It is not possible traduction Espagnol
969 traduction parallèle
"It is not possible!"
"¡ No es posible!"
"As a precaution, we should immediately hide you in the automaton. Since we are leaving in the morning, I fear it is not possible to wait otherwise"
"Por prudencia, deberíamos esconderte inmediatamente en el autómata, mañana me temo que no sea posible"
- It is not possible, sir!
- ¡ No es posible, Señor!
Oh, it is not possible.
No es posible.
No, Admiral, it is not possible.
No, almirante, no es posible.
It is not possible. - Why is not possible?
No puede ser. - ¿ No puede ser?
- But it is not possible!
- ¡ Pero, no es posible!
- It is not possible, you drunk!
- ¡ No es posible, has bebido!
It is not possible!
¡ No es posible!
But it is not possible for you to carry out your threat. Is it, Mr McKittrick?
Pero no le es posible llevar a cabo su amenaza. ¿ Verdad?
No, it is not possible.
No, no es posible.
I believe that it is not possible.
Creo que no es posible.
It is not possible.
No es posible.
It is not possible.
- Hacen falta más de dos.
I'd also be, but, unfortunately, it is not possible.
Yo también lo estaría, pero, por desgracia, no es posible.
It is not possible that you wouldn't feel the feelings she deserves
Resultaría inconcebible... que no demostrara albergar ningún sentimiento por ella.
Well, I have said, it is not possible with Señorita Vargas
Les he dicho, que eso no es posible con la Srta Vargas
And if it is not possible for you to express our eternal gratitude to those who shed their blood so that France might live, may you at least have the solace of easing the burden of one of their bravest comrades, who was
Y si no les es posible expresar nuestra eterna gratitud hacia aquellos que vertieron su sangre para que Francia perviviera,... quizás al menos puedan aliviar la carga de uno de sus más bravos camaradas,
Why is not possible to be as brave as one wants... just at the moment one needs it most?
¿ Por qué no es posible ser tan valiente como uno quiere? ¿ Justo en el momento en que uno más lo necesita?
... perhaps it is possible to revive the movements of a heart, heal humanity from death, but I have not dared to experiment on anyone.
... es posible reanimar los movimientos del corazón, curar a la humanidad de la muerte, pero aún no me he atrevido a experimentarlo.
It is possible that at one time I might not have cared much for Bernard ;
Es posible que en un tiempo yo no me haya preocupado mucho por Bernard ;
According to the fact of psychology that under great emotional stress the mind sees what it has expected to whether the thing is actually there or not is it not possible that you did not see Joseph Wilson but only the image of him your imagination had created in your head?
La sicología dice que bajo emociones fuertes la mente ve las cosas que quiere ver sin importar si están o no. Srta. Grant. ¿ No es posible que no haya visto a Joseph Wilson sino sólo la imagen de él creada por su imaginación?
- Is it not possible?
- ¡ No es posible!
not at all, Sanitätsrat that's not possible, Bettina what you're saying is completely impossible but it's the truth, pastor Immos himself saw it she is wearing mother's ring that's downright robbery robbery of the holiest, the dearest what has been left to us
En absoluto, sr. Consejero Médico. ¡ No es posible, Bettina!
That is possible. But it's not nearly enough of a reason to run way from you. You shouldn't think that everyone believes every lie.
- Posiblemente, pero no es motivo... para salir huyendo ante Uds. ¿ Cree que todo el mundo cae en cualquier trampa?
On the other hand... it is possible that business alone is not enough.
Por otro lado... es posible que un solo negocio no sea suficiente.
I suppose it is just possible that one might not get back.
Supongo que es posible que uno no regrese.
Yes, but it is alive! - It is not possible.
No es posible, ¿ quién habrá sido?
Dr.Livingstone said it was possible That it is not the Nile but the Congo.
El doctor Livingstone dijo que podía no ser el Nilo, sino del Congo.
Is it possible to have a conversation which will result in Your Highness not sending them?
¿ Es posible tener una conversación para que Su Alteza no los envíe?
I think it not unlikely that he could say that only one charge is possible.
No me parecería raro que dijera que sólo es posible hacer un cargo.
excuse me, your excellency, I cannot think as quickly as you can and I don't know whether Dunja wants to go it's possible that she'll say that she'll prefer to stay with me her life with me is not bad
Perdone, Excelencia, yo no pienso a la velocidad que Ud. habla, y ni siquiera sé si Dunia quiere... Es posible que quizás diga... que quiere quedarse conmigo. No está nada mal, aquí.
You know that's not possible... since it is Gilles I love.
Tú sabes que eso no es posible... ya que es a Gilles a quien amo.
But it's also possible that a man who would take a chance like he has taken so far is not afraid to die.
Pero también es posible que un hombre que se ha arriesgado tanto no tema morir.
If it is possible to believe, I am the exile who is not famous.
Soy un exiliado que no es famoso.
This film is in praise of schools but it is possible that the schools will not recognize it as such.
"Esta película es un elogio al colegio, pero es posible que el colegio no se entere"
I will take you to Kiloran as soon as it is humanly possible, milady, and I will not be wanting extra payment for that.
La llevaré a Kiloran cuando sea humanamente posible, milady, y no le exigiré un pago extra.
Is it possible that sometimes you not only keep the secret, but also the money?
¿ No es posible que también te hayas quedado el dinero?
Not it is possible.
No es posible.
Is it possible, señor, you do not approve the Santa Hermandad?
¿ Es posible, señor, que no apruebe la Santa Hermandad?
- Is it not possible to understand in another tongue?
- ¿ Señor? - ¿ Podemos entendernos de otro modo?
Is it not possible that your people and mine can some day live together like brothers?
¿ Sería posible que tu pueblo y el mío algún día viviesen como hermanos?
But is it possible that he and she did not meet that night?
¿ Pero es posible que él y ella no se vieran esa noche?
Is it possible that you believe that she does not think or feel?
¿ Acaso crees que ella no piensa ni siente?
Is it not possible that the man might have died naturally from other causes?
¿ No es posible que el hombre... haya muerto por causas naturales?
- Why not? Of course it is possible.
Por supuesto que es posible.
It just is not possible.
Sencillamente, no es posible.
- Is it possible there's not enough movement?
- ¿ Es normal que no se mueva?
- Oh, but that's not possible. - But it is possible.
Pero eso es... ¡ imposible!
Is it possible that there's no one who gives me 247 lire not to see her again?
¿ Cómo que adelante? ¿ Es posible que nadie que me dé 247 liras para no volver a verla?
It's better not to meddle in to it and search pleasure whenever is possible
Es mucho mejor no meterse en estos líos... y buscar el placer donde pueda encontrarse.
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is beautiful 109
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is beautiful 109