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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It belongs to me

It belongs to me traduction Espagnol

411 traduction parallèle
It belongs to me.
Me pertenece.
And, say, if you find a fountain pen, it belongs to me.
Y, de paso, si encuentran una estilográfica, es mía.
It belongs to me!
Me pertenece.
The necklace, it belongs to me now.
El collar. Ahora me pertenece.
He can't do that. It belongs to me.
No le dejaré, es mío.
It belongs to me!
¡ Ese país me pertenece!
It belongs to me! It does, does it?
- Me pertenece a mí, ¿ entiende?
It belongs to me.
Son cosas mias.
Me pertenece... y un Gaylord nunca vende la tierra.
- You miserable barber. It belongs to my robe. It belongs to me, you understand?
Suelta miserable barbero, pertenece a mis ropas ¿ Entiendes?
- It belongs to me now.
Ahora lo es.
No, it belongs to me.
No, son mías.
Because it belongs to me.
Porque me pertenece a mí.
It belongs to me.
Es mía.
But it belongs to me.
Pero me pertenece
Of course, half of it belongs to me.
Y claro, la mitad me pertenece.
... more than it belongs to me.
... más que a mí.
It belongs to ME.
Me pertenece.
It's mine, it belongs to me.
Es mío. Me corresponde.
The Argus. It belongs to me.
Desde la mina Argus.
- It belongs to me.
- Me pertenece a mí.
It belongs to me.
Me pertenece a mí.
- It belongs to me.
Me pertenece.
By right it belongs to me.
Con el derecho de que me pertenece.
They got a fortune down there and part of it belongs to me.
Tienen una fortuna ahí abajo y me corresponde una parte.
Now it belongs to me.
Ahora es mío.
De mi tía Kate.
I am. Part of it belongs to me.
A mí sí, parte de él me pertenece.
Everything in it belongs to me, including you.
Todo en él me pertenece, incluso tú.
- It belongs to me.
- Me pertenece.
But now it belongs to me.
Pero ahora es mío.
It belongs to me now.
Ahora me pertenece.
And you keep that, lest the teacher think it belongs to me!
Y tú quédate con eso, no se vaya a creer el maestro que es mío.
It belongs to you, josie, just like you're going to belong to me.
¿ Dónde está tu corazón, Jim?
But it belongs to you. It mustn't belong to me.
- Sin embargo le pertenece a usted.
Oh. - And it also belongs to me.
- Y además me pertenece a mí.
"I'm givin'this mine back to who it belongs to." And that's me!
"Devuelvo la mina a su propietario". ¡ Ese soy yo!
Father begs me to tell you that beauty belongs to beauty, and asks that you honor him by presenting it to your wife.
Mi padre me suplica que le diga que la belleza pertenece a la belleza, y le pide que lo honre ofreciendo esto a su esposa.
a good one... belongs all to me and worth lots of money. Only, I can't forget what it cost me.
Sólo que no puedo olvidar todo lo que me costó.
It belongs to a friend who's loaning it to me while I'm stationed here.
Es de un amigo que me lo alquila mientras este aqui.
Positive. it will give me pleasure to put him where he belongs.
Claro. Sera un honor para mi meterlo preso.
- She belongs to me, and she knows it.
- Ella me pertenece y lo sabe.
It belongs to you and me!
¡ Nos pertenece a tí y a mí!
You've got somethin that belongs to me. If you want out of here alive, you better give it back.
Si queréis salir vivos, devolvedme lo mío.
But if you know it belongs to him, why do you return it to me?
Pero si es de él, ¿ por qué me la devuelve a mí?
I bought it, don't you understand? The thing belongs to me.
La he comprado, ¿ lo entiende bien?
Read your contract. No matter how you built it, it still belongs to me.
Si lee el contrato, verá que todo lo que construya es propiedad mía.
It belongs to my wife - a present from me.
Es de mi mujer. Yo se lo regalé.
I'm certain the calf belongs to the ranch and I shall enter it into the books as such, when it is born.
Ten por seguro el ternero será propiedad del rancho. Y me aseguraré de inscribirlo en los documentos cuando nazca.
Yes, it says that Gitano belongs to us... to Papa and me!
¿ De Don Alejandro? ¡ Sí! ¡ Dice que Gitano nos pertenece!
It says the place belongs to me.
Dice que ese lugar me pertenece.

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