It's because of you traduction Espagnol
4,055 traduction parallèle
I think it's stupid to get rid of me, because why would you get rid of someone who's such a strong vegetarian,
Creo que es estúpido para deshacerse de mí, porque ¿ por qué deshacerse de alguien que es tal vegetariano fuerte,
And because I'm such an awesome sister-in-law, I'm gonna get you whatever you want from the vending machine, as long as it's pretzels, because they're out of everything else.
Y porque soy una cuñada increíble, voy a conseguir lo que quieras de la máquina expendedora, siempre que sean pretzels, porque no hay nada más.
And in three days they'll tell you that it's pine sap, which makes sense, because there's a broken pine needle wedged into the sole of his shoe.
Y dentro de tres días le contarán que es savia de pino, lo cual tiene sentido, porque hay una aguja de pino metida en la suela del zapato.
And it's super annoying watching you mope around all the time because of him.
Y es muy molesto verte deprimida todo el tiempo por él.
It's funny you should say that, Ray, because, actually, we're putting your name on a list of suspects for Parkman's murder.
Es gracioso que digas eso, Ray, porque, de hecho, acabamos de añadir tu nombre a la lista de posibles sospechosos del asesinato de Parkman.
You can have a dream, but you must never describe that dream to anyone, or let them see too closely inside of it, because one day they might burst through the door and you may have to see your dream through someone else's eyes,
Puedes tener un sueño, pero no se lo debes decir a otros, o dejar que se acerquen a él, porque quizás un día quieran cruzar la puerta y puede que veas tu sueño a través de los ojos de otro,
It's nothing, he's just upset because we got that new piece of property you're hunting. - What?
No es nada, sólo se molesto porque conseguimos ese nuevo lugar en que están cazando.
With the cheers of your audience, they're gonna keep you up, and you're gonna fly in on wings made of instruments because it's your talent.
Con los aplausos del publico, ellos te mantendran en el aire, y vas a volar con alas hechas de instrumentos porque ese es tu talento.
It's probably a good idea because I can sense from here that you have a paper cut on the palm of your left hand, and I want to rip your entire arm off.
Probablemente es una buena idea porque puedo sentir desde aquí que tienes un corte de papel en la palma de tu mano izquierda, y te quiero arrancar el brazo entero.
If you're in the chair at the end of the show, you've made It through to the live shows, so you have got to do the Performance of your lives, because no one's safe until the
Si estás en la silla Al final del espectáculo, usted ha hecho a través de los shows en vivo, así que usted tiene que hacer lo rendimiento de sus vidas, porque seguro de nadie hasta que el final.
it's because you're full of crap.
Es porque está usted lleno de mierda.
It's because of my love for your plain faces that you can still draw breath.
Es solo por mi amor a sus sinceros rostros que aún puden respirar.
You set a fire in a club full of kids because it's less suspicious than torching it empty?
¿ Prendió un fuego en un club llenos de chicos porque era menos sospechoso que prenderlo vacío?
And you really ought to hang out with a better class of co-conspirator- - or at least a smarter one- - because your pal Jeremy pawned your husband's watch for $ 200 and brought the money to the table- - Yes, it is.
Sí, lo es.
And it's interesting because when you think of the legend that crystal skulls were containers of great knowledge, then perhaps there is vast amounts of information, as the native American elders say, inside a crystal skull.
- Esto es interesante debido a que cuando pensamos en la leyenda de que los cráneos de cristal eran contenedores de un gran conocimiento, entonces quizás hay grandes cantidades de información, como dicen los ancianos nativos americanos, - dentro de un cráneo de cristal.
That man in there still cares about you and he's covering something up because of it.
Ese hombre allí todavía se preocupa por ti y esta encubriendo algo a causa de eso.
And it's only because of her that you're not face-down in the harbour.
Y solo por eso es por lo que no estás boca abajo en el puerto.
Because I know he's a friend of yours, Frank, and you'd think it'd be out of line to do it yourself.
Porque sé que es amigo tuyo, Frank, y crees que estaría fuera de lugar hacerlo tú mismo.
I think it's because of you.
Creo que es por usted.
Maybe it's because you're really sad about something and this is your way of feeling better about yourself.
Quizás sea porque estás muy triste por algo y esta sea tu forma de sentirte mejor contigo mismo.
♪ That it's all because of you ♪ ♪ And you wouldn't want me any other ♪ ♪ Way ♪
* Todo esto es por ti * * y tú no me querrías de otra * * manera *
To tell you the truth, I felt kind of bad taking it, because it wasn't gonna move the needle, but, hey, dog's got to eat, right?
A decir verdad, me sentí mal al aceptarlo. ... porque no sería suficiente pero, vamos, hay que comer, ¿ no?
You know, I'm really excited about this tour because it's one of those rare times when the undercard might be even better than the main event.
, estoy muy emocionado con esta gira porque es una de esas raras veces en las que el cartel puede ser incluso mejor que el propio evento.
You're recording all of this right now, because you want everyone out there to know what it's like to be you.
