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It would seem traduction Espagnol

1,395 traduction parallèle
So it would seem.
Así parece.
- It would seem so.
Así parece.
So it would seem.
¿ Eso parece?
It would seem that her report protects everything but you.
Parece ser que su informe protege todo excepto a ti.
It would seem to be genetically engineered.
Parecería que ha sido diseñada genéticamente.
- So it would seem, sir.
Eso parece, señor.
It would seem that Mr. Hornblower has been most unkind to you, men.
Hornblower. no se ha portado bien con uds.
Not tightly enough it would seem.
Parece que no muy bien.
– Your honor, it would seem, in the interest of justice – – – Justice?
- ¿ Justicia? Mire hacia allá atrás, Sr. Chase.
- So it would seem.
- Podría ser.
- So it would seem.
- Parece ser así.
So it would seem.
Eso pareció.
It would seem the code of silence that hid the sins of this community has not only survived but, in its creator, claimed a final victim.
Parece que el código de silencio que ocultaba los pecados de esta comunidad no sólo ha sobrevivido sino que se afirma en la última víctima, su creador.
It would seem as if the Romans and the Sadducees... both recognised that if messianic movements got out of hand... this would threaten the status quo significantly.
Parece como si tanto los romanos como los saduceos... supieran que si los movimientos mesiánicos se les iban de las manos... verían amenazado su "status quo" seriamente.
It would seem, then, that the two groups were actually one working together.
Parece que ambos grupos actuaban conjuntamente, ¿ no?
It would seem so.
Aparentemente, sí.
It would seem your husband is not a deep connoisseur of your soul.
Parece ser que su esposo no es un conocedor profundo de su alma.
It would seem that they're doing just fine without it.
Parecería que lo están haciendo bien sin ayuda.
- So it would seem.
- Eso parece.
It would seem to me that firing Principal Green is as extreme as him choosing to expel Matt Caufield.
Me parece que despedir a Green es tan extremo como lo de Matt.
Well, it would seem that Birkoff thinks he's found the Cardinal.
Bueno, parecería que Birkoff cree haber encontrado al Cardenal.
Or so it would seem.
O así parecería.
- It would seem not.
- Parecería que no.
Nor any man's, it would seem.
Ni la de ningún hombre, según parece.
And it would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart.
Un buen consejo, pero mi corazón me dice que esté prevenido.
It would seem so, Danny boy.
Eso parece, Danny.
It would seem the Phantoms were attracted to Dr. Ross.
Parece que la Dra. Ross atrajo a los espectros.
And da two, go all over the world it would seem.
Y los dos, parecería que dan la vuelta al mundo.
I can understand from where you're sitting that it would seem like that but I have a good excuse for every single thing that you just said.
Puedo entender desde tu punto de vista... que podría parecer eso... pero tengo una buena excusa para cada cosa que has dicho.
It would seem Her Majesty has had a change of heart.
Parecería que Su Majestad acaba de cambiar de opinión.
It would seem to be your only chance for salvation.
Parece ser su única oportunidad de salvarse.
So it would seem.
Por lo visto.
When that happens, anything's possible, it would seem.
Cuando eso ocurre, parecería que cualquier cosa es posible.
- So it would seem, sir. - Are you all right, Mr. Wellard?
- Asi parece, Sr. - ¿ se encuentra bien, Mr.
He lost half his face and most of his mind it would seem.
Perdió la mitad de su cara y parecería que la mayor parte de su mente.
It would seem you have me, Doctor.
Parece que me tiene, Doctor.
It would seem so, Lieutenant.
Así parece, Teniente.
It would seem so.
Parece que sí.
l guess, given the situation we're in here it would seem to me the only humane thing to do- -
Dada la situación en la que nos encontramos lo más humano para mí sería...
This may seem manipulative, but it would help to have your family there :
- Ah, qué bien. - Tal vez parezca manipulación pero ayudaría si su familia estuviera ahí.
I know I seem like a big old freakazoid here... but it would just mean so much to me.
Jeff. Bueno, ¿ qué dices? Ya sé que parece que estoy como una cabra pero significaría mucho para mí.
I would love for you guys to meet her. It's just that we seem to be having a failure to communicate right now.
Me encantaría que la conocieran pero tenemos problemas de comunicación.
It does seem like a good occasion, and I would love some wine.
Parece una buena ocasión, me encantaría probarlo.
Andrea and Brooke would totally bail, but it doesn't really seem like Tessa, you know?
Andrea y Brooke se la saltarían pero no me lo esperaba de Tessa, ¿ sabes?
Because however an empty gesture it may seem I would like to take notice of the notion that it's not a good idea for the most powerful person in the world to be calling up the people whose laws he signs and asking them for money!
Porque por más gesto vacío que pudiera parecer me daría cuenta de que no es una buena idea que la persona más poderosa del mundo llame a las personas cuyas leyes firma, ¡ para pedirles dinero!
Strange as it may seem... it didn't hurt like I thought it would.
Aunque parezca extraño... no me dolió tanto como pensé.
We could give the foster parents guardianship... and then we could try... for the most incredible visitation rights... and it would almost seem like joint custody.
Le podemos dar a los Forest la tenencia... y luego podemos intentar... conseguir los mas increíbles derechos de visita... y eso significaría algo así como una custodia compartida.
Why is it, would you say, that some people seem to get whatever they want in life?
¿ Por qué será que algunos siempre consiguen lo que quieren?
It would make sense if they used a sword or bat, but it doesn't seem like his men.
Tendría sentido si hubiesen usado espadas o bates, pero esto no parece obra de uno de sus hombres.
But it doesn't seem to me to be everything, believing I am a king when I mount my horse, and I would like to acquire some other knowledge and feel myself to be different with something new in my soul,
Pero no me parece que lo sea todo - creer que soy un rey cuando monto mi caballo - y me gustaría conquistar otra condición, sentirme diferente con algo nuevo en mi alma.
Your friends seem to think it would.
Tus amigos parecen pensar que lo haría.

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