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It has been a while traduction Espagnol

267 traduction parallèle
It has been a while long ago.
Se ha largado hace un rato.
It has been a while, bailiff.
Dayu, cuánto tiempo sin vernos.
It has been a while. since I wanted to show you such an immense land.
Desde hace algún tiempo, quería enseñarle un sitio tan bello y grande como este.
It has been a while, right?
Hacía tanto tiempo, ¿ no es verdad?
It has been a while, Mr. Drakeman.
Ha sido un rato, Sr. Drakeman.
That's right, it has been a while.
- Tú lo has dicho, hace un tiempito.
It has been a while.
Bueno, ya ha pasado tiempo.
- Well it has been a while since you've practised and we could all use a little brushing up.
- Bueno ha sido desde que estuve ejerciendo la profesión y lo podemos usar para "refrescarnos" un poco.
And, yes, it has been a while.
Y, si, ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It has been a while.
Hace ya su tiempo.
On the other hand... it has been a while.
Y ya que estamos sí que ha pasado algún tiempo.
- It has been a while.
Ha pasado tiempo.
It has been a while.
Tanto tiempo.
It has been a while since the Pharaoh gripped out a zap.
Hace tiempo desde que el Faraón no da un buen pase.
It has been a while.
Hace tiempo ya.
It has been a while, right?
Ha pasado tiempo, cierto?
It has been a while.
Llevan un buen rato.
- Oh, man, it has been a while. They tore down the Dunes 10 years ago.
Las Dunas fue derribado hace 10 años.
Woo-hoo, quite a tiger there. Easy, easy. Ha, ha, I guess it has been a while.
Que tigresa, tranquila tranquila creo que *
It has been a while.
Ya ha pasado un rato.
It has been only for a short while since you were scouted to our Empire after staying in the U.S. for years. So I guess you don't know well, so that's why I'm telling you this.
Porque ha estado mucho tiempo en Estados Unidos... y no ha pasado mucho desde que fue contratado... voy a ponerlo al día con algunas cosas.
It's been a while since you've returned.
Ahora que "has vuelto entero",
It's been going on for quite a while.
- La has visto bastante últimamente.
It has been quite a while... years!
¡ Han pasado los años!
While not stating it has been exhumed It can not reburied!
¡ Mientras no conste que haya sido exhumado no se le puede volver a enterrar!
Yet in each case, while we have been following up a false scent, he has come up not only with a plausible explanation of how the crime was committed, but one so convincing that it stands up to the closest scrutiny.
En cada caso, mientras estábamos siguiendo... una pista falsa, el apareció... no solo con una explicación posible de como... fue cometido el crimen, sino con una convincente... puesta de pie de una pista cercana.
Finklestein, a short man with glasses, told police that he has been fighting to hold his anger in for years, and is very embarrassed that it broke loose while he napped.
Finklestein, un hombre bajo y con gafas, luchó por reprimir su ira durante años, y se avergüenza de que se le haya escapado mientras dormía.
Minister, it's not my place, but, er, previously the acceptable answer has been, " While one does not seek the office, one has pledged oneself to the service of one's country, and if one's friends were to persuade one that was the best way one could serve, one might have to accept the responsibility
Quizá no sea el más indicado, pero creo que una respuesta aceptable es que aunque uno no aspira al cargo, uno se ha comprometido a servir al país, y si los amigos lo persuadiesen de que la mejor manera de servirlo es esta,
And while you're at it, could you please check out a black spot on Jupiter that has been detected by satellite telescope.
Y mientras lo hacéis, podríais controlar una mancha negra en Júpiter... que ha sido detectada por el telescopio de un satélite.
While I was laid up with broken bones, she rifled through my desk, found my memo outlining a Trask radio acquisition and has been passing it off as her idea.
Mientras estaba en cama con los huesos rotos, ella hurgó en mi mesa, encontró mis notas sobre la compra de la emisora de radio y les ha hecho creer que fue idea suya.
Look, ALF, I don't wanna sound insensitive but it has been a week and I thought we agreed that while you were here you'd help out.
¿ Hablabas en serio? Pensé que bromeabas.
Just taking a look... at what you've been doing while I've been gone... and it looks pretty good, considering...
- No, no, sólo... miraba lo que has hecho en mi ausencia y... parece bastante bueno si tenemos en cuenta...
Been studying it quite a lot, have you, while you're alone in the house?
La has estudiado mucho, ¿ no? Y estabas solo en casa.
- Been a while. - Yes, it has.
- Hacía mucho que no te veía.
It has come to our attention that you have been bribing servants... in order to have access to the boy in secret... while you well know that Herr Beethoven would not allow...
Se nos ha hecho presente que ha estado sobornando a los criados... para lograr acceso al niño en secreto. Ud. Sabe que Herr Beethoven no permitiría...
And while I was putting it away... I discovered a little something you've been hiding.
Y mientras lo hacía descubrí algo que has estado ocultando.
It's been a while since anyone has slept around here.
Hace mucho tiempo que aquí nadie duerme.
While it is clearly stipulated in Article 9 that, and I quote, seized ships and cargo are to be returned entirely to their proprietary, the end of quote, it has not been shown to the court's satisfaction that these particular Africans fit that description.
Aunque el artículo 9 de dicho tratado estipula que y cito, "toda nave o cargamento que se hubiere apresado se restituirá íntegramente a su propietario" fin dela cita no se ha demostrado satisfactoriamente que los africanos se ajusten a tal definición.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it has been known to happen that every once in a while, two people sleep together, they enjoy it and afterward everything works out fine.
Corrígeme si me equivoco, pero de vez en cuando pasa que dos personas hacen el amor, disfrutan y después todo va la mar de bien.
While it has been a time-honored symbol of our faith... Holy Mother Church has decided to retire... this highly recognizable... yet wholly depressing image... of our Lord, crucified.
A pesar de que haya sido un símbolo de nuestra fe a través del tiempo... la Santísima Iglesia Madre ha decidido retirar... esta imagen tan reconocible... pero totalmente deprimente... de nuestro Señor, crucificado.
Well, correct me if Im wrong, but it has been a little while since you've gotten any, right?
- Perdon? Bueno, corrijanme si me equivoco, pero hace algo de tiempo que tu na ni na, cierto?
It's just the car behind us has been following for a while.
Ese coche viene siguiéndonos desde hace mucho.
And it feels like... have you ever picked up a wet sponge... that's been lying there a while, y'know... when you wash the bathtub and the sponge lies around for two days... and it's still not dry, y'know?
Y se siente como... ¿ Has tomado una esponja mojada que ha estado ahí un rato cuando te das un baño de tina y la esponja ha estado ahí dos días y aún no se seca?
- Has it been blowin'like this for a while?
¿ Ha estado soplando un tiempo? Sí.
He told me so. And it has been going on quite a while.
Me lo dijo él, desde el primer momento.
It's been a while this sir has been with me.
Este señor, está conmigo hace rato, se ha quedado aquí.
You have to look at the fire, if it has been quiet a while.
Tienes que ver si el fuego ha estado quieto por un tiempo.
A little more experience under his belt. You know, he's been at it a while, and he kind of has a handle on it.
Tiene más experiencia a su favor, lleva más tiempo en esto y además ya tiene su técnica.
In a while it will say to me where there are been last the 9 days Fantastic, is not asi'?
En un momento me dirá donde has estado los últimos 9 días Fantástico, ¿ no es así?
I almost feel guilty asking you this, because I don't want to take you away from your work, but for a while we've been taking an interest in a small political party. It has 500 or 600 members.
Casi me siento culpable al pedirle esto, porque no quiero alejarlo de su trabajo, pero por un tiempo nos hemos interesado... en un pequeño partido político, con 500 ó 600 miembros.
- It's been a while. - Yes, it has.
- A pasado un tiempo.

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