apartment, you shouldn't be sitting here drinking, should you?
Bueno, si es verdad que Él la envió, y ella te espera en tu apartamento no deberías estar aquí sentado bebiendo, ¿ verdad?
No, you know, Max thought it was gonna be busy at his place tonight, too, so I'm gonna go over there and see if I can help him out.
No, Max dijo que hoy iría mucha gente a su bar también, así que me acercaré a darle una mano.
So I met him and I asked if it was porn.
Pues, lo fui a ver y pregunté si había que desnudarse.
We don't even know if it really was him.
Ni siquiera sabemos si realmente fue él.
I... I did ask him, before I did it, if... if you was all right with it.
Yo... yo le pregunté, antes de hacerlo, si... si tú estabas de acuerdo con eso.
If it was up to me, I'd drop this kid in the middle of the woods give him a knife and a book of matches. Ninny.
But I don't know what it was about Bittu... when I met him, I felt as if... I were his real mother...
Pero no sé qué pasaba con Bittu... cuando lo conocí, sentí como si... fuera su verdadera madre...
Start with 1988, if it was an accident it stopped him in his tracks.
Empieza por el'88. Si fue un accidente, le cortó su carrera.
That a trick question to see if I have him washing my car? Which was one time only, okay? It's not like he detailed it or anything, just hand wash, hand wax.
Si la pregunta es una trampa para saber si le tengo lavando mi coche... lo que sólo pasó una vez pero no era nada duro, sólo un lavado a mano y cera
If any man on this planet got what he deserved, it was him.
Si algún hombre en este planeta obtuvo lo que merecía, fue él.
Yeah, I just think I'd probably feel worse if I blew him off and it really was his last day on earth or whatever.
Sí, creo que probablemente me sentiré peor si lo echo y luego es de verdad su último día en la tierra o lo que sea.
It's really sad, though, because... if you ever met him, you would think he was the coolest guy.
De verdad es triste, porque... si lo conocieras, pensarías que es el tio más guay.
If somebody shot my nephew it was him himself.
Si alguien le disparó a mi sobrino, fue él mismo.
Drew was a pretty nice guy, but if you crossed him, it was a whole different game.
Drew era un buen chico, pero si te enfrentabas a el, la historia cambiaba.
Yeah, but if I hadn't pushed him, he never would've known what a jerk his father was. Now he has to deal with it.
Sí, pero si no le hubiera forzado, no sabría lo capullo que es su padre, ahora lo sabe
Now if you had asked Pope Pious XII how he knew it was the truth, he would have said you had to take his word for it because it had been "revealed to him" by God.
Ahora, si le preguntara al Papa Pío XII cómo sabía él si esto era verdad, habría dicho que Ud. tiene que creerle, porque le había sido "revelado" por Dios.
I was really just trying to make it so my friend can move back here so... if you don't mind, I'm gonna try to get a hold of him now.
Si no les importa, iré a tratar de que vuelva.
You found him! The whole time that I was in that hole, not knowing if I would live or die, it makes a man think about what's really important. I realize...
Lo encontraron todo ese tiempo que estuve en ese hoyo, sin saber, si moriría o viviría hace a un hombre pensar sobre lo que es realmente importante me di cuenta de que....... he, Katara mira lo que puedo hacer
What I said was if Mr. Shore gave such advice - and I have no knowledge that he did - it was my fault... since I had so totally screwed up Mr. Mkeba's trial... leaving him no option but to run.
Lo que le dije fue que si el Sr. Shore le aconsejó hacerlo y a mí no me consta que lo haya hecho, fue mi culpa porque yo eché a perder el juicio del Sr. Mkeba obligándolo a huir.
Even if he was in it from the off, Miss Jean Brodie isn't going to implicate him.
Quizás. Después del hecho.
- Uh, he asked me why we need the rope for, so I explained him. And he told me that if somebody throw man in a well he probably was no Saint and it's better to leave him there.
