It was just us traduction Espagnol
1,037 traduction parallèle
If it was just us... If it was just you and me.
Si fuéramos sólo nosotros si fuéramos sólo tú y yo.
It was just us.
Eramos sólo nosotros.
No, no, it was just that, well, after he picked us up in his car, he never spoke a word all the way to the village.
No, no. Es sólo que,... después de que nos recogiese con su coche,... no dijo una palabra durante todo el camino al pueblo.
You just overdramatized it, she was going to give us what we want.
Dramatizaste demasiado. Lo iba a hacer.
Why didn't you tell us? - Well, it was just settled.
- "El negrero..."
Victoria was just telling us about it.
Victoria nos lo ha dicho.
She called it "shining." And for a long time I thought it was just the two of us that had "the shine" to us.
Ella le llamaba "el resplandor" y yo creí mucho tiempo que solo ella y yo lo teníamos.
It's just that I was so afraid the system wasn't going to work for us on this one.
Pero temía que el sistema no diera buenos resultados esta vez.
Well, when I say a house, it was just a hole in the ground, covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us!
Bien, cuando dije casa, era solo un agujero en la tierra, cubierto por una hoja de lona, pero era una casa para nosotros!
Well, we are and we're not. Because by wiping out Kalenda, who was really just a procurer, it tends to bring us back to - to my original idea... of a person who has to blame the rest of society for his own shortcomings. Let's say it's a woman.
Bueno, sí y no, porque borrando a Kalenda, quien sólo era un tercero, volvemos a mi idea original de una persona que necesita culpar al resto de la sociedad por sus propias falencias.
Oh. I... - I just was wondering if you wanted us to park it.
Yo sólo me preguntaba si quería que lo estacionáramos.
I was pretty insulted when it just shrugged us off in less than a minute.
Me sentí muy insultado cuando nos detectó en menos de un minuto.
Estaba pensando, si los teutones nos encuentran vestidos de... civiles, tendremos que dar bastantes explicaciones.
Maybe if we would have done what they told us to do... maybe everything would be just like it was.
Puede que si les hubiéramos obedecido... todo estaría igual que antes.
I know it's kind of a weird time, but I was just wondering, what is going to happen to us on Monday, when we're all together again?
Sé que es un momento raro, pero me preguntaba... qué nos ocurrirá el lunes... cuando estemos todos juntos otra vez.
And... it was plain that this house, was meant just for us.
Y... estaba claro que esta casa era para nosotros.
When I was a student trying to qualify for the jobs you people will let us have, I suddenly realized it wasn't just good jobs that were white.
Cuando intentaba sacarme un título para los empleos que ustedes nos dejan tener, me di cuenta de que no sólo los buenos empleos eran blancos.
It was just great that Coronation Street let us do it, really.
Siéntese un momento, Señor. - ¿ Algún problema?
I thought Craig would smash all the glass when he ran through it but he just made a Craig-shaped hole, so there was this big sheet right in front of us.
- ¿ Has intentado escapar, Rimmer? - Es un planeta de lameculos traicioneros. Me vendían al instante.
Maybe it was just to get close to us.
Quizá lo hizo para acercarse a nosotros.
Mrs. Universe, your husband was just about to tell us what it was like to be the main course at an Amazon love feast.
Su esposo iba a decirme cómo fue ser plato principal en la fiesta de amor amazónica.
It's just that there was some talk last night of us all going ashore together.
Es que anoche estuvimos comentando que bajaríamos todos juntos.
it was just the two of us growing up.
Verá es que crecimos solos los dos.
I mean it was daft enough 11 of us going to Birmingham right, and now there's only 6 It's just suicide Bex
Quiero decir que fue muy estúpido 11 de nosotros íbamos a Birmingham, y ahora sólo estamos 6
That wasn't just another night for either of us, was it?
Esa noche no fue una noche común y corriente, ¿ verdad?
It was just the two of us, Dad. It was a lonely way to grow up. For you, too.
Fue una juventud solitaria.
If I thought that money was gonna come between us, I'd just as soon burn it up.
De haber sabido que el dinero nos separaría, lo habría quemado.
I just wanted us to be together again, but that wasn't good enough, was it? Not after you got a taste of what it was to be rich.
Yo sólo quería estar contigo pero eso no te bastaba después de conocer la riqueza.
