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Incessantly traduction Espagnol

153 traduction parallèle
Incessantly fruitful
Cargados de futos.
At first they thought he was just another drunk because he kept babbling to himself incessantly.
Al principio pensaron que era un borracho más porque seguía murmurando para sí mismo, incesantemente.
You saw for yourselves how my defense was incessantly silenced.
Vieron cómo el abogado defensor fue hecho callar en este juicio.
All the most interesting people I met.. Talked incessantly of Wuthering Heights.
Todas las personas interesantes que he conocido... hablaban incesantemente de "Cumbres Borrascosas".
We can not forget at this solemn moment Of giving praise to the virtues, the generosity acts of Mr. Lussac, our parish celebrates incessantly.
No podemos olvidarnos en este solemne momento de rendir alabanza a las virtudes, a la generosidad de los actos del Sr. Lussac, que nuestra Parroquia celebra sin cesar.
- Incessantly.
- Sin cesar.
I know I must have talked incessantly during my delirium.
Sé que debo haber estado hablando incesantemente durante mi delirio.
On April 26th, 1937, in the early afternoon hours, a series of Nazi planes incessantly bombed Guernica for three and a half hours.
El 26 de Abril de 1.937, en las primeras horas de la tarde, una serie de aviones Nazis bombardearon Gernika intensamente,.. durante tres horas y media.
And yet you incessantly stand on your head Do you think at your age it is right, it's right
Y ahora incesantemente insistes pensando, crees que a tu edad eso está bien, está bien?
- I've been working incessantly.
- He estado trabajando sin cesar.
Everyone adored him, we used to talk about him incessantly.
Todos lo adoraban, hablábamos de él sin cesar.
I do not wish to be corrected by you incessantly.
No quiero que me corrija constantemente.
A priest, two Englishmen... and an awful person who talked incessantly.
Nadie : un cura, dos ingleses y una persona insoportable, que no paraba de hablar y discutir.
Detective sergeant Miguel Mora, as I was saying, has, for the past few days, been conducting himself in an illegal manner, incessantly, towards my client.
El Sargento detective Mora según iba diciendo,... durante los últimos días ha venido comportándose de un modo ilegal....... permanente con la persona de mi cliente.
Smokes incessantly.
Humea sin cesar.
Vietnam today is a symbol of resistance more general than the others and so we must speak of it incessantly.
Hoy Vietnam es un símbolo, digamos, de la resistencia, y hay que referirse a él sin parar.
Must have been that morning, Raymond, she was at the window watching 2 dogs doing it incessantly.
Debió de ser aquella mañana, junto a la terraza. Ella miraba a una pareja de perros, en plena faena.
Why culminate this problem by incessantly gazing there?
¿ Por qué culmina este problema mirando incesantemente allí?
He keeps his eyes incessantly on me.
Fija sus ojos en mí continuamente.
- He snored incessantly.
- Roncaba incesantemente.
History indicates that the workers working here fought incessantly against the Yanks until we took the industry from them to nationalise it, we say, because now it is Chilean it's not mine, nor anybody's in particular if not all Chileans.
Incluso la historia señala que los trabajadores obreros aquí luchamos incansablemente contra el yanqui hasta que logramos quitarle la industria, nacionalizarla digamos, porque ahora es de Chile no es mía ni de un compañero en particular, si no de todos los chilenos.
You needn't go incessantly.
No hace falta que tú lo hagas continuamente.
A chance but for so many years now this song incessantly comes back into my mind and together with it my long forgotten aunts.
Sí, casualidad, pero lleva ya tantos años... esta canción, dándome vueltas, incontenibile en la cabeza, y, junto con ella, mis difuntas tías y parientes y sus voces lejanas.
There was a mill and a quarry ; and it was pouring down on me incessantly.
Había un molino y una cantera y me tiraban sin cesar piedras encima.
It was as though someone had switched off the wireless... and a voice that had been bawling in my ears incessantly fatuously, for days beyond number, had been suddenly cut short.
Fue como si alguien hubiese desconectado el transmisor... y una voz, que había estado chillando en mis oídos de una forma incesante e irreal, se hubiese callado de repente.
Don't you ever tire of being so incessantly rude?
¿ Nunca te cansas de ser tan maleducado?
Your minute eyelashes Flicker incessantly
Tus pestañas parpadean sin parar
Paul Hugo is the kind of guy who flirts incessantly.
Paul Hugo es de la clase de los que van de mujer en mujer.
From then on, we protested incessantly. for the inauguration of the Vice-President.
A partir de aquel momento pasamos a dirigir toda nuestra protesta, reivindicando la asunción del vicepresidente.
It is her name, not mine, which he incessantly murmurs in his dreams.
Es su nombre, no el mío, el que en sueños murmura incesantemente.
I've had it, cries incessantly that brat You're a real asshole!
No aguanto más. La meona no para de llorar. Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
Crime is not only my job. It is my relaxation. I read incessantly.
El crimen es mi trabajo y me relaja leer sobre ello sin parar.
So I began thinking about it incessantly, till it became like an old friend.
Entonces empecé a pensar en ello. Pienso en ello constantemente. Hasta que me resulta familiar.
They were rivals in virtue and rivals in vice and the battle royal between vice and virtue raged incessantly.
Eran rivales en virtud y rivales en el vicio y la batalla real entre el vicio y la virtud escalaba incesantemente.
Must you watch that thing incessantly?
¿ Debes mirar eso todo el tiempo?
No, she comes over here and complains incessantly about it... While we try to eat.
No, ella viene aquí y se queja incesantemente por él... mientras intentamos comer.
All of nature screams incessantly to its Creator... "Why?"
La naturaleza entera le pregunta sin cesar a su creador : "¿ por qué?"
I don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact that I talk about the two of you incessantly.
No es porque hablo de ustedes dos todo el tiempo.
They say he eats there incessantly.
Dicen que come ahí a todas horas.
What I'm chatting incessantly.
¿ Porqué estoy hablando solamente yo?
Incessantly remembered melodías that had trusted to me privily.
Sin cesar recordaba las melodías que me había confiado en secreto.
Incessantly persecuted by the authorities, the magicians themselves disappeared in the 18th century.
Incesantemente perseguidos por las autoridades, Los magos por sí mismos desaparecieron en el siglo XVIII.
" The heat in my blood incessantly filled my mind
" El calor de mi sangre incesantemente llena mi mente
- Am I talking incessantly?
¿ Estoy hablando sin parar?
The German flow rose incessantly and threatened to submerge everything twenty four thousand in number ( not counting the garrison ), the immigrants dominated, electorally, the twenty thousand natives.
El flujo germano ha crecido sin cesar y amenaza con sumergirlo todo. Con un total de veinticuatro mil ( sin contar la guarnición ), los inmigrantes dominan electoralmente a los veinte mil indígenas.
This guy talks to his victims incessantly.
Este hombre habla a sus víctimas sin cesar.
He speaks incessantly of his god.
ÉI habla sin parar de su dios.
Aplaudiría sin parar si no estuviera siendo digerido por esta arena movediza.
I recognize you in those words, thinking incessantly of the soul.
Te reconozco en esas palabras, pensando sin cesar en el alma.
- Talks incessantly.
- Habla sin parar.

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