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If it wasn't me traduction Espagnol

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If it wasn't for your mother, I wouldn't have settled on pink.
Si no fuera por tu madre, no me habría decidido por el rosa.
You wouldn't even be having this party if it wasn't for me.
No harías la fiesta si no fuera por mí.
If it wasn't for the missing women and their poor families, I'd laugh.
Si no fuera por las mujeres perdidas y sus pobres familias, me reiría.
Look, if it was me, I would have cleaned it very thoroughly, but it wasn't me.
Si lo hubiera hecho yo, lo habría limpiado cuidadosamente... -... pero no fui yo.
Si no fuese por ti, probablemente me moriría de hambre.
- Look, if somebody got smoked it wasn't me. I was just shooting to be shooting.
Estaba disparando por disparar.
You'd be dead right now if it wasn't for me.
Estarías muerto si no fuese por mí.
If it wasn't me, it would've been someone else.
De no ser yo, hubiera sido alguien más.
Well, now, if it wasn't for you pushing me...
Pues bien, ahora, si no fuera por ti presionándome...
It's going to be a shock to It's going to be a shock to us if it wasn't one of her old us if it wasn't one of her old members, because I think we're members, because I think we're all assuming it's going to be all assuming it's going to be one of two people.
Va a ser un palo para nosotros si no ha sido uno de sus antiguos, porque me parece que todos asumimos que va a ser una de dos personas.
If it wasn't so paranoid, I'd wonder if it was a police conspiracy.
Si no fuera ser paranoico, me preguntaría... si no es un complot policial. ¿ Qué quieres decir?
No. Well, do you know something? If it wasn't for me, Stanley here, you'd all be in that mess still!
Si no fuera por mi, Stanley, ninguno estaria aqui,
The thing is, you know, with Nancy losing her job and... with the mortgage, and now with me losing my book contract... things have gotten kinda desperate... and I wouldn't even be asking if it wasn't serious.
Es que como despidieron a Nancy y la hipoteca, y como perdí mi contrato, estamos desesperados. No te lo pediría si no fuera serio.
If it wasn't for Karin, who thank God is like her mother, you wouldn't exist at all for me.
De no ser por Karin, que gracias a Dios se parece a su madre, para mí no existirías.
Because Dobel made me so damn suspicious, I couldn't resist the impulse to open her diaphragm case to see if it was there, and it wasn't.
Como Dobel me hizo tan desconfiado, no pude resistir abrir la caja del diafragma para ver si estaba allí y no estaba.
If it wasn't for the ticking, it'd have had me by now.
Si no fuera por el tictac, ya me habría comido.
If it wasn't for Halley, I would've died, probably.
Si no fuera por Halley, me hubiera muerto.
Half of them would be dead or in prison if it wasn't for me.
La mayoría de ellos estarían muertos o en prisión si no fuera por mi.
He constantly looked at me, as if he still wanted to ask me something but wasn't sure how to put it.
Y me miraba constantemente, como si quisiera preguntarme algo. Pero no sabía qué.
Because if you had shown up you might've seen me and Johnny and it might've seemed like something it wasn't.
No lo sé. Mala idea.
And if you push me, I ´ ll be able to say it probably wasn ´ t natural causes.
Si me presionas, te podría decir que, probablemente, no murió por causas naturales.
I would have killed myself long before now if it wasn't for this.
Me habría matado mucho antes de no ser por esto.
Well, you know, | you wouldn't be if it wasn't for me.
Bueno, ya sabes, de no ser por mí no estarías aquí.
Sometimes it's all like a dream... as if I might wake up and find she wasn't there.
A veces me parece un sueño, como si fuera a despertar y ver que ya no está ahí.
Listen, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here, so I wouldn't talk.
Mira, si no fuera por mí, tu ni siquiera estarías aquí, así que no hables.
If this wasn't worth it, if my life didn't matter to you, if yours didn't matter to me, then I would help you finish this bottle.
Si esto no valiera la pena, si mi vida no te importara, ni la tuya me importara a mí... entonces te ayudaré a que termines esta botella.
I convinced myself if I didn't touch it, I wasn't obligated.
Me dije que si no lo tocaba no tenía la obligación de hacerlo.
No, you wouldn't even be up here if it wasn't for me.
No estarías aquí si no fuera por mí.
You'd be speaking German now if it wasn't for me.
Usted hablaría alemán sin mí.
If it wasn't for me, you never would have met him.
Su no fuera por mí, tu no lo hubieras conocido
I wasn't even sure if I was happy about it.
Ni siquiera sabía si a mí me hacía gracia.
Si me lo preguntas, no mereci la pena.
If it wasn't for me, he'd never have found out about it.
Está tras el Naquadria. Es por mi culpa. Si no hubiera sido por mí, nunca lo habría descubierto.
- I wouldn't ask if it wasn't vital. Understand? - Fine.
No te lo pediría si no fuera importante. ¿ Me entiendes?
If it wasn't me, it was gonna be somebody else.
Si yo no lo hago, lo hará alguien más.
If it wasn't for you, I'd be damned starving.
Si no hubiera sido por ti, me hubiera muerto de hambre.
If she waited just that little bit, I would have been able to go with her, but next thing you know, she's gone, and I wasn't too happy about it.
Si esperara sólo un poco, hubiera podido ir con ella, pero cuando te quieres dar cuenta ya se ha ido, y eso no me hace mucha gracia.
But let it be known that if it wasn't for me and Christa,
Pero que se sepa que si no fuera por mí o Christa,
If it WASN'T a bomb, why can't you help me?
Si no fue una bomba, ¿ por qué no me ayuda?
If it wasn't for me, you'd be a juicy steak at the stake!
¡ No si no fuese por mí, serías un jugoso filete a la parrilla!
To what extent, I don`t know. But l`d be a hypocrite if I pretended it wasn`t there.
No sé hasta qué punto, pero sería hipócrita si pretendiera que no me pasa.
You would have been busted at the fucking casino if it wasn't for me.
De no ser por mí, te habrían arrestado en ese casino.
I mean, if it wasn't for me that night... things might have...
Es decir, esa noche, si no hubiera sido por mí... las cosas podrían...
When I first woke up, I don't think I would have known my own name if it wasn't stitched on my shirt.
Cuando me desperté, no habría sabido ni mi nombre, si no hubiera estado cosido en la camisa.
I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.
Yo me olvidaría de mi cabeza si no se atornilló adelante.
So when I went back out there, I wasn't sure if I'd be spooked or not. I ended up... You know, the wave came to me and it was like, "Yes."
He vuelto preguntándome si tendría miedo... la ola vino a mí y fue como un "sí".
If it wasn't for her, I'd be lost like everyone else.
De no ser por ella, me hubiera perdido...
If it wasn't for that freak crashing the party we both know that the winner of todays duel would have been me.
Si no fuera por ese loco, los todos sabemos que... el ganador del duelo hubiera sido yo.
If it wasn ´ t me checking everything out, nobody sees anything!
¡ Si no estuviera al tanto, nadie vería nada!
If it wasn't for me you'd be sitting in your own shite in Carrigmore spelling out "toilet" on that card.
Si no fuera por mí estarías sentado en tu propia mierda en Carrigmore deletreando "baño" en esa tarjeta.
If someone wants to kill me, do it now. Wasn't Jesus killed?
Quien quiera matarme, que lo haga. ¿ No mataron a Jesús?

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