If it wasn't you traduction Espagnol
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Right, so if it wasn't either of you two and it wasn't me, who else could it be?
Vale, entonces si no ha sido ninguno de vosotros dos y tampoco yo, ¿ quién más podría ser?
If it wasn't for me you'd have been sucked up into that machine.
Si no huviera sido por mi te habría succionado una máquina.
Yes, none of us would be here if it wasn't for you.
Sí, ninguno de nosotros estaría aquí si no fuera por ti.
You know I wouldn't take a risk like this if it wasn't serious.
Sabes que no correría un riesgo así, si no fuese serio.
If it wasn't going well, if things got bad, would you be okay?
Si no va a salir bien, si las cosas se ponen feas... ¿ estarás bien?
If it wasn't for his investigation, you'd still be in jail right now.
Si no fuera por su investigación, todavía estarías en la cárcel.
Chief, if you say it wasn't suicide, then I guess it wasn't.
Jefe, si dice que no fue un suicidio, entonces supongo que no lo fue.
If you like the apartment, fine, but you know, it wasn't that long ago that you were not in a very good place and it just feels like things are moving very quickly and haphazard and--and scary.
Si te gusta el apartamento, bien, pero no hace mucho estabas en un mal momento y parece que las cosas se están moviendo muy rápido al azar y... da miedo.
Well, if it wasn't me, you wouldn't be here.
Bien, si no fuera por mí no estarías aquí.
You wouldn't even have patients if it wasn't for me.
Tu no habrías tenido pacientes si no hubiese sido por mi.
I wouldn't be sitting in this chair talking to you right now if it wasn't for Jimmy Keefe, I'll tell you that.
Ahora no estaria sentado en esta silla hablando con vos, si no fuera por Jimmy Keefe. Lo digo en serio.
So even if I wasn't over you, I could never be with you, so it doesn't matter.
Entonces aunque no estuviese sobre ti, nunca podría estar contigo. así que no importa.
So even if a woman wasn't in the mood, you could go ahead and do it.
Así aunque una mujer no estuviese de humor, podías seguir y hacerlo.
You'll won't even know Jimmy was in town if it wasn't for me.
No sabrías que Jimmy estuvo en el pueblo si no fuera por mi.
If it wasn't for you both my son and I would've been done for.
Si no fuera por ti, ambos mi hijo y yo hubieramos terminado igual.
Do you think I'd be here if it wasn't?
¿ Estaría aquí de no serlo?
Nevertheless, if it wasn't for me, the Crixorum would never have had a chance to attack you.
Sin embargo, si no fuera por mi, el Crixorum nunca habría tenido la oportunidad de atacarte.
No, I don't believe it, Orpheus. It wasn't your fault if fate cheated you.
No, no te creo, Orfeo, no ha sido culpa tuya si el destino te ha traicionado.
I can't tell you how many times I've looked in his eyes and knowing he wasn't right and wondered if there was anything I could do about it.
No puedo decirte la cantidad de veces que le he mirado a los ojos y he sabido que no estaba bien y preguntándome si habría algo que podría hacer para ayudarle.
This never would've happened if it wasn't for you.
Esto nunca habría ocurrido si no fuera por ti.
If it wasn't you, tell me who it was.
Si no fuisteis vosotros, dime quién fue.
And if you say it wasn't true, I'm sure it wasn't.
Si dices que no fue verdad, estoy seguro que así fue.
This never would've happened if it wasn't for you.
Esto no hubiera pasado de no ser por ti.
But, if it wasn't a cab... Why'd he let you on?
Pero, si no era un taxi, ¿ por qué te subiste?
You have to wonder here if the original ankh wasn't some kind of high tech device that the ancient astronauts used and then it was given to the kings for their use, and with the coronation ritual and the holding of the scepter, suddenly normal people become as gods.
Lo que tienes que preguntarte aquí es que si el Ankh original no fue algún tipo de dispositivo tecnológico que los antiguos astronautas usaban y que dieron a los reyes para su utilización, y con el ritual de la coronación y la celebración del cetro, la gente normal repentinamente se convirtió en dioses.
You think Michael Jackson would've been a star if it wasn't for Joe Jackson's abuse?
¿ Crees que Michael Jackson hubiera sido una estrella si no fuera por los abusos de Joe Jackson?