Le he explicado... para qué necesitamos la cuerda... y dice que si han tirado el hombre al pozo, seguro que no era un santo... y es mejor dejarlo ahí.
It was as if we'd begged him.
Como si se lo hubiéramos pedido.
It was as if someone was making him say things.
Era como si alguien le estuviera haciendo decir cosas.
Be nice to know if it was hurricane, flood or foul play that killed him.
Sería agradable saber si fue el huracán, la inundación o un "juego sucio" quien lo mató.
I was wondering if you'd make sure that it's returned to him.
Me preguntaba si sería capaz de asegurarse de que regrese a él.
Grabbing me, touching me, making me touch him... telling me that... why would my folks have brought me here if they didn't think it was okay?
me abrazaba, me tocaba, hacía que lo tocara a él... me decía que... ¿ Por qué lo habrían invitado mis padres si no pensaban que estaba bien?
If he was sickly, it was only because melissa made him that way.
Si estaba enfermo... era sólo porque Melissa lo puso así.
And if it had been Him, there would have been a sign. And there was no sign.
Y si ha sido Él, debiera haber habido alguna señal y no había ninguna señal.
On 23rd October, I went to do the exam... to see if it was true... that's my birthday, and afterwards I went straight... to his place took him the results.
El 23 de octubre hice el test para ver si estaba realmente. Día de mi aniversario. Cuando salí de allí fui a su casa y le llevé el examen.
Now, I do not know what was my favorite part If it was when you did eating from a dog bowl When I took whipped cream the body with his tongue Or when you gave him an enema with a filler of turkeys.
Ahora, yo no sé cuál fue mi parte favorita si fue cuando la hiciste comer de un platón para perros cuando te quitó crema batida del cuerpo con su lengua o cuando le diste un enema con un rellenador de pavos.
35 : 09,120 were changed, no? 35 : 15,155 a good drug addict less in this house. 00 : 35 : 16,197 - - 00 : 35 : 18,912 are going away to cagar dying if they do not relax to him. It was changed.
¿ Se mudó, no?
The fbi was desperate to link Zikri with others because it was an embarrassment for them if they couldn't link him.
El FBI estaba desesperado en enlazar a Zikri con otros ya que era una vergüenza para ellos si no podrían hacerlo.
If he's at the track he'd tell us so we don't have to page him, and if it was a puffer fish, he'd be dead in six to eight hours, tops.
Si fuera así, nos diría así no lo buscamos, y si fuera un pez globo, estaría muerto en 6 u 8 horas.
If he hit the water when the current was on, his muscles could've contracted, making it impossible for him to get out.
Si tocó el agua cuando había corriente sus músculos pudieron contraerse, haciéndole imposible salir.
But I knew your father well enough to know that if he knew I was having his child, he... he would be compelled to leave you all, and I couldn't have that, so I told him it was someone else's- - a director on a movie, a one-night stand.
Pero conocía a tu padre lo suficientemente bien para saber que si él sabía que iba a tener a su hijo, él... se vería obligado a dejaros a todos, y yo no podía con eso, así que le dije que era de otro, el director de una película, algo de una noche.
If he was bigger, stronger, and could actually tackle, it would be him.
Si fuera más grande, fuerte, y pudiera realmente placar, sería él.
If he / she needed it, it would have continued him / her the track or at least there was returned to that place.
Si lo necesitara, le habría seguido la pista o por lo menos hubiera vuelto a ese sitio.
I was a little worried about Randy walking on that thin plank,'cause I had seen him fall off sidewalks before, but if it meant rescuing Catalina, he could have danced on the head of a pin.
Me preocupaba un poco que Randy caminara sobre esa viga delgada... porque lo he visto caerse de las aceras antes, pero si significaba rescatar a Catalina él podría haber bailado en la cabeza de un alfiler.
- what if you wanna to ask him about - it was a very casual arrangement, alright?
¿ OK?
If I tell him he was in the car with me, he'll believe it.
Si le digo que estaba en el auto conmigo, lo creerá.

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