Estás grabando todo esto ahora mismo, porque quieres que todo el mundo ahí fuera sepa que se siente siendo tú.
That's actually kind of nice to hear, because this is hard to believe, but I got stood up tonight, and it kind of makes me feel good when you say I'm pretty and I have a good body.
De verdad es agradable escucharlo, porque es difícil de creer, pero me han dejado plantada esta noche, y me hace sentir bien cuando dices que soy guapa y que tengo un buen cuerpo.
You want to let go of it but you can't because it's stuck to your fingertips.
Quieres dejarlo caer ir pero no puedes porque está pegado en la punta de tus dedos.
You might think that something happened but that's just because, well, it's the kind of person you are.
Puedes creer que algo ha pasado pero eso es solo porque, bueno, por la clase de persona que eres.
But, if you didn't tell me, maybe it's because a part of you thought that.
Pero si no me lo dijiste quizá fuera porque una parte de ti sí lo pensaba.
Or touch you, because it's the Rod-man's worst nightmare that I sleep with one of his friends.
O tocarte, porque la peor pesadilla de Rod-man era que me acostara con un amigo suyo.
The reason why Choi Young Do speaks to me, and the reason why girls stare at me... I think it's all because of you.
La razón de que Young Do me hable... y de que las chicas me miren así es por ti.
It's because of you that Secretary Yoon has a lot to do at this hotel now.
Porque vienes a este hotel seguido.
- It's because of you!
- ¡ Es debido a ti!
And a movie can't make you feel guilty, a book can't make you feel guilty but here's, like, I'm making an action and somebody can curse me because of it and I feel guilty and it's kind of brilliant in that way.
Y una pelicula no puede hacerte sentir culpable, un libro no puede hacerte sentir culpable, pero aqui, es como que yo hago una acción y alguien puede maldecirme por ello y sentirme culpable...
And the gaming world hasn't finished invading your life just because it's taught you to perform a few gestures like some kind of gibbon.
El mundo del gaming no ha finalizado invadiendo tu vida solamente por enseñarte a realizar ciertos gestos como si fueses un gibón.
It teaches her that you lie to get out of a tricky situation, and anyway, for him, you know, he's gonna have to figure out, you don't have a girlfriend just because you say you like her.
Eso le enseña que tú mientes para salirte de una situación incómoda, y de todos modos, para él, ya sabes, lo va a descubrir, tu no tienes una novia solo porque le dices a ella que te gusta.
Now you can relive all your Jeffrey Dahmer fantasies in the privacy of your own home. But that's not it because additionally I am giving you an all-expense-paid trip to Dildo Island.
ahora puedes revivir todas tus fantasías de Jeffrey Dahmer en la privacidad de tu propia casa pero eso no es todo, porque además te estoy dando un viaje con todos los gastos pagados a la isla Dildo
No quieren sacrificar a Ios dioses y Ios dioses en ese momento incluyen al emperador.
okay, but if you get made because of that, it's on you.
Vale, pero si te descubren por eso, será culpa tuya.
well, it's hard to believe i'm gonna say this, because i've spent most of my adult life hating you and everything you stand for, but... thanks.
Bueno, no me puedo creer que vaya a decir esto porque he pasado la mayor parte de mi vida como adulto odiándote y todo lo que representas, pero... Gracias.
You know, the truth is, I never really got into baseball because it's more of a father / son game.
Sabe, la verdad es que nunca he estado muy metido en el béisbol... porque es un juego más de padre / hijo.
It's all because of you.
Es todo por ti.
I took this job because I heard you were a hard-ass boss who would push me to be the best that I could be, and you're treating me like some kind of princess, and it's bullshit!
Tomé este empleo porque escuché que eras un jefe muy duro... que me presionaría para sacar lo mejor de mí y me ha estado tratando como a una princesa, ¡ y eso apesta!
Okay, Carter, a big part of Christmas is masturbating like you would any other day but feeling guilty about it because it's Christmas.
De acuerdo, Carter, una gran parte de la Navidad se está masturbando como lo haría cualquier otro día, pero sentirse culpable por ello porque es Navidad.
- It's because of you!
- ¡ Es por ti!
If it's because of Na Young, then you should stop.
Si era debido a Na Young, entonces deberías parar.
If it's because of the trouble I got you into...
Si es debido al problema en el que te metí...
It's all because of you!
¡ Es todo por tu culpa!
It's interesting you should ask because I've been thinking that there must be a way to measure the passage of time.
Es interesante que preguntes porque he estado pensando que debe haber una forma de medir el paso del tiempo.
I wonder if it's because of the memory spell you cast back then.
Me pregunto si es por ese hechizo de recuerdos que hiciste entonces.
It's because of you.
Es por usted.
Of course it's not what I think, because it's you.
Por supuesto que no es lo que pienso, porque eres tú.
it's because of me 30
it's because 86
because of you 630
of yours 40
of you 197
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's because 86
because of you 630
of yours 40
of you 197
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347