It was just us against the cruel world livin'by our wits.
Era cuestión de saber ingeniárselas.
Besides, the Sheriff told us we're just in here for fighting and it was self-defence.
Nos arrestaron por pelear y fue en defensa propia.
But if I'm gonna sing to her, doc, I'd rather it was just the two of us.
Pero si le canto, preferiría que estuviéramos solos.
Besides, the sheriff told us we're just in here for fighting. And, uh, it was self-defense.
Además, el alguacil dijo que estábamos aquí por riña, y fue en defensa propia.
It got to where I was proud that I had the kind of husband... who was willing to risk his neck just to get us the little extras.
Empecé a estar orgullosa de que mi marido... arriesgara el cuello para conseguir un dinero extra.
Just tell us how it was back then.
Solo dinos cómo fue.
You said it was just the three of us.
Papá, mamá y yo... Dijiste que solo estaríamos nosotros tres, ¿ no?
Well, I was thinking, it's sort of a waste for both of us to do time, so why don't you just take the rap for me?
Bueno, pensaba es una pena que ambos cumplamos la pena ¿ así que por qué no asumes toda la culpa?
How many of us have lain in bed, terrified because we thought we saw a ghost or a monstrous face staring in the bedroom window, only to discover eventually that it was just a trick of the light, the moonlight playing on the curtains?
¿ Quién no ha creído ver un fantasma en el dormitorio, o un rostro diabólico en la ventana, y luego descubrimos que era un juego de luces en la cortina?
As we came along the bank here, I was mouthing all sorts of drivel about wanting to make a go of it for the childrers sake and so forth. Just here, I grabbed her round the waist, put one hand over her mouth and I launched us both into the lake.
Íbamos andando precisamente por este camino, mientras le iba yo diciendo tonterías como que debíamos intentarlo por los niños y cosas así, cuando, justo aquí, la cogí fuerte por la cintura le tapé la boca con la otra mano y, sin más,
For us, like the war, it was just a matter of time.
Para nosotros, como para la guerra, era cuestión de tiempo.
Just between us, you see... he's never had a girlfriend. It was nice meeting you.
Entre nosotros él nunca tuvo novia.
This wasn't just for us. It was for every Australian sailor!
iDedicamos la Copa a todos los regatistas australianos!
It was just another Friday night in America and I don't think any of us stopped to think that from Pompano Beach to Saint Paul, kids all over the country were doing the exact same thing we were,
Otro viernes por la noche en los Estados Unidos y no creo que nadie pensara que desde Pompano Beach hasta Saint Paul jóvenes de todo el país hacían exactamente lo mismo.
Parker just called us into his office and um... That was it.
Parker nos llamó a su oficina y entonces...
I was soon to learn just how much more, but even in that moment I had to admire his faith, wherever it might lead us.
Pronto aprendería cuánto más. Pero incluso en ese momento, admiré su fe... nos llevara adonde nos llevara.
I thought it was gonna be just the four of us.
Pensé que sólo seríamos nosotros cuatro.
It was just the two of us and we were talking. He treated me like a friend.
Estuvimos los dos y conversamos y me trató como su amigo.
I liked it better when it was just the two of us.
Me gustaba más cuando éramos solo nosotros dos.
Now, what Plato was saying... is that if we just stop... and go with the flow... and follow our destiny... it'll lead us back to each other
Ahora, lo que Platón estaba diciendo es que si nos detenemos y vamos con la corriente y seguimos nuestro destino... nos llevará de regreso, uno al otro.
My favorite memories of working with Judy are when it was just the two of us performing a simple song and dance routine together like this one from Babes on Broadway.
Mis recuerdos favoritos trabajando con Judy... son de cuando éramos dos jóvenes... cantando y bailando una simple canción... como ésta en Babes on Broadway.
So by putting the original and the reshot versions together it gives us a rare opportunity to see just how perfectly rehearsed Fred really was.
Así que, al poner ambas versiones juntas... nos da una rara oportunidad de ver cuán perfectamente ensayada... estaba la rutina de Fred.
It was an odd feeling that- - Of all this enormous power having laid down its arms and standing there before us feeling this formidable machine as though it were just like a whole mass of sheep in the field.
Era un sentimiento extraño. Todo aquel enorme poderío quedándose allí ante nosotros, de brazos caídos sintiendo esta formidable maquinaria...
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233