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It wouldn't be traduction Espagnol

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Oh, wouldn't it be amazing if the ring was white gold?
Oh, ¿ no sería genial si el anillo fuese de oro blanco?
- Hmm? - Uh? I wouldn't think of saying it to myself because then I would be saying that I would...
No pensaría en decírmelo a mí mismo, porque estaría diciendo que...
It would be a double tragedy, and I wouldn't even be there to apologise because I'd be dead.
Sería una tragedia doble, y ni siquiera estaría ahí para disculparme, porque estaría muerta.
We wouldn't be here today, were it not for your heroism.
No estaríamos aquí hoy si no fuera por su heroísmo.
Your name wouldn't happen to be Murphy, would it?
Su nombre no pasaría a ser Murphy, ¿ verdad?
If we could do it in the office on Monday, we wouldn't be talking now!
¡ Si pudiésemos hacerlo el lunes en la oficina, no estuviésemos hablando ahora!
No, it's not because Jeremy wouldn't be dead if I had just been paying attention.
No, no va bien, porque Jeremy no estaría muerto si yo hubiera prestado atención.
If that happened to me, Pat or Ronnie, I wouldn't be much in the mood for talking it out.
Si eso me pasara a mí, a Pat o a Ronnie no tendría muchas ganas de hablarlo.
Well, one less hexenbiest wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?
Bueno, un Hexenbiest menos no sería nada malo, ¿ no?
I mean, wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to hide your relationship?
Es decir, ¿ no sería mejor si no tuvieseis que esconder vuestra relación?
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Sí. ¿ Por qué no lo estaría?
Wouldn't it be easier just to put all your information on the flyer?
¿ No sería más fácil poner toda la información en el folleto?
I'm flexible, I'm self-employed, I can work anywhere, so I wouldn't want you to feel like you couldn't ask or that it'd be inconvenient, because chances are it wouldn't be.
Estoy disponible, estoy auto empleado, puedo trabajar dónde sea, así que no quiero que creas que no me puedes pedírmelo o que sería un inconveniente, porque no lo sería.
I really don't want to give up my job, I'd resent it, and that wouldn't be good for either of us.
La verdad es que no quiero dejar mi trabajo, me resentiría y eso no sería bueno para nadie.
~ Why wouldn't it be?
- ¿ Por qué no me iba a gustar?
I think personally, it wouldn't be a great thing to do to Robbie at this stage,
Personalmente, no creo que sea algo muy importante para Robbie en este momento,
Well, if it were easy, wars wouldn't be fought in the first place.
Bueno, si fuera fácil, no existieran las guerras en primer lugar.
It wouldn't be fair for me to hold her back.
No sería justo que la retuviera.
- You wouldn't be human if it didn't.
No serías humana si no lo hicieras.
It wouldn't even be there to get bulldozed if you and I hadn't worked together.
Ni siquiera estaría ahí para ser derribado... si tú y yo no hubiésemos trabajado juntos.
And I wouldn't be standing in front of you right now if it wasn't for my people.
Y no estaría parado frente a ti ahora si no fuera por mi gente.
I mean, it... It wouldn't make sense for you to kill Poole to slow down Grady's case just to turn around and kill Grady so that you could be with Katherine if...
No tendría sentido... matar a Poole para entorpecer el juicio contra Grady solo... para acabar matando a Grady y así poder estar con Katherine si...
I mean, if it wasn't for those "Alive in Tucson" billboards, I wouldn't even be here right now.
Quiero decir, si no fuese por las vallas de "Con vida en Tucson", ni siquiera estaría aquí ahora.
Which didn't seem to me any comfort at all because if it hadn't been a play, then "There, there, Adrian" wouldn't be so upset.
A mí no me pareció ningún consuelo porque si no fuera una obra, entonces el tal Adrian no estaría tan perturbado.
I wouldn't be here if it didn't.
Yo no estaría aquí si no funcionara.
You'd like to shoot me. That'd be nice, wouldn't it?
Te gustaría dispararme, ¿ no?
It wouldn't be our mother without one.
No sería nuestra madre sin uno.
I was the one that said, "Hey, let's start a band together," and then I was the guy that said, once we had the band, "Hey, let's start writing some songs together," so when you think about it, you wouldn't be sitting here in this plush limo today without me.
Fui yo el que dijo, "Oye, montemos un grupo... juntos", y después fui yo el que dijo, cuando ya teníamos grupo, "Oye, escribamos... algunas canciones juntos", así que si lo piensas... bien, hoy tú no estarías sentado aquí... en esta limusina de lujo si no fuera por mí.
It wouldn't be such a chore to kill another.
No sería una lata tener que matar a otro.
But wouldn't it be wiser to just postpone the wedding?
¿ Pero no sería más sensato simplemente posponer la boda?
Well, it wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last.
No sería la primera vez ni será la última.
Even if a boss did have that kind of money, it wouldn't all be his.
Incluso si un jefe tenía esa cantidad de dinero, no sería toda suya.
Forgive me, but wouldn't it benefit your authority to be seen as the hand at work?
Perdóname, pero ¿ no sería beneficiar a su autoridad por ver como la mano en el trabajo?
If it wasn't for the traveller I wouldn't be here.
Si no fuera por el Viajero yo no estaría a aquí.
Wouldn't it be nice to just get something you really want?
¿ No estaría bien que te regalara algo que realmente quieres?
If she killed her mother, she wouldn't be bringing the police into it.
Si hubiese matado a su madre, no involucraría a la policía en esto.
Look, if I knew you to be anything other than an animal with the ladies, anything other than a playboy, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Mira, si supiera que no eres más que un animal con las chicas, que solo eres un ligón, no tendría ningún problema.
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Sí. ¿ Por qué no ser?
- It wouldn't be right at all.
- No se ve bien en absoluto.
It wouldn't be that hard.
No sería tan difícil.
It would be fitting, wouldn't it?
- ¿ Sería lo apropiado, no es así?
But they wanna kill the Espheni just as much as we do, believe me, and we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for them.
Pero quieren matar a los Espheni tanto como nosotros, créanme, y no estaríamos donde estamos hoy si no fuera por ellos.
Well, it wouldn't be if you'd just admit it.
Bueno, no lo sería si lo admitieras.
I wouldn't be worried if it were either of my two older boys, Sam or Dale.
No estaría preocupado si se tratara de uno de mis hijos mayores, Sam o Dale.
It wouldn't be fair to Jim after I just said he was in charge.
No sería injusto para Jim después de acabar de decirle que está a cargo.
Well, now if I told you that it wouldn't be a surprise.
Si te lo dijera, no sería una sorpresa.
Because he knew that the truth wouldn't matter. That I would be convicted in the court of public opinion just for being there. And then my political career would be over before it ever started.
Porque sabía que no iba a importar la verdad... que me condenarían por haber estado allí... y que mi carrera política se acabaría antes de comenzar.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time he's lied to my face.
Bueno, no sería la primera vez que me miente a la cara.
Even if we could find him, it wouldn't be half the fun of killing Cruella.
Aunque pudiéramos hallarlo, sería mucho más divertido matar a Cruella.
It wouldn't be fair to my new bride.
No sería justo para mi nueva novia.
So wouldn't it be prudent for us to pool our energies to make sure you get back what is rightfully yours?
Así qué, ¿ no sería lo más prudente combinar nuestras energías para asegurarnos de recuperar lo que le corresponde por derecho?

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