I'd judge you if that wasn't exactly what I'd call it if I had one.
Te juzgaría si no fuera exactamente así como lo hubiera llamado yo si tuviera una.
If it wasn't you, I'd be worried this was some sort of hit.
Si no fueras tú, estaría preocupada porque fuera alguna clase de golpe.
I really don't care if she does, but I would just rather she wasn't wearing my uniform when she did it, so why don't you tell us...
La verdad es que no me importa si lo hace, pero preferiría que no llevase mi uniforme cuando lo hiciera, así que por qué no nos dices...
If it wasn't for you, those planes would've hit the World Trade Center.
Si no fuera por ti, esos aviones habrían chocado contra las Torres Gemelas.
If somebody messed with you guys, it wasn't me.
No sé quién es el que os ha hecho lo que sea, pero no fui yo.
If it wasn't you...
Si no fuiste tú...
Why would you do that if it wasn't you?
¿ Por qué lo harías si no fuiste tu?
We wouldn't have gotten out of there if it wasn't for you.
No habríamos salido de allí, si no fuera por ti.
If it wasn't for you, I never would have lost weight or discovered RB.
Si no fuera por ti, nunca hubiera perdido peso o descubierto el RB.
While the theory predicted this, it wasn't until 1 948 that a scientist named Hendrik Casimir suggested that even though we can't see these particles, they should cause empty space to do something we can see. And he predicted that if you take two ordinary metal plates... and place them extremely close together- - say, closer together than the thickness of a sheet of paper- - then particles with certain energies would be excluded because in some sense, they wouldn't fit between the plates.
Y predijo que si se cogen dos placas de metal corrientes... y se las coloca extremadamente cerca... más cerca que el grosor de una hoja de papel... entonces las partículas con determinadas energías serían excluidas porque en cierto sentido, no encajarían entre las placas.
If it wasn't for the kindness of my heart you'd be in Bedford Women's right now, scamming for Nicorette.
Si no fuera por mi buen corazón estarías en la cárcel de Bedford ahora mismo, trapicheando con Nicorette.
You wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for me?
¿ Estarías aquí sentado si no fuese por mí?
You get in touch and tell her you had second thoughts... you've changed your mind, it wasn't meant to be... make up whatever you want... but if I ever see you around here again...
Así es. Ponte en contacto con ella y dile que lo pensaste dos veces... que cambiaste de opinión y que no lo harás. Puedes ir a donde quieras, pero si te llego a ver rondando por aquí de nuevo...
We never would have gotten to Tom Martin if it wasn't for you.
Nunca hubieramos atrapado a Tom Martin, sino fuera por ti.
If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead right now.
Si no fuera por ti, ya estaría muerto.
If one day, it wasn't there, wouldn't you want it back?
Si un día no estuviera ahí, ¿ te gustaría que volviera?
And if your mom were here right now, she would tell you that it wasn't giving birth to you that defined her.
Y si tu madre estuviese aquí ahora mismo, te hubiera dicho que darte a luz no fue lo que la definió.
If it wasn't for Mr Zylinksi, you might have to work at those awful hostels... those hostels popping up all over the city.
Si no fuera por Mr Zylinksi, probablemente tendría que trabajar en un triste albergue... de los que salen como setas por toda la ciudad.
Hey, if it wasn't for the wine, the two of you wouldn't even be here.
Eh, si no fuera por el vino, vosotras dos ni siquiera estaríais aquí.
I wouldn't have woke you up if it wasn't a real emergency.
No te habría despertado si no fuese una emergencia.
You'd have never laid eyes on that money if it wasn't for me!
¡ Jamás habrías visto ese dinero si no fuera por mí!
Would you have stayed here if it wasn't for my offer of money?
¿ Te habrías quedado aquí si no te hubiera ofrecido dinero?
If it wasn't you who tipped off the press, it must have been Fèvre.
Si no ha sido usted quien le ha chivado la información a la prensa, ¿ ha sido Fèvre?
If it wasn't for you, Moon Kwon and I would've died, right?
¿ Lo cree?
If it wasn't for you, I might have taken all the blame.
Si no fuera por ti, podría haber recibido toda la culpa.
if it's meant to be 16
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123