Important people traduction Espagnol
2,134 traduction parallèle
Gee, I hope she's not getting cold feet for the operation'cause I've already made promises to important people on this job.
Espero que no esté nerviosa por esta operación... porque ya hice promesas a personas importantes.
I have some kind of community-based group meeting telling them how they're important people to the world.
Tengo una especie de reunión de un grupo en comunidad diciéndonos, a ellos, como lo importantes que son para el mundo.
And important people don't have time for me.
Y la gente importante no tiene tiempo para mi.
Very important people are waiting for an even more important person.
Gente muy importante esta esperando para una persona aún más importante.
Isn't that forgetting just a few important people?
¿ No es eso olvidar a unas cuantas personas importantes?
Important people were gonna be named and he won't do it open court.
Dijo que nombraría gente importante y que no lo haría en el tribunal.
And we have no idea what she was trying to accomplish, Other than meet important people who could do legal stuff.
Aún no sabemos qué quería lograr, fuera de conocer gente que hiciera "cosas legales".
Important people, don't let me down.
¡ Gente buena! , Pero vos no me hagas quedar mal, ¿ eh?
Well, this is an in-treatment-intervention, Bubba, where we gathered the important people in your life together to help support you in your treatment.
Bueno, esta es una intervención dentro del tratamiento, Bubba, donde juntamos gente importante en tu vida para ayudar a apoyarte en el tratamiento.
It is said that they've got a list of important people they want to kidnap and kill.
Se dice que tienen una lista de gente importante que quieren secuestrar y matar.
During my lifetime, I was fortunate to have met two important people.
Durante mi vida, fui afortunado de haber conocido a dos personas importantes.
You should know there's important people involved.
Hay gente importante involucrada.
I'm sure you have more important people...
Seguro que tienes gente más importante...
They're big collectors, they're big, important people,... but I have no idea how to talk with them.
Son grandes coleccionistas, son gente importante, pero no tengo ni idea de cómo hablar con ellos.
But it's how these people look that might be a more important clue.
Pero la apariencia de esta gente podría ser una pista más importante.
Sex is so important between people.
El sexo es tan importante entre las personas.
The people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups : The police who investigate crime
En el sistema de justicia penal, están representadas las personas dos grupos distintos, pero igualmente importantes :
So, you're basically saying that disparagement laws are more important than people's lives.
Así que está diciendo que las leyes de descrédito son más importantes que la vida de las personas.
I think if you want people to see you as a real actress you should be gracious and that the movie's more important than your scene.
Yo creo que si quieres que la gente te vea como una verdadera actriz deberías ser amable y y expresar que la película es más importante que tu escena.
Now, this was important for the people who lived in those places.
Esto fue importante para las personas que vivían en esos lugares.
"l did something really, really important yesterday, " and it absolutely had to be finished this morning, " because these people
"Sabes,... ayer hice algo muy, muy importante,... y absolutamente tenía que ser terminado esta mañana,... porque estas personas necesitan tenerlo desesperadamente,... sean quienes carajo sean,... sea lo que mierda sea que estaba haciendo ayer a la puta mañana."
Okay, when your people are being chased into Argentina By angry cossacks, Maybe a sparkling toilet isn't that important.
Vale, cuando tu gente está siendo perseguida en Argentina por cosacos furiosos, puede que un baño brillante no sea tan importante.
This party is a very big deal for both of us. There will be tons of important political people there tonight.
esta fiesta es un tema importante para nosotros dos habrá toneladas de políticos importantes aquí esta noche.
I think it's really important that people just step back and evaluate the character of a person as opposed to what's face value what's on exterior.
Flight Time y Big Easy... Ustedes son el último equipo en llegar.
All respect to your people, Lisbon, the important thing is we make sure this does not happen again.
Con el debido respeto, Lisbon, lo importante es asegurarse de que esto no pase otra vez.
Most people find the kitchen very important.
Muchas personas encuentran la cocina muy importante.
Thou shalt not steal. It depends what's important to people.
Bueno, depende de lo que la gente considere importante.
For you it's important what other people are thinking, but its my life!
Mira, si te interesa lo que los demás piensen es tu problema, a la final es mi vida!
And... what other people think is the most important thing in the world.
Y ya sabes... Lo qué piensen las otras personas de ti es la cosa más importante del mundo.
But, you know, telling people things, telling the truth, it's important.
Pero, ¿ sabes? decirle las cosas a la gente, decir la verdad, es importante.
When people get killed, it's important. What the hell is wrong with you?
Cuando la gente es asesinada, significa algo. ¿ Qué te pasa?
Take it for granted that there is significant wisdom and value in interacting with other people in groups that don't have all the kind of classic infrastructure, but are nevertheless tremendously important and engaging.
Dando por sentado que hay un valor y sabiduria significativos en el interuactuar con otras personas en grupos que no tienen todo el tipo de infraestructura clasica, pero no obstante son, tremendamente importantes y atractivos.
You know, this isn't about a DIY country... because if you had a DIY country without any role for government where would the funding come from for all the important things that people want done in a particular area, for example.
Usted sabe, esto no es sobre el pais DIY.. porque si tienes un pais DIY sin ningun papel del gobierno de donde van a venir los fondos para todas las cosas importantes para todas las cosas que las personas quieren que se hagan en una zona, por ejemplo.
I think it's really important to share these cars with people.
Creo que es importante compartir esos autos con la gente
And when you, kind of, put away all the flowery words, when you put away all the rhetoric, when you put away all the rock and roll music, what he does is what's important for the people of this country,
Y cuando, les sacas todas las flores, es decir, cuando se aleja de la retórica, cuando saca a toda la musica Rock. lo que el hace es lo imortante para la gente de este pais, empezando por la verdad
And these are the people who claim to be the saviors of the economy, the people who have created every important crisis in the past hundred years, the Federal Reserve.
Y estas son las personas que afirman ser los salvadores de la economía, las personas que han creado cada crisis importante en los últimos cien años, la Reserva Federal.
Barack Obama, who had pledged on the campaign trail to wait five days before a bill could be voted on so that the Congress and the people could have a chance to read it, said that the stimulus was too important and it had to be passed before anybody
Barack Obama, quien había prometido en su campaña esperar cinco días antes de que un proyecto de ley pudiera ser votado para que el Congreso y el pueblo tuvieran oportunidad de leerlo, dijo que el estímulo era demasiado importante y tenía que ser aprobado antes de que cualquiera
And each and every one of you watching this, every single one of you, is just as important as the people who were our founding fathers.
Y todos y cada uno de ustedes viendo esto, todos y cada uno de ustedes, es tan importante como las personas que fueron nuestros padres fundadores.
Here, take a pin and wear it so people will know how you stand on this very important issue.
Tome un pin y llévelo para que la gente sepa que usted apoya esta cosa tan importante.
The most important is the living people.
No hay nada en este mundo que no sea agotador.
And what they actually do is that they lead you into another type of a group mentality, or a new age religion, whatever it is and people still, are not able to kind of really break free from that and follow their own... journey, or their own path, which I think is very important in all of this.
La gente esta genuínamente buscando algo nuevo están genuínamente buscando un nuevo tipo de espiritualidad Ya sea para mejorarse a sí mismo o para cambiar algo, pero este movimiento ha sido secuestrado.
Yet the most important functions of these groups is to manufacture the consent and complicity of the people.
Las dinastías de élite de estos cultos operan a través de sus descendientes y en la actualidad son muy poderosas.
That was really important for what happened here because among them were Scottish Protestants whose people had already moved once to settle in Ulster in Ireland.
Eso es importante por lo que pasó aquí, porque entre ellos había protestantes escoceses cuyo pueblo ya se había mudado una vez, estableciéndose en Ulster, Irlanda.
If possessions were important in life, rich people would be happy.
Los activos con ganancias solo hacen feliz a la gente rica.
How important is it for you, to help other people?
Que tan importante es para ti, ayudar a otras personas?
It's important that the people you're working with trust you and you trust them and you effectively work out the sort of highly-detailed choreography weeks and weeks in advance of when you actually get to do it on the set.
Y que tu confíes en ellos para poder ejecutar el tipo... de coreografía planificada con semanas de antelación... cuando realmente se deba hacer en el set.
I will have you know that this show is very important to a lot of people, including but not limited to me.
¡ Este programa es muy importante para mucha gente... incluyéndome a mí!
Look. I'm trying to do important stuff that matters for people.
Quiero hacer cosas importantes que le importan a la gente.
( Cameraman ) Tell me about the most important people in your life.
Háblame de las personas más importantes de tu vida.
Though he has talent of hundred people, he doesn't have one important thing which we have.
Aunque tenga el talento de cientos de personas, no tiene una cosa importante que nosotros tenemos.
I think the most important thing that we could do right now that would be fairly straightforward to do is to ask and answer the question of whether Ayahuasca could help people who have drug and alcohol abuse.
Yo creo que lo mas importante que podemos hacer ahora, que sería bastante sencillo, sería preguntarnos y respondernos si la Ayahuasca puede ayudar a las personas que abusan de drogas y alcohol.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people are dying 81
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25