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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It's like you said

It's like you said traduction Espagnol

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- Good. It's like you said.
- Es como dijiste.
It's just like you said.
Justo como habías dicho.
- I think it's like you said.
- Creo que es como dijiste tú.
Look, it's like you said.
Mira, es como dijiste.
But you know, it's like my mama always said "Two tears in a bucket motherfuck it."
Pero, sabes, como decía mi madre "Dos lágrimas en un cubo y a tomar por el culo".
It's just so interesting. You said it like it was nothing.
Fue tan interesante lo que dijiste en la cena. ¡ Y con qué facilidad!
I don't know, because like I said before... bondage is, to me, that's- - I don't know what you'd call it, but I can relate to that.
No sé, porque como dije antes... La sumisión para mi es... no sé cómo decirlo, pero me puedo identificar con eso.
It's like you said, Quentin, is keep your head down, keep it simple, just look at what's in front of you.
Es como dijiste tú, Quentin. Mantén la cabeza baja, manténlo simple. Sólo mira lo que tienes delante.
I asked Andy if he could see anything, and that's when he saw the parachute and said : "It looks like he has an SOS." Well that... gave us both the clue that... someone was down there, and the fact that you were there after three passes...
Él vio el paracaídas y dijo que parecía un SOS. Entonces entendimos que ahí abajo había alguien. Por el hecho de que siguieses allí.
It's like you said, relationships change.
Es como tú dijiste, las relaciones cambian.
Kerry, like you said before, it's nothing personal.
Kerry, como he dicho antes, no es nada personal.
It's like, I saw you talk on TV the other day and the things you said- -
Lo vi hablando en televisión el otro día y las cosas que dijo...
well, it's like you said before, this could be exciting.
- Como dijiste antes puede que esto sea excitante.
Like I said, maybe it's better you don't come.
Como dije, tal vez sería mejor que no vinieras.
It's like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit and, you know...
Es como dijo Lenin, busca la persona que se beneficiará y...
It's not like he said that you actually saw a plane going down. Just you thought you might've heard one with engine trouble.
No ha dicho que haya visto un avión sino que le pareció oír uno.
Like Miles said no matter how bad you want to play it's the music that lets you.
Como dice Miles, no importa lo mal que sepas tocar, es la música la que decide.
It's like you said, nice guys finish last.
Como tú dijiste : "Los buenos acaban en último lugar".
It's not like you said it was going to be.
Esto no ha salido como habías planeado.
Earl said that if you stand right at the edge just when the sun comes up, it's like seeing the first sunrise in the whole world.
Earl decía que si te paras en el borde cuando sale el sol es como ver el primer amanecer de todo el mundo.
It's like you said, we all brothers out here, whether we like it or not.
Aquí todos somos hermanos, nos guste o no.
Maybe it's like you said.
Quizás es como tú dijiste.
It's just like you said.
Tienes razón.
And he said, "l'm sure you'll tell me when you feel like it" He's obviously mind-fucking you
Te digo que : "Estoy seguro que me lo dirá cuando le parezca"
I had a silly idea, if you like that when they're playing table tennis, and it's a bizarre, magic atmosphere I said to Michael, "Suppose instead of using the real-looking amber sun I use the lemon sun to make it sort of slightly weird?"
Tuve la idea tonta cuando juegan al ping-pong, con esa atmósfera extraña y mágica le dije a Michael : "¿ Y si en lugar del sol ámbar que parece real uso el sol limón para que quede algo raro?"
I said, "Hey." You make "crazy" sound like it's worse than deceitful.
¡ Dije oye! Luego hiciste un sonido como el peor de los falsos.
She said it's not like you.
Dijo que no era tu estilo.
Oh, um, I got you a little present. A guy in the retro shop said it represents friendship, and that's something I'd very much like to have with you.
Un muchacho en la tienda "retro" dijo que representa la amistad... y eso es algo que me gustaría mucho tener contigo.
It's like you said, nothing's for sure.
Es como tú lo dijiste, nada es seguro.
It's not like she walked up to you and said,
No es que fuera hacia tí y dijera,
Well, it's, uh, you know, it's uh, it's like I said, it's for my friend Tony.
Ya te lo he dicho, es algo para Tony.
Like you said, Tony it's pure.
Como tú decías, Tony... ... es puro.
It's like you said, better you than me, right?
Es como dijiste... Mejor tú que yo, ¿ verdad?
It's just like you said.
Usted tenía razón.
It's just like you said, you're upset that I demean my affair with you!
Te traicioné. ¡ Te revienta que eso hiciera de menos nuestra aventura!
But, like you said, that last one that you had, it was a message that there's song and all of us too, Ally, your life.
que la última era un mensaje diciendo que hay música en cada uno. - Tu vida.
It's just that we said, you know... no pressure, no expectations... and... I just broke up with Ben two months ago... and I spent all last year... following Ben or following Noel and... no matter how much I like you...
Es sólo que dijimos que no habría presión, ni expectativas y yo acabo de terminar con Ben hace 2 meses... y pasé todo el año pasado siguiendo a Ben o siguiendo a Noel,
You said you thought your hair looked like an 8-year-old boy's and I'm just saying I like it.
Dijiste que se veía como de un niño de 8 años y eso me gusta.
Well, like you said... it's as important to know your friends... as it is to know your enemies.
Pues, como dijo... es importante conocer a los amigos... y conocer a los enemigos.
But you said it was like they were "lightening the workload" providing a wife's duty when you were too busy.
Pero has dicho que era como "aligerar la carga" supliendo tu deber de esposa cuando no podías.
Like when you asked me to help you host the bake sale. Only it's different, because I said yes.
A cuando me pediste ayuda con tu venta de comida horneada con la diferencia de que yo dije que sí.
Maybe it's like you said.
Pues eso mismo te preguntabas tú.
Like you said once you put your mind to it, anything's possible.
Como dijiste una vez que pones tu voluntad, todo es posible.
It's like, you know we said we wouldn't lose our virginity... until we got married, and that didn't happen.
Por ejemplo... dijimos que nos mantendríamos vírgenes hasta casarnos, y eso no sucedió.
It's like you said, buddy.
Se acabaron las mentiras.
It's probably why they talk like that so you can't follow what's being said.
Por eso deben hablar así. Así no entiendes lo que dicen.
And it's just like you said. It's like I was lookin'at myself, like, man!
Y es como me dijiste. ¡ Es como si me estuviese viendo a mi mismo!
It's like what you said, but faster.
Es lo mismo que has dicho tú pero más rápido.
Like I said, it's all about results and if you don't get them I will.
Como dije, es todo acerca de resultados y si tu no los tienes los tendré.
It's like you said.
Fue un triunfo para todos los involucrados.
Well, it's like you've always said, dad. Nothing personal, just business.
Tú siempre has dicho que no hay nada personal en los negocios.

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