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If you're lying traduction Espagnol

654 traduction parallèle
And if I find out you are lying, we're gonna have a serious issue.
Y si descubro que estás mintiendo, vamos a tener serios problemas.
Then we'll just see if this woman is crazy, or if you're the one lying.
Supongo que podemos enterarnos de si está loca o si miente juntando los zapatos.
And may the blackest curse of God strike you if you're lying.
Y si mientes, que caiga sobre ti la peor maldición divina.
- I'll find out if you're lying.
- Averiguaré si estás mintiendo.
That cat. If you think I'm going to let a cheating, lying wretch like that upset my plans, you're wrong.
Si crees que dejaré que una desvergonzada como ella eche a perder mis planes, te equivocas.
If you're not lying, there's only one alternative :
Si no mientes, sólo hay una respuesta...
And if you're sanctuary, I'll take whatever else is lying around.
Si eres un santuario, escogeré cualquier otra cosa.
Como me estés mintiendo te mato e iré cantando a la silla eléctrica.
Kiss me, and I'll know if you're lying.
Bésame, y sabré si mientes.
You're lying there in bed reading that wonderful travelogue in the Daily Mail and wanting to go places and wondering if you ever will.
Estás en cama leyendo la sección de viajes del Daily Mail y deseando viajar y preguntándote si lo harás...
If you tell me I'm not, you're lying.
Si dices que no lo soy, estás mintiendo.
I know they're lying, they're trying to see if I really love you.
Sé que mienten, que quieren ver si te quiero.
I'll kick your ass if you're lying!
¡ Deje de mentir!
If you're lying, you're going to be a guys very alone in your cell.
Si estás mientiendo, vas a ser un hombre mintiendo solo en el calabozo.
No, I don't see at all. I can't even see if you're blushing, though I suspect you're lying.
No, no veo nada, ni siquiera veo si te ruborizas.
If you're lying....
Si está mintiendo...
If you're lying, I implore you to tell me.
Si mientes, te imploro que me digas.
This way I can tell if you're lying in a few minutes.
Con esto, en unos minutos sabré si miente.
If witnesses swear they saw Mr Lowry near the Anchor pub about 9.15, do you say they're lying?
Los testigos han jurado ver al señor Lowry cerca de... una taberna a las nueve y cuarto de esa noche, ¿ Mienten?
That's where they catch you if you're lying. Shh.
Es ahí que te descubren si estás mintiendo.
And if you say you're not, you're lying.
Y si dices que no, eres un mentiroso.
If you're lying, he has to shoot you. If you have no money, he has to.
Si estás mintiendo, te disparara si no tienes ningún dinero, tambien
If you're lying, Malcolm...
Mientes, Malcolm.
And if you're lying, I die.
Y si está mintiendo, me moriré.
I don't know if you're lying to me, or if you're insane and I don't really care any longer, but that man, I believe was in the car that's been following us.
No sé si me estás mintiendo, o si estás loca y realmente ya no me importa, pero ese hombre, creo que conduce el carro que nos sigue.
- What do you mean? If you're lying...
Si me miente, le...
Look, if you're trying to prove that I'm a bad son and he's a wise father.. with his hat on and chickens in his bedroom, you are wrong tonight! I'm not lying, I'm happy, happy!
Si lo que quieres es demostrarme que soy un hijo desagradecido y él un padre razonable con sus gallinas y el sombrero puesto, te has equivocado, porque estoy alegre, no me convences.
Thanks, brother, if you're not Lying!
Gracias Camarada, si no estás mintiendo.
If you're lying, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Si estás mintiendo, deberías avergonzarte de ti misma.
You're lying if you say those things.
Mientes al decir esas cosas.
- I am happy, even if you're lying.
- Hicieron el amor? - ¿ Quien?
And, Taggert, if you're lying, it's your job.
Y, Taggert- - Si está mintiendo, perderá su empleo.
If you don't want me knowing what you're doing... don't leave your ticket and passport lying all over the place.
Si no quieres que descubra lo que haces... no dejes los billetes y el pasaporte en cualquier sitio.
If you're holding out, I'll rip your lying tongue out.
Si te estás guardando algo, te arrancaré la lengua.
- Oh, if you're lying...
- Si me mientes...
- If you're lying...
- Si mientes...
If you're lying to me...
Si me estás mintiendo...
But if you're lying I'll drop you out of the human register!
Pero si usted está mintiendo... ¡ lo dejaré fuera de el registro humano!
Anyway, it can't be me who's lying, because last night I dreamt, and if you're dreaming you're sleeping, and if you're sleeping you can't go out.
De todas formas, no puedo ser yo quién mienta, Porque anoche he soñado, Y si sueñas duermes, y si duermes no puedes salir.
And if you're lying, and I want to tell when I get back...?
Y si usted está mintiendo, y se lo digo cuando vuelva...?
If you're lying you'Il blink.
Si es mentira, pestanearás.
But if you accept everything, you're lying. There were six of us :
un trabajador de la compañía del gas, un proxeneta, un transportista público, un carnicero de Quipavas y otros del mismo estilo.
If you like me and you're not lying, you mustn't repeat that.
Si me quieres y no estás mintiendo, no debes volver a hablar así.
- If you're lying, I'll be back.
- Si mientes, volveré a buscan'te.
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
30 minutos para las 9, 9, 9, aquí en Radio 1-1-1. Si todavía estáis en la cama, cama, es el momento de levantarse.
If you're lying, remember one thing :
Si estáis mintiendo, recordad una cosa :
Now in view of what you're saying, she must be lying. So if you come back with us
Ahora bien, en vista de lo que Ud. está diciendo, ella debe estar mintiendo.
If you're any part of his blood, you're a lying coward just like him.
Si eres su hermano, debes ser cobarde y embustero como él.
You know, if you're lying, you'll regret it.
¡ Si me engañas te pesará!
Of course, if you're lying... the undertaker's going to visit your relatives.
¡ Saben que si mienten entra la funeraria en el asunto!
But if you're lying, well, this... this will seem like child's play to what I'll do to you.
Pero si me miente, bueno, esto... parecerá un juego de niños comparado a lo que le haré.

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