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It's important traduction Espagnol

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Trust me, it's important.
Créeme, es importante.
But it's a... ( laughs ) - This is very important, and I need to... MEIR :
- Esto es muy importante, y necesito...
It's important that he sees you as being his advocate.
Es importante que te vea siendo su defensora.
Erica, it's very important.
Acabo de coger mi descanso. Erica, es muy importante.
But in light of false stories over the last number of days about the state of our marriage, we now feel it's important to share this unfortunate news.
Pero a la luz de las mentiras de los últimos días sobre nuestro matrimonio nos parece importante compartir esta triste noticia.
If it's so important to you, we'll do it!
Si es tan importante para usted, lo haremos!
What's important is how it was obtained.
Lo que es de crucial importancia es como se obtuvo la confesión.
It's important to remember... We can rely on each other in times of need.
Es importante recordar que podemos contar con las otras en tiempos de necesidad.
It's very important.
Es muy importante.
I'm sure it's not important.
Estoy seguro de que no es importante.
It's much more important that learning is fostered in the home by loving and supportive parents.
Es mucho más importante que Se fomenta el aprendizaje en el hogar por los padres de amor y apoyo.
And at these 300, give or take, crime scenes, at any crime scene, it's important, isn't it, that evidence is examined, photographed, cataloged, and carefully stored?
Y en esas trescientas, más o menos, escenas del crimen, en cualquier escena del crimen, ¿ es importante, no es así, que las pruebas sean examinadas, fotografiadas, catalogadas y cuidadosamente almacenadas?
It's important I make you aware of something.
Es importante tomar consciencia sobre algunas cosas.
So... it's important to communicate that problem with the other children.
Así que, es importante comunicarle a las otras chicas sobre ese problema.
It's not important what I believe, Scully.
No es importante lo que creo, Scully.
It's important what they believe.
Es importante lo que ellos creen.
I am going to meet our most important soldier and I have to yank out his tooth, because he's not going to let us just take it out nicely.
Que voy a conocer a nuestro guerrero más importante y le tengo que arrancar un diente, porque no se lo dejará sacar por las buenas.
It's important, Spínola.
Es importante, Spínola.
It's important.
Es importante.
But it's important that you don't fail again.
Pero es importante que no vuelvan a fallar.
Anathema to you, perhaps but it's an important part of the human condition.
Anatema para ti, tal vez, pero es una... parte importante de la condición humana.
It's the most important currency in the world.
Es la moneda más importante del mundo.
Okay, spend the rest of the day getting some stuff, only the most important stuff, and wait'til your dad's left the house to get it together.
Muy bien. Pasa el resto del día juntando algunas cosas. Solo las cosas más importantes.
Marty, I want you to know it's very important that whatever you bring in regarding financials has to be bold-letters dazzling.
Marty, quiero que para saber que es muy importante que todo lo que traen en relación con el sector financiero tiene que ser audaces cartas deslumbrante.
I think it's important we think about these people around the world not as victims of violence, but ambassadors for peace.
RECEN POR PARÍS... no como víctimas de la violencia, sino como embajadores de la paz.
She was great in the fact that she showed Dad that being with your children and your grandchildren, it's very important.
Ella era grande en el hecho de que ella mostró papá Que estar con sus hijos y sus nietos, Es muy importante.
No reason, I just see that it's a very important case to you and I want to help you.
No hay ninguna razón especial, sólo veo que es un caso muy importante y quiero ayudarte.
It's not important.
No es importante.
Yes, but since the FBI reports to the White House, I thought it was important that I say what I have to say in my own words, so there's no room for misunderstandings.
Sí, pero ya que el FBI le reporta a la Casa Blanca, creo importante decir lo que quiero en mis palabras.
Second... And I think it's the more important point. I think that this today is a travesty.
Segundo, y creo que este punto es importante, creo que todo el día de hoy es una parodia.
It's important to get people to sympathize with you.
Es importante que la gente se compadezca de ti.
It's very important that we see that a woman can be there working on this project.
Es muy importante que veamos que una mujer puede estar allí trabajando en este proyecto.
It's really important.
Es muy importante.
Something I've been planning for a while, it's important.
Lo planeo hace tiempo. Es importante.
It's our duty to help guide him through these important decisions.
Es nuestro deber ayudar a guiarlo a través de estas decisiones importantes.
Look, this won't take long, but it's important.
Mira, esto no tomará mucho tiempo, pero es importante.
And I'm making "important" sound bad or scary and it's not.
Y estoy haciendo "importantes" suena mal o miedo y no lo es.
It's important, I have something for you.
Es importante, tengo algo para ti.
I think it's important you say hello.
Creo que es importante que pases a saludar.
Look, it's important.
Mira, es importante.
Yeah. I think it's important it has a handmade feel to it.
Creo que es importante que se sienta como algo firme.
- And it's important we have...
- Es importante que haya...
Sorry, but, just, you know, it's important.
Lo siento, pero, ya sabes, es importante.
Right? Yeah, it's something important.
Es algo importante.
It's really important to her.
Es importante para ella.
But when the history of this moment comes to be written, I think it's important many people gave, not one.
Pero cuando la historia de este momento vaya a ser escrita, creo que es importante que muchas personas dieran, no sólo una.
"It's very important for you to get your rest and stuff."
Es muy importante que descanses ".
That's why it was so important to her.
Por eso era importante para ella.
They say it's important, I bet.
Puedo apostar que dicen que es importante.
It's important that you tell what has happened.
Es importante que digas lo qué sucedió.
- No, it's important.
- No, es importante.

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