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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It is good to see you

It is good to see you traduction Espagnol

547 traduction parallèle
Well, Mac, it is good to see you again.
Vaya, Mac, me da gusto verte de nuevo.
It is good to see you again, Major Strasser.
Buenas, comandante Strasser.
Bien, mi flor. ¡ Qué placer verte otra vez!
It is good to see you.
Me alegra verlo.
- It is good to see you again.
- Es estupendo volver a verte.
Judy, it is good to see you again.
Judy, ¡ me alegra volver a verte!
- It is good to see you Lala and this too.
- Me alegro de verte Lala, y a esto también.
It is good to see you looking so well.
Es agradable verle con tan buen aspecto.
- Steve Martin. It is good to see you.
- Steve Martin, me alegro de verle.
Well, it is good to see you.
Me alegra verte.
Monsieur Dumont, it is good to see you again.
Señor Dumont. - Me alegro de volver a verle.
Oh, it is good to see you back.
Qué alegría verte de vuelta.
Still it is good to see you both, and here of all places.
Pero... Me alegro de verlos, y nada más ni nada menos que aquí.
- Oh, boy, is it good to see you! Oh, gee!
- El gusto es mío. ¡ Caramba!
Well, I guess we're all having a swell time and it sure is good to see all you gents with your molls here.
Bueno, creo que todos estamos pasando un buen momento y es bueno verlos a todos con sus amigas.
Oh, how good it is to see you again.
¡ Qué alegría volver a verlo!
Of course not, sir, but you should see how kind he is a als that's how you learn to judge..... someone's character when we go fishing once in a....... I've always observing him... it's such a good opportunity to watch someone... to study him. I've witnessed it... a dog had fallen in the water...
Naturalmente que no, señor, pero debería ver lo amable que es para que pueda juzgarle el carácter de alguien cuando va a pescar siempre le observo, es una buena oportunidad de observarle, estudiarle, he sido testigo de ello un perro que había caído al agua...
It is good to see my people happy. You have done much for them.
Es bueno ver a mi gente contenta.
- Well, it certainly is good to see you.
- Pero estoy encantado de verte.
Yes, sir, it certainly is good to see you.
Oh, sí, encantado de verte.
- Well, yes, it certainly is good to see you.
- Es un verdadero placer verle.
It certainly is good to see you again.
Es un placer volver a verle.
- Oh, Kerry, it sure is good to see you.
- Oh, Kerry, nos alegramos de verte.
- It's been a long time. - Is it good to see you.
- Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
- It sure is good to see you.
- Es, en verdad, bueno verte.
It sure is good to see you.
De verdad es bueno verlo.
- My old friend, how good it is to see you.
Amigo mío, me alegro mucho de verle.
It sure is good to see you all again... but we'll get sociable a little bit later.
Me alegra volver a veros, pero ya tendremos tiempo de charlar.
- It sure is good to see you. - Now, where's Johnny? - I don't know.
Me alegro de verte ¿ Dónde está Johnny?
couldn't you see that? What good is a promise to a sick man... when it keeps his wife from helping him?
¿ Qué se puede prometer a un hombre que impide que su esposa le ayude?
Oh, you don't know how good it is to see you again.
No sabes qué gusto me da verte otra vez.
Oh, how good it is to see you.
Oh, cómo me alegro de verte.
Oh, you don't know how good it is to see you. This guy's sensational.
¡ Qué alegría volver a verte!
Anyway, it's good to see you back. Is it just you two?
De cualquier modo, es bueno veros de vuelta. ¿ Sólo sois dos?
You've no idea how good it is to see you.
No tienes idea de lo bueno que es verte.
How good it is to see you. How have you been?
Qué bueno verlos. ¿ Cómo han estado?
This is Uncle Raoul coming to you once again with Story Book Time, and it's so good to see all my little nieces and nephews out there.
Soy el tío Raoul vengo a ustedes otra vez con el Tiempo del Libro de Historia, y es tan bueno ver a todas mis pequeñas sobrinas y sobrinos ahí.
Oh, it - it is so good to see you home.
Qué alegría verle en casa.
Oh... it is so good to see you.
¡ Me alegro tanto de verte!
- It sure is good to see you again, Angie.
- Me alegro de volver a verte, Angie.
Everything was just fine and only when we were passing the Cape of No Hope, it used to be called the Cape of No Hope, you see, and today it's the Cape of Good Hope, everything is getting better.
Todo iba bien y sólo cuando estábamos pasando el Cabo Sin Esperanza, solía llamarse el Cabo Sin Esperanza, como ven, y hoy es el Cabo de Buena Esperanza, todo mejora.
- Ah, yes. - How can I put it... He is a good man, of course, but now he went over there to make his own estimation on the real value of the land, you see...
Es, por decirlo de algún modo, una excelente persona ahora se ha puesto a verificar, por su cuenta, el precio real del terreno.
Axel, it is so good to see you again.
Axel, me alegro de verte otra vez.
How good it is to see you again.
Me alegro de volver a verle.
It is very good to see you here.
Me alegra mucho verla aquí.
It is good to see you!
¡ Me alegro de verte!
Well, 38, it certainly is good to see you again.
Bien, 38, qué bueno verte otra vez.
You see, his theory- - and I'm not knocking it- - is that in order for people to be really good... they have to make a free choice between good and evil and choose good.
Verás, la teoría de Él... y no la estoy criticando... es que para que las personas sean muy buenas... tienen que decidir libremente entre el bien y el mal... y elegir el bien.
By golly, Cole, it sure is good to see you.
Dios mío, Cole, me alegro de verte.
If you only knew how good it is to see you.
Si supieran cuánto me alegra verlos.
Mace, I ain't had a chance to tell you, but it sure is real good to see you again.
Antes no he podido decírtelo, pero me alegro de volver a verte